GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] THQ Boss "We Don't Have an Infinity Ward" Nice insult to Volition there boss. news aspro
Dead Space 2 Preview Nice little summary of everything so far. impressions aspro
More Athletes Sue EA and NCAA For profiting off their images. media news aspro
Kojima: "Big Anouncement" Re: MGS Wednesday Event being held for Peacewalker. news aspro
[] Sonic Fanbase Eating Itself 'A bunch of Fucktards' apparently. news phantom_leo
[] Hentai crossover fighter Twinkle Queen is coming t Super Bang Hoes Loli? news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Retrospective: Impossible Mission editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Allods Online 6/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Editorial: The FarmVille Diaries EG asks: "Can 85 million people be wrong?" Iga answers: "Yes, yes they can" editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Natal 'based on low-cost, plug and play tech' news gamingeek
[] Current-gen devs 'licking their wounds' after the gargantuan investments poured into the technology of the current gen. news gamingeek
[] Greenburg: Natal to sell millions upon millions news gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption more ambitions than GTAIV Says R* news gamingeek
Heavenly Sword dev: PS3 3D will be limited won't reach Avatar-like 3D clarity until next generation. news gamingeek
[] Tron's Space Paranoids Coming read that right... news Foolz
[] Red Alert iPad review 6.5, flop! impressions Foolz
[] Mirror's Edge iPad IGN review 8.5 Hey, better score too?! impressions Foolz
[] Need for Speed Shift ipad IGN review 9/10...that's higher than what it scored on consoles, right? impressions Foolz
[] Batman in 3d, too good to be true? Looks kinda worse to me editorial impressions Foolz
[] Moto GP 09/10 GT revieq 6.2/10 that's a shame. They used to be fun impressions media Foolz
[] Arc Rise Fantasia GS Hands-On impressions Foolz
[] Mass Effect 2 DLC Now Live After Day-Long Delay news Ravenprose
[] RE: Afterlife producer wants to do another sequel also wants to do a film based completely on the game news Ravenprose
[] Zombie Panic in Wonderland hitting Europe this Friday news Ravenprose
[] Nintendo revamps their tech support forums news Ravenprose
Suda51 Video Interview media Ravenprose
[] Suda51 confirms No More Heroes 3 (platform unannounced) news Ravenprose
[] XSeed shoots down a pair of localizations "Discipline is freaky, really mind-bending stuff. I don't think the US market is ready for it." news Ravenprose
[] Capcom confirms more Wii/DS projects in the works considered Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Wii at one point news Ravenprose
[] Capcom - no plans for Street Fighter IV Wii and no more PS2 ports news Ravenprose
Sessler's Soapbox: Will Nintendo Do 3D Right? editorial media Ravenprose
[] Shantae: Risky's Revenge - first trailer media Ravenprose
Monster Hunter Tri is questioned Iwata asks, Capcom answers editorial hamzik
[] Microsoft's Interest in THQ's $40M Game Bilson may be the new Pachter. news aspro
[] RE Creator Speaks About God Hand Development "We had too much creative control" news aspro
"Madworld was a mis-match for Wii Audience" SEGA Boss looks back. news aspro
[] No More Heroes 2 dated for UK Comes out 28th may news hamzik
Duke Nukem Manhatten Project Hitting XBLA? A New Old Game! news darthhomer
Sakaguchi Defends Last Story "Not a FF re-hash" news aspro
Sony update bricks fat Playstations Kills more than Other OS functionality news Ellyoda
Marvel vs Capcom 3 To Be Announced Soon? Says dude who leaked info on SSFIV news darthhomer
