GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] More Star Wars: TFU 2 Details news aspro
[] EA and Ratings Board Start Using Code Names New trend? news aspro
Sony Offers Extended Warranty Plans Mostly a rip-off. news aspro
Trauma Team Gaming Nexus review "one of the year's best Wii games so far" impressions gamingeek
[] Alan Wake walkthrough videos media gamingeek
[] Prince of Persia TFS combat powers video HD version media gamingeek
[] Toy Story 3 supports PSMove Megaton news gamingeek
[] Playstation Move demo video Move Party showcased. media gamingeek
[] Call of Duty Black Ops trailer media gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 producer starts new project news gamingeek
The Monster Hunter 3 weapons calculator Helps choose the right tool for the job editorial gamingeek
[] 4 more Infinity Ward staff join Respawn news gamingeek
[] No Call of Duty: Black Ops For Wii? Treyarch has traditionally released a Wii version news gamingeek
[] Trauma Team Siliconera review the best and most accessible game in the series to date. impressions gamingeek
[] Black Wii Confirmed ...because its always nice to get confirmation. news phantom_leo
First screenshots of Steam on Linux Valve seriously going multiplatform media Ellyoda
id Software's Rage, Now Set for 2011 Is project Doomed? news aspro
[] EA: Respawn Deal "Fell into our laps" They can't shut up about this deal. news aspro
THQ Founder Dies at 70 Also founded JAKKS Pacific. news aspro
[] Australian Rating Reveals EA Title 'Project Red' news gamingeek
[] iPad Sales Hit One Million news gamingeek
Nintendo Profits Down. 1st Time Since 2004. Some analysts even predict that Nintendo is underestimating its own sales news gamingeek
[] Lack Of Innovation = Medal Of Honor's Downfall Says EA news gamingeek
[] Rage Eurogamer preview "We are the pioneers of technology," announces lead designer Tim Willits impressions gamingeek
[] Far Cry 2 creator leaves Ubisoft news gamingeek
[] Rage screenshots released media gamingeek
[] Brink screens stun media gamingeek
[] Hunted: The Demon's Forge screenshots media gamingeek
[] Crysis 2 aliens detailed news gamingeek
[] Mario Galaxy 2 to include tutorial DVD news gamingeek
[] New video shows Mario Galaxy 2 hub media gamingeek
[] God of War Ghosts of Sparta announced New PSP title news gamingeek
[] IGN AU review Monster Hunter 3 9.5 - defies everyone's expectations of what a given gaming platform is capable of impressions gamingeek
[] Sony's Motion control future By the worldwide Sony president editorial gamingeek
[] Konami considering Metal Gear Peace Walker for PS3 news gamingeek
[] Ninja Gaiden 3 will be 'spectacular' news gamingeek
[] New SOCOM 4 screens show super soldier media gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare 2 PS3 DLC live today news gamingeek
[] Splinter Cell Conviction gets 'killer DLC' news gamingeek
[] Alpha Protocol features editorial gamingeek
[] Next Assasins Creed at hand? news gamingeek
EA hiring for Thief 4 Set to go up against Assasins Creed? news gamingeek
[] More Wii video of Prince of Persia TFS media gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime 3 in HD via emulator media gamingeek
Monster Hunter 3 video feature media news gamingeek
[] Silent Hill Shattered Memories reaches Austrailia Go, buy, now news gamingeek
[] Reggie on CNBC - talks Netflix And much more media gamingeek
G4TV video review Monster Hunter 3 impressions media gamingeek
[] Reggie on video announcing Black Wii media gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime 2 HD emulated screens media gamingeek
[] Picross 3D Review 8.5 impressions gamingeek
[] Contrarian Corner: Monster Hunter Tri Beast moans, or an exercise in the experience of time? editorial gamingeek
[] Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast Episode 75 media gamingeek
[] IGN nintendo podcast summary Something big at E3? news gamingeek
[] Ivy the Kiwi coming to DS and Wii via XSEED. Sonic's poppa has a new baby! news phantom_leo
[] EA Best Publisher of 2009 According to Metacritic scores. news aspro
Starcraft 2's Shock Release Date July 27, 2010 news aspro
