In a bit of good news for me, a friend of who has an IT position with a major high-tech company gifted me a very high-end PC. Apparently the company has a policy that if there is any flaws with a computer they have to get rid of it, which usually means it goes to an employee. Apparently this one had a scratch on the case and that was enough for it to get dumped. So now I'm the proud owner of a $2,200 PC that can pretty much run any game on at least on mid-level settings.
It is interesting though. I knew I was really out of touch with PC gaming, but I really didn't know I was this bad off. I don't know what anything is. I'm browsing on Steam and I just don't even know what the hell I'm looking at for so many of these titles. I guess I'm just going to spend this weekend I'm bringing myself up to speed on what's been released over the past 5 years.
Enjoying all the hentai and porn games that are now available on Steam? Welcome to the exciting world of modern PC gaming.
I wrapped up Quest for Glory IV this morning and just started with V. I got some mixed feelings about this game.
On one hand, I'm kind of excited to finally see how one of my favorite series of all times ends. The original game came out when I was in college, and I was too broke for PC gaming. So it's nice to finally close this up 25 years later.
On the other hand, the game always had some mixed responses. It was very different than the first four, and the changes were not all well received. And after the first hour I can say some of these changes were definitely made for the worse. Probably the graphics more so than anything. The older VGA art held up pretty well, but in this game they tried to make a transition to 3D characters, and it pretty much looks as good as 1998 3D PC gaming characters looked.
Just more like a dragon and slay the spire for me this week. I've hit a difficulty spike in like a dragon and have been grinding, but they leave you in a very boring and sparse part of town just before this boss, so it's not compelling.
Man: How many of you kids would like Itchy & Scratchy to deal with real-life problems, like the ones you face every day? Kids: [clamoring] Oh, yeah! I would! Great idea! Yeah, that's it! Man: And who would like to see them do just the opposite -- getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers? Kids: [clamoring] Me! Yeah! Oh, cool! Yeah, that's what I want! Man: So, you want a realistic, down-to-earth show... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots? Kids: [all agreeing, quieter this time] That's right. Oh yeah, good. Milhouse: And also, you should win things by watching.
Man: How many of you kids would like Itchy & Scratchy to deal with real-life problems, like the ones you face every day? Kids: [clamoring] Oh, yeah! I would! Great idea! Yeah, that's it! Man: And who would like to see them do just the opposite -- getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers? Kids: [clamoring] Me! Yeah! Oh, cool! Yeah, that's what I want! Man: So, you want a realistic, down-to-earth show... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots? Kids: [all agreeing, quieter this time] That's right. Oh yeah, good. Milhouse: And also, you should win things by watching.
From the snippets in the article he was basically saying that he was going to really do his best to make it good. Always nice to know that professionals working with multi million budgets don't automatically give it their all.
I played some Splatoon3 splatfest over the weekend. There's this new super that creates a massive wall of ink that slowly advances. Thought it was really cool untill I tried it out in a battle and it transpired that enemy combattants can shoot right through it and even walk through it. Basically it does nothing but impede the sight for both sides. Massive fail when you consider how overpowerd some other supers are.
My surface pen stopped working yesterday. My previous one lasted me 6 years, this one crapped out in less than 6 months. It's still in waranty and all, so I'll send it in and receive a new, boring grey one to replace it. Still, it's something I use multiple times a day. Great tech, big bummer.
And now it's working again. Praise the technology Gods.
So I got this Samsung tv, its a top range 1080p set, used to cost 500 USD.
I was reading the deets:
[Stay one step ahead with smooth motion - Motion Xcelerator
Experience clear picture and smooth performance with Motion Xcelerator. Samsung’s clear motion rate algorithms predict and automatically compensate frames, so your picture adapts as fast as your game.]
See news below. I don;t think MS is going to get out of hardware, but I think there is something to these undercurrent stories coming out of GDC. I am getting serious SEGA going multi-plat vibes from back in the decline of the Dreamcast days.
I agree with te strategy, keep XBOX going so normal people can understand the concept of Gamepass and keep releasing your titles day one as part of Gamepass, but make all the other platform users pay through the nose to play the games on their own console until the end consumer appreciates the value of Gamepass.
My surface pen stopped working yesterday. My previous one lasted me 6 years, this one crapped out in less than 6 months. It's still in waranty and all, so I'll send it in and receive a new, boring grey one to replace it. Still, it's something I use multiple times a day. Great tech, big bummer.