[] Financial Analysts Gaming News Summary Motely fool weighs in on Reggie, Gamestop, Activision. news aspro
[] Wii Transformers Gets Different Name War becomes "Adventures" news aspro
Lead Designer & Lead Engineer Leave Infinity Wonder where they will end up? news aspro
Play MW2 Online for Free Valve and Activision team up for weekend promo. news aspro
[] Eurogamer Previews Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 They love it... why? impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver 9/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Army of Two: The 40th Day DLC 5/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Mass Effect 2 DLC Roundup no score and 8/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] MGS Peace Walker leaked trailer The embargoed trailer you are not supposed to see. media Dvader
[] Wii Holds 47 Percent Of Console Revenue Ibis Capital investment report says Nintendo Wii is still the dominant console. news gamingeek
Famitsu review No More Heroes HD ports Not much has changed impressions news gamingeek
[] Critical Reception: Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 "the most improved sequel of all time." news gamingeek
[] Zelda team galvanised by Monster Hunter 3 Pressure is on to make it look sweet news gamingeek
[] Uncharted 2 'doesn't redefine action games' Says Castlevania producer news gamingeek
[] Kojima: Server based games are the future Yes Kojima, bring it on with my 0.21 mb connection - ASS news gamingeek
[] Alan Wake trailer: 4 minutes of video media gamingeek
[] Xenoblade trailer 2 Shows off massive scale and some dodgy textures media news gamingeek
[] Asteroids Player Smashes 27-Year-Old High Score Three-and-a-half days of playing. news Ellyoda
MGS Conference Details In case you missed it. news aspro
[] Shantae DSiWare Game debut Trailer! Finally some new info on the best DSiWare game yet! media ASK_Story
[] Solid Snake to be a Monster Hunter! Monster Hunter bosses to appear in MGS Peace Walker. Screw Monster Hunter 3, I want this!!! news Dvader
[] MGS: Peace Walker's Big Announcement is. . . an o Not as earthshattering as we had hoped. news robio
Fist Star Loses Her Clothes Japan's top seller shows some skin. news aspro
[] Everyone Sucks At Videogames editorial Ravenprose
[] No Brainer: Wii's Rogue Squadron Compilation "It's been almost four years. Where's our Wii-enhanced Star Wars: Rogue Squadron set?" editorial Ravenprose
[] Xenoblade Dated in Japan news Ravenprose
[] ACE Sequel Announced for PS3 news Ravenprose
[] Red Dead Redemption's Sweet Multiplayer impressions Ravenprose
[] Metal Gear Creator Dreaming Of A Console-Free Future news Ravenprose
[]   Doctor Who: The Adventure Games news Ravenprose
[] 12-Year-Old Runs Up $1,300 FarmVille Debt on his mom's credit card news Ravenprose
[] StarCraft II Special Edition Launching For $100 media news Ravenprose
[] New Developer, Horror Consultants Give Fans Plenty to F.E.A.R news Ravenprose
[] Why Gamers Should Care About Net Neutrality editorial Ravenprose
[] You know you want Shantae! GoNintendo's 'End of Day' thoughts editorial Ravenprose
[] Europe – Q2 2010 Nintendo Release Line Up news Ravenprose
[] Heavy Fire: Special Operations Heads for WiiWare media news Ravenprose
[] Mr. Driller: Drill Till You Drop (DSiWare) review impressions Ravenprose
[] Pro Evo Soccer: Konami Secures The Copa Libertadores License news Ravenprose
[] Solarobo - first footage media Ravenprose
[] PEGI becomes the sole classifier for video games in the UK news Ravenprose
[] DS-like portable w/ built-in rumble? According to a newly published patent by Nintendo news Ravenprose
[] Top 10 Most Avidly-Played Wii games in America news Ravenprose