[] UK Gamers Will Have To Pay More for COD:BO Same elevated price as MW2. news aspro
[] Mario Galaxy 2 IGN preview. They have the game, they love it. impressions Dvader
[] Read Dead Redemption DLC adds co-op news gamingeek
[] A Crapload of Alan Wake reviews Courtesy of Metacritic impressions gamingeek
[] Games May Be 'Artful', But teh Children Senator Yee says news gamingeek
[] POP, Brothers in Arms and Skate 2 on GOD news gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor release date announced news gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3 to have lower framerate? news gamingeek
[] 'World exclusive' Nintendo reveal on June 16 news gamingeek
[] Gametrailers Alan Wake review 8.6 impressions media gamingeek
1up RAGE preview The game is IDs homage to Zelda impressions gamingeek
1UP's Alan Wake Video Review impressions gamingeek
[] Brink IGN preview Brink's cramming an awful lot of ideas into what, at first glance, is a simple Beat The Other Team setup impressions gamingeek
[] RAGE IGN preview Once again, it looks like the team that invented the first-person shooter is pushing the boundaries impressions gamingeek
XBW review Alan Wake - 86% "A flawed must-have" impressions gamingeek
[] Wii has sold an astonishing 5 million this year Within a 4 month period news gamingeek
1up review Alan Wake - B+ "a great, but flawed work that lays the foundation for what could be an absolutely amazing follow-up." impressions gamingeek
[] IGN review Alan Wake - 9.0 it's a tough game to put down once you've started impressions gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3 details spill out of Russian mag Dynamic arenas, new enemies and defending tomato patches... news gamingeek
[] CVG Alan Wake review - 9.0 Despite its flaws we had a fantastic time playing through Remedy's gripping, nerve-wracking story. impressions gamingeek
[] Alan Wake Descructoid review 9.0 - Alan Wake has some very definite faults, but this is still a superb experience impressions gamingeek
Sin and Punishment 2 review from GC 9/10 Gloriously creative visuals, levels and bosses. Perfect controls. Good range of difficulty levels. impressions gamingeek
[] Apple's Success Has 'No Impact' On Nintendo DS Nintendo's Fils-Aime says news gamingeek
[] Alan Wake: the first 10 minutes media gamingeek
[] Microsoft E3 conference announced news gamingeek
[] Bungie job ads hint at RPG mechanics news gamingeek
[] Alan Wake Eurogamer review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] RAGE: More than run and gun video media gamingeek
EA: Crysis 2 is the Halo Killer news gamingeek
[] 4 new Super Mario Galaxy 2 videos media gamingeek
[] Latest Gears of War 3 screens media gamingeek
[] Hot Lost Planet 2 screens media gamingeek
[] Trauma Team featurette Doctors medals and specialists media gamingeek
[] Dive the Medes Island secret interview An underwater Metroid using the Nyxquest Engine editorial gamingeek
Detailed Sony Move interview news gamingeek
Nintendo channel videos Animal crossing May DLC and more media gamingeek
[] Force Unleashed 2 to be nastier But only within the rules of the ESRB news gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Iron Man 2 Game Trailer media gamingeek
[] AlphaBounce Screens media gamingeek
Force Unleashed was almost a Wookie game "you'd be able to grab the heads of AT-STs and throw them at stormtroopers" news gamingeek
[] Icahn Set To Take Control of Take2 Wiley investor about to go for the kill. news aspro
Dude Wins a Million Dollars For Gaming. Got it for playing MBL2K10. That game is so bad he should have gotten $100 million. news aspro
Canadian Video Gaming Awards First year of them. AC2 gets top honor. news aspro
Monopoly STREETS Coming to Wii and 360 Saint's Row with a monocle? news aspro
[] New Medal of Honor Teir One trailer Looks beautiful and generic at same time. media Dvader
1up is getting a novice to review MH3 Monster Hunter Noob going to tell us how it is impressions gamingeek
[] Wii Sports Resort Tops 14 Million Units As Nintendo Achieves 79 Million-Sellers news gamingeek