And now it's working again. Praise the technology Gods.
I honestly thought MS had stopped doing surface hardware. Nice stuff, bit overpriced though. Do they do a tablet only or are they all convertibles -- I'll have to Bing it.
Enjoying all the hentai and porn games that are now available on Steam? Welcome to the exciting world of modern PC gaming.
Get better soon Raven. Also hope you get over that cold.
This weekend I’ve been playing more Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This time playing on Hard Mode and guess what, it’s hard.
It was pretty god damn remarkable. Who is buying this crap??? You don't even have to seek it out. It's just everywhere on Steam.
I'm about a third of the way through Dead Island 2, just finished the second boss.
On one hand, I'm kind of excited to finally see how one of my favorite series of all times ends. The original game came out when I was in college, and I was too broke for PC gaming. So it's nice to finally close this up 25 years later.
On the other hand, the game always had some mixed responses. It was very different than the first four, and the changes were not all well received. And after the first hour I can say some of these changes were definitely made for the worse. Probably the graphics more so than anything. The older VGA art held up pretty well, but in this game they tried to make a transition to 3D characters, and it pretty much looks as good as 1998 3D PC gaming characters looked.
I wondered where you were. Get better soon.
Just more like a dragon and slay the spire for me this week. I've hit a difficulty spike in like a dragon and have been grinding, but they leave you in a very boring and sparse part of town just before this boss, so it's not compelling.
News: Zelda Film Director want film to be ‘serious and cool,But also " fun and whimsical’"
reminds me of
Man: How many of you kids would like Itchy & Scratchy to deal with real-life problems, like the ones you face every day?
Kids: [clamoring] Oh, yeah! I would! Great idea! Yeah, that's it!
Man: And who would like to see them do just the opposite -- getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers?
Kids: [clamoring] Me! Yeah! Oh, cool! Yeah, that's what I want!
Man: So, you want a realistic, down-to-earth show... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots?
Kids: [all agreeing, quieter this time] That's right. Oh yeah, good.
Milhouse: And also, you should win things by watching.
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Never heard of Kataku. Whoever they are, they clearly won't be missed much.
From the snippets in the article he was basically saying that he was going to really do his best to make it good. Always nice to know that professionals working with multi million budgets don't automatically give it their all.
I played some Splatoon3 splatfest over the weekend. There's this new super that creates a massive wall of ink that slowly advances. Thought it was really cool untill I tried it out in a battle and it transpired that enemy combattants can shoot right through it and even walk through it. Basically it does nothing but impede the sight for both sides. Massive fail when you consider how overpowerd some other supers are.
My surface pen stopped working yesterday. My previous one lasted me 6 years, this one crapped out in less than 6 months. It's still in waranty and all, so I'll send it in and receive a new, boring grey one to replace it. Still, it's something I use multiple times a day. Great tech, big bummer.And now it's working again. Praise the technology Gods.
So I got this Samsung tv, its a top range 1080p set, used to cost 500 USD.
I was reading the deets:
[Stay one step ahead with smooth motion - Motion Xcelerator
Experience clear picture and smooth performance with Motion Xcelerator. Samsung’s clear motion rate algorithms predict and automatically compensate frames, so your picture adapts as fast as your game.]
This sounds like frame generation lol
I'll be amazed if actually works.
Asphalt legends Unite coming to ps4 and ps5 soon. An expansion to Asphalt 9 with new graphics and stuff.
I was playing 9 today, they tend to drop large free updates every few months.
Really love the game, just wish there was a different progression system.
Still I played over 300 hrs for free.
The blurb says all your data caries across to Unite. Hope it comes to switch/2.
Also an Unreal engine 5 Remake of sonic heroes is rumoured to be in consideration at Sega.
In June 7th.
See news below. I don;t think MS is going to get out of hardware, but I think there is something to these undercurrent stories coming out of GDC. I am getting serious SEGA going multi-plat vibes from back in the decline of the Dreamcast days.
I agree with te strategy, keep XBOX going so normal people can understand the concept of Gamepass and keep releasing your titles day one as part of Gamepass, but make all the other platform users pay through the nose to play the games on their own console until the end consumer appreciates the value of Gamepass.
“Majority of games” from Xbox coming to PS5Says credible source.
Publishers reportedly questioning support for XboxAmid ‘flatlining’ sales
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I honestly thought MS had stopped doing surface hardware. Nice stuff, bit overpriced though. Do they do a tablet only or are they all convertibles -- I'll have to Bing it.