[] MGS: PW PSP bundle revealed So beautiful! $200 news Dvader
[] Final Fantasy Gaiden Going International under the name "The Four Heroes Of Light" news Ravenprose
The Physical Implausibilities of Pokemon editorial Ravenprose
[] Do games need a story? editorial Ravenprose
[] Interview: Other Ocean's Mika Talks Dark Void Zero's True Origins news Ravenprose
[] Blame Games for Education's Growing Gender Gap | editorial Ravenprose
Feature: Portable Gaming's Moment of Truth editorial Ravenprose
[] PSM3 cover shows Portal 2 for PS3? That is what the cover says, hope it is true. news Dvader
[] Gears of War 3 details leak news gamingeek
[] New Xenoblade video here Wait for it to load media gamingeek
[] MW2 Stimulus pack sells 2.5m Plus: game now played for 200,000 years. news Iga_Bobovic
[] BBC reveals Doctor Who games Free adventure series set for June. news Iga_Bobovic
[] New PAL Releases Roundup - 08/04/2010 Sakura Wars! ME2 DLC! Plain Sight! news Iga_Bobovic
[] Nintendo dates Q2 line-up SMG2! Sin & Punishment! Monster Hunter Tri! news Iga_Bobovic
[] Warner unveils F.E.A.R. 3 Due this autumn on PC, PS3 and 360 news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Reviews Cave Story 9/10 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands on Super Mario Galaxy 2 It's a game for anyone with an ounce of soul left in eyes tired of staring down sniper scopes and iron sights. news gamingeek
[] Super Mario Galaxy 2 screens fly in media gamingeek
JP Sales Update Baseball gets 3 of top 10. news aspro
[] Hacker Claims To Have Linux Working (Again) news Ravenprose
[] PS3 Owner Refunded for Missing Other OS No return of console, either news Ellyoda
[] Confirmed: IW Bosses Fired For Meeting With EA Activision countersuit reveals. If proven, they can say goodbye to their lawsuit. news aspro
Sonic 4's Japan Site Opens It sidescrolls - seriously. news aspro
Star Wars Battle Front Online Cancelled? Layoffs indicate that is the case. news aspro
[] Jett Rocket trailer - Galaxy like WiiWare game This will definetly become a favorite of this site. media Dvader
[] Nighty-Nine Nights 2 hands-on Did anyone play the first game? news Dvader
[] Gears of War 3 for April 2011 MS ruins the annoucement news Dvader
[] Saw 2 reveal trailer. This game is probably torture. media Dvader
Crysis 2 Times Square teaser Well that is a new way to show a teaser trailer. media Dvader
Lost In Shadow Cinematic trailer Shows nothing really media Dvader
Rocket Knight Hard Mode trailer Thank god for this cause the other video looked very easy. media Dvader
New Rocket Knight trailer Gaf says it looks much better than before. media Dvader
[] Castlevania: LoS Dev Interview I haven't seen it yet, I have no clue what he says. media Dvader
[] Castlevania: LoS trailer impressions From Konami's Gamers Night event. impressions Dvader
[] Rush N' Attack Ex-Patriot reveal trailer! For 360/PS3, wow, now there is a game I never thought I would see again. media news Dvader
New Silent Hill game in the works for 360/PS3 Made by some new dev, trailer shows a blond dude... hmmmmm news Dvader
Icahn Continues Take2 Stock Buying Spree Indication of imminent sale. news aspro
EA Wants Infinity Ward Bosses Offer ONE MILLION DOLLAR bounty. (Rumor) news aspro
Tim Tebow Gets Cover NCAA Football Should make up for him missing the 1st round. news aspro
[] Pachter predicts
decent sales for Red Steel
huge sales for Monster Hunter 3 news Ravenprose
Pokemon Gen 5 Names Revealed Black & White news darthhomer
[] Modern Warfare 2 Ad That's Too Dirty For TV Less interesting than it sounds media Ellyoda
PIXELS - Animated short Old-school characters enter the modern world media Ellyoda