Ubisoft Montpellier making Tin Tin game Rabbids Go Home/BGE team taking on Spielburg project news gamingeek
[] Piracy is gamers saying software costs too much says Charles Cecil news gamingeek
[] RE5 producer will not work on RE6 He felt the shadow of Mikami news gamingeek
[] MGS PeaceWalker videos media gamingeek
[] Modnation Racers EDGE mag review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] 'Don't Trust Gears Of War 3 Leaks', Says Cliffy news gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 2 Gamesradar review 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 2 IGN UK Review 6.8 - this game is bombing HARD impressions gamingeek
[] How Sony Could 'Win' E3 An IGN Conversation editorial gamingeek
[] Ubisoft confirms Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood news gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3: 'Our target is 30fps', says Epic news gamingeek
[] Red Faction 4 details 'later this month' news gamingeek
[] Modnation Racers CVG review 9.1 impressions gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 2 XBW review 6.9! Fuuuuuuuuuu impressions news gamingeek
[] De Blob 2 coming in 2012 news gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed: BH info leaks out news gamingeek
[] Bleszinski dismisses Gears of War 3 leaks news gamingeek
[] Nintendo DS hits 129m sales, Wii hits 71m Outselling the NES and Gameboy news gamingeek
[] BioWare testing Dragon Age PS3 patch news gamingeek
[] Xeno Clash Ultimate Edition EG review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Lost Planet 2 6/10! Fuuuuuuuuu impressions news gamingeek
[] Medal of Honor Leave a message trailer media gamingeek
[] THQ: New sequels on the way Sequels to Darksiders, Red Faction and Saints Row news gamingeek
[] 99 Knights 2 images media gamingeek
[] Assasins Creed 3 launching this year? news gamingeek
[] MySims Skyheroes trailer Does it outdo Crimson Skies? media gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 ONM 90% review Successor Of The Skies is a '90s shoot 'em up in a slick, 21st-century shell, and it's proud of it impressions gamingeek
[] LEGO Star Wars: The Movie Must be seen to be believed media news gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 gets reversible boxart In Europe media gamingeek
My sims Skyheroes preview Better than Ace Combat? impressions gamingeek
Gamevideos Mario Galaxy 2 videos media gamingeek
[] Xenoblade field introduction video Shows huge scale media gamingeek
Again Review Not Particularly Worthy editorial impressions darthhomer
[] Super Mario Galaxy 2 Direct Feed videos media gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory 1st Look media gamingeek
[] MySims SkyHeroes Coming this Fall news gamingeek
[] THQ Confirms New WWE Title news gamingeek
[] THQ - No Wii ports for Natal/Move news gamingeek
Okamiden video interview media gamingeek
Xenoblade: Trailer 4 details media gamingeek
[] Super Luigi Galaxy 2 video Yes, the green cretin gets some action too news gamingeek
[] Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii bundle coming In the UK - MCV let it slip news gamingeek
[] Review: Super Mario Galaxy 2 10! impressions Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Power Hypes Another "Huge New Title" news Ravenprose
[] Destructoid Rvws Monster Hunter Tri - 9.0 Superb! The demo? Dont bother. It sucked. impressions phantom_leo
[] Little Big Planet 2 MINDBLOWING details Platformer, RPG, strategy, racing, shooter, everything!!!! news Dvader
Little Big Planet 2 outed accidentely news gamingeek
[] Xbox exclusive CoD pack spotted media gamingeek
[] Wii Party Screens and details WTF is this **** media gamingeek
[] SMG 2 Bee Mario video media gamingeek
[] ONM review Super Mario Galaxy 2 97% - a whole heap of genius impressions gamingeek
Namco Bandai report 96% drop in operating income news gamingeek
[] Video Game History month at GS A month long look at the history of gaming. editorial Dvader
[] Quantum Theory 'is not a Gears clone' news gamingeek