[] New Splatterhouse includes original trilogy! Bloody good fun! news phantom_leo
[] Bonus Round Ep 404 Part 2 Next gen marketing media Ravenprose
[] DJ Hero Drops to $49 USD All three consoles at TRU. news aspro
[] Zelda 2010 Gets A Bit More Credible Retailer release date leak (Rumor) news aspro
[] MS Changes XB360 Point Sales Now you can buy Jallards in increments of 400. news aspro
Zelda artbook: 100 page Nintendo dream issue Whole mag scan news gamingeek
MGS Peacewalker is For Casuals, Says Konami A trend appears. news aspro
[] Game Informer - review scores news Ravenprose
Some Thoughts on Grinding editorial Ravenprose
[] Netflix Disses Games-by-mail news Ravenprose
[] Fragile Dreams: Review impressions Ravenprose
Top 10 handheld FAILS of all time editorial Ravenprose
[] Pach-Attack! Ep 111 "How much money do videogames really make? & WWII games " media Ravenprose
[] EPICs new shooter confirmed Bulletstorm news gamingeek
[] VDigi 1080p Wii upscaler review impressions gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 DLC detailed New quests well after US launch media gamingeek
[] Wii Prince of Persia Forgotten sands pics Purty media news gamingeek
[] Conduit 2 interview Motionplus used? news gamingeek
Nintendo Power reviews Monster Hunter 3 9.0 - details inside impressions gamingeek
No Machinarium for XBLA Microsoft demanded exclusivity, did not get it news Ellyoda
[] EDGE 214 review scores Splinter Cell: Conviction, Red Steel 2, MH Tri reviewed impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Characters shown for Last Story Hint: THEYYY'RE GREAT! media news phantom_leo
[] Xenoblade being co-developed by Nintendo! Plus new screens! media news phantom_leo
[] Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring - preview AAA game indeed, it says so in its title impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] More than 1m copies of Heavy Rain sold Cage reckons another 500k will be shifted. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Warhammer Online players overcharged Error results in subs fees of $300 and up. news Iga_Bobovic
[] WiiWare offers Zombie Panic today Plus: Game & Watch! Faceez! PooYoos! news Iga_Bobovic
[] O-Games doing golf for PC, consoles Tiger not out of the Woods yet. news Iga_Bobovic
[] POP Forgotten Sands slips a week Out seven days before Hollywood film. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Ubisoft: Our DRM will "evolve, improve" And "most" of PC line-up will use it. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Konami's A Shadow's Tale for autumn Wii game known as Lost in Shadow. news Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer Download Games Roundup Space! Shakespeare! Monsters! Crap! impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on APB impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Eurogamer hands-on Crysis 2 impressions Iga_Bobovic
[] Xbox 360 Storage Showdown: The Flash Factor Eurogamer Editorial editorial Iga_Bobovic
[] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Eyes-On impressions Ravenprose
[] Safety First - TeaBagging media Ravenprose
[] The Future of Shooters editorial Ravenprose
[] Monster Hunter Tri Multiplayer Preview impressions Ravenprose
[] Modern Warfare 3 In Development news Ravenprose
[] Crysis 2 Preview impressions Ravenprose
[] Splinter Cell: Conviction Review 9.3 impressions Ravenprose
Gaming Snobbery editorial Ravenprose
[] Lost in Shadow Preview impressions media Ravenprose
[] Lost in Shadow Hands-on impressions Ravenprose
[] Lost in Shadow Gameplay videos media Ravenprose
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 01:18:20

I have a huge crush on Milla Jovovich so I have to see the new RE movie plus it's in 3D.


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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 03:26:29
New Week!

I didn't do too much gaming this weekend, which is odd considering the caliber of games I have laying around right about now.

I kicked off the weekend with my purchase of a DSiXL, so the few things I DID play centered around that. They were:


The only other thing I did gaming-related this weekend was introduce my nephew to my favorite genre of all. I downloaded this for him on the Wii:

...and got to experience for the first time AGAIN the wonderment, intrigue and exploratory fun that ONLY games of this type can deliver!

It was a good weekend.
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 04:05:16

Podcast reveals what I have been playing, but one thing to go into detail about which I did not cover elsewhere:

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II presented a jumble of side quests and did not introduce a story until it was too late to matter.  The culmination of the game is painting you into a corner with the final boss where you cannot go out and get more loot (so you cannot upgrade armor) and you cannot go out to get more exp (so you cannot upgrade spells).  If I did not have a chr that had a range attack I would have been unable to beat the final boss at all.

Don't let this sully your opinion of the first game -- it holds up and is well worth the effort.

Black Isle -- be ashamed of yourselves!

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 04:20:04

Archangel3371 said:

phantom_leo said:

aspro said:

YES!  Someone other than me!  Is it amazing?

*...and keep in mind that's a DSiXL and a DSi! Imagine the difference between that and the Lite!*

So far, I am impressed. My love for the DSi waned pretty quickly after having it for a little while. The top screen was very wobbly. The matte finish annoyed me. The battery power wasn't too good. It felt kinda... flimsy...

The DSiXL is MASSIVE! The screens are 93% bigger than the original Lite's. I LOVE the Pen Stylus. It is sooo much more comfortable than any stylus before it. The glossy top screen feels and looks nice. The matte, lower screen grips better and obviously doesn't get all smudged up from fingerprints.

You can literally sit the XL on a flat surface and play with it like a laptop if you wish. It's a little awkward pressing the buttons with it sitting like that, but any stylus only game (Infinite Space) is a HECK of lot easier to play like this!

The d-pad and buttons have the same tactile-feedback kinda 'click' that the DSi had. The shoulder buttons are a step above the rounded Lite's too and are less apt to break.

The screen is more observable of course, but you can also play it on a brighter level if you want, due to the more powerful battery life. The speakers are louder too, and (this may be just an audio illusion) it seems due to the wider body of the XL the sound is even more spacial and gives an illusion of 3D sound while playing.

The concern of the graphics being more jaggy and out of proportion due to the magnification is totally moot as any negative effects of the screen being bigger are outweighed by just being able to SEE more details more clearly, read text more easily and just enjoy a bigger, brighter screen.

We'll see if the wobbliness plagues this system too eventually, but other than that future concern, I have no regrets in getting this system at all at the moment. The only thing I feel though is: THIS should have been the DSi from the start. If Nintendo wanted to market a more functional, more 'adult' system after the Lite, they should've just jumped straight to this.

Awesome impressions. I want one.

It seems Nintendo made a very, very, very smart move with the DSiXL. They corrected what I considered to be a design flaw of the DSi.

If any of you remember, I was pretty miserable when I gave up my Lite for a DSi for one very specific reason. I like to leave my system plugged in, on my bedside table so I can lay in bed at night and game a little bit before I go to sleep. The Lite works off of the adapter power when plugged in. I could feasibly play it any time I wanted, then unplug it and it would be fully charged and ready to go. The DSi did away with that. If you played while it was plugged in, it would still work off the battery power and be depleted if you played in this way. That may not seem like a big deal to some, but I tend to leave home for a few days at a time, often having to travel for several hours by plane, train and automobile. I need my portable to always be ready and waiting. When I discovered this flaw in the DSi, it stopped me from having my relaxing gaming moments at night. It forced me to give up my DSi for a Lite again after a while.

I knew I had to have an XL when I saw the beautiful screens, but one of my concerns was if it had the same kind of charging 'issues' the DSi had...

IT DOES NOT! I think Nintendo realized A LOT of people play their portables at home. DSiXL makes an excellent little table-top system as well as being perfectly portable. You CAN plug it in and the battery WILL NOT deplete as you play! That makes me VERY happy!

As a side note, it sits besides my Mac Book on my table. It looks like my Mac had a little Bronze offspring! Awww...! It's so cute! Yes it is! Oh yes it is!

Edited: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 04:21:51
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 06:07:22

phantom_leo said:
New Week!

I didn't do too much gaming this weekend, which is odd considering the caliber of games I have laying around right about now.

I kicked off the weekend with my purchase of a DSiXL, so the few things I DID play centered around that. They were:


The only other thing I did gaming-related this weekend was introduce my nephew to my favorite genre of all. I downloaded this for him on the Wii:

...and got to experience for the first time AGAIN the wonderment, intrigue and exploratory fun that ONLY games of this type can deliver!

It was a good weekend.

Strange Journey is pretty good. It's very interesting and mysterious, which is what I'm liking.

I need to check out Infinite Space. The more I read about it, the more I want it!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 06:09:03

Dvader said:
Oh and if Claire and Alice have lesbian sex in the rain all is forgiven.


The VG Press

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 06:09:33

Archangel3371 said:

Oh but people will carry it around in public, and wear skin-tight jumpsuits. The future is nigh. Believe.

Make it so Number One. Engage.

You know, it's 2010, right? So according to Back to the Future 2, we should have flying cars in five years! LOL


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 06:10:05

gamingeek said:

Cool!...But, what is it from?


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 07:20:43

ASK_Story said:

Cool!...But, what is it from?

Xenoblade I think.

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 12:02:57
No VC Update from me today.

I'm still recovering from last week's...

...AND I need to attend an event in Central Park from 7:45AM-5:15PM.


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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 12:27:25

ASK_Story said:

Cool!...But, what is it from?

More pics. 

The in game representation of this scene is pretty good too. It can been seen at the end of the latest trailer. 

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 13:25:16

Ninja theory is coming out with some interesting insights lately. 

Did some updates. 

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 13:32:59

I have been playing Core Crisis almost exclusively, and shockingly have really enjoyed it. I had always dismissed it, but turns out it's pretty good.  It's a lot more like a Kingdom Hearts game rather than Final Fantasy. Combat definitely gets repetitive, but there's enough other stuff going on that keeps me playing it.

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:05:57
The weekend was spent with my family so I played Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit with my little sister. Resort is just great fun in local multiplayer.  

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:11:28
I don't see people playing Ogre Battle...



Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:17:24
I was playing Red Steel 2, finally re-opened the cavern of gods in Endless Ocean 2. And some annoying but purty Darkside Chronicles. 

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:22:05

Yodariquo said:
I don't see people playing Ogre Battle...

Trust me I'm dying to play it.  That and Cave Story. Unfortunately we had a bunch of unexpected family issues come up that has pretty much drained every spare dime I have right now, so I will not be buying any new games for quite some time.  Very bummed about it, particularly since it probably means no Monster Hunter Tri (wonder if Gamestop will gimmie my $5 back...)

On the other hand it's times like these that lets you go back and spend some time with some older games that you never completed or didn't get everything the game had to offer. I never finished a Boy and His Blob and Rabbids Go Home. It may be time to go back to those.

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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:25:10

Family was here. So we played some Brawl multiplayer and co-op events. Finished NSMBWii with 2 players from start to finish in one single setting. We did use warp cannons to go from world 1 to 5 and another one to go from world 5 to 8. Played some Boom Blox Bash party in co-op and finally my cousin played some Galaxy. 

After they left, I finished Red Steel 2, awesome game, will probably sell like shit though. Marketing failure in a complete sense. 

Edited: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:26:31
The VG Press
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:29:03
robio said:

Trust me I'm dying to play it.  That and Cave Story. Unfortunately we had a bunch of unexpected family issues come up that has pretty much drained every spare dime I have right now, so I will not be buying any new games for quite some time.  Very bummed about it, particularly since it probably means no Monster Hunter Tri (wonder if Gamestop will gimmie my $5 back...)

On the other hand it's times like these that lets you go back and spend some time with some older games that you never completed or didn't get everything the game had to offer. I never finished a Boy and His Blob and Rabbids Go Home. It may be time to go back to those.

You win this round, but I'll be back!


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:30:41

Iga_Bobovic said:

Family was here. So we played some Brawl multiplayer and co-op events. Finished NSMBWii with 2 players from start to finish in one single setting. We did use warp cannons to go from world 1 to 5 and another one to go from world 5 to 8. Played some Boom Blox Bash party in co-op and finally my cousin played some Galaxy.

After they left I finished Red Steel 2, awesome game, will probably sell like shit though. Marketing failure in a complete sense.

Did you see the commercial that they're running for it (at least in America)?  It's absolutely horrible. They show actual gameplay for about 2 seconds. It's honestly one of the worst commercials I've ever seen. Really makes you ask the question "which is worse... no marketing or marketing."

Just in case you missed it, here it is again:

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