Iwata Reportedly Believes Sony Battle Won Apple the "Enemy of the Future" news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Italy review Sin and Punishment 2 10/10 - a landmark within the history of the genre, a product that will be remembered for years. impressions gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 EDGE mag review 8/10 impressions gamingeek
PS3 Will Outsell Xbox 360 in 2010 says Activision news gamingeek
[] Sin & Punishment 2 IGN UK Review 9.2 - this game is AAA apparently impressions gamingeek
First Look: Mario Galaxy 2 Bonus DVD news gamingeek
PSP Sales Surge Following Metal Gear news gamingeek
Xenoblade Site Updated With Gameplay Details news gamingeek
[] Kane & Lynch 2 hands-on: 'Already more exhilar impressions gamingeek
[] Bulletstorm forgoes cover system news gamingeek
[] Remedy 'betting the farm' on Alan Wake news gamingeek
[] Gears 3 has burrowing-grenade launcher news gamingeek
[] Nintendo could charge for online gaming.  States Miyamoto in an interview. news SteelAttack
Nintendo announces Wii Party First party game since 2007's Mario Party 8, says Iwata news gamingeek
[] Doom 4 will 'show id's potential' news gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 Ngamer 87% review A thrilling showcase for every part of the Wii's mighty hardware. impressions gamingeek
[] 12 new Xenoblade screens Dig around the world section of the site media gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment 2 Eurogamer review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Red Dead Redemption: Revolution trailer media gamingeek
[] NIER gametrailers review impressions media gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 2 gametrailers review impressions media gamingeek
Nintendo By the Numbers It's hard to appreciate just how much money Nintendo is making news gamingeek
1up review Nier C- impressions gamingeek
[] More Bodycount details news gamingeek
[] Kotick: 35 Infinity Ward Employees Resigned More Will Leave news gamingeek
[] Super Mario Galaxy 2: Thumbs Up or Down IGN editorial editorial gamingeek
[] Ubisoft launches 'UbiShop' store news gamingeek
[] Zelda Wii missing from 2010 release schedule news gamingeek
[] Kirby Wii on the way Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu news gamingeek
[] LucasArts boss quits Second president in a row to resign from Star Wars house news gamingeek
[] Super Mario Galaxy 2 screenshots arrive media gamingeek
[] Capcom profit plunges 73% Company blames "weak sales of some new titles" news gamingeek
[] Gears of War 3 'won't be easier' - Cliff B news gamingeek
[] Alan Wake video review from Destructoid impressions media gamingeek
Capcom's Sales and Earnings Fall news gamingeek
[] Remedy looking to improve Alan's face Will sort out lip synching? news gamingeek
[] UK Metroid Other M release date? Amazon says it's the same as the USA news gamingeek
[] Max and the Magic Marker 2? news gamingeek
[] Disney to publish Epic Mickey books news gamingeek
[] A brief history of cloth physics editorial gamingeek
[] Jett Rocket screens and development media gamingeek
[] Kotick talks Infinity Ward firings Not done for bonuses news gamingeek
[] Activision talk Bungie project financials 200 team members, multiple platforms news gamingeek
Bungie product headed to all platforms? news gamingeek
[] Could motion control cause a game market "crash"? editorial gamingeek
[] Nintendo Power review scores impressions gamingeek
[] E3 2010 Is Going To Be Big news gamingeek
[] Ubisoft Confirms Just Dance 2 news gamingeek
[] GameSpot Reviews Picross 3D - 8.5 "Incredibly addictive." news phantom_leo
[] DS now officially the best selling handheld EVER Outsells Gameboy! news phantom_leo
We deal with criticism. A piece on Metacritic and its inner workings. editorial SteelAttack
[] What Harvest Moon could learn from Farmville.  According to Natsume VPO. news SteelAttack
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Scans news aspro
[] SCEA Puts Out Casting Call for Zombies Why? news aspro
Konami: PES Needs a "Radical Revamp" Even controls are up for changes. news aspro
President Obama Is Nintendo Fanboy Lashes out at Xbox and Playstation. news aspro
Iwata: "Paying for Software is not Meaningless" news aspro
[] Activision: PS3 Will Outsell 360 This Year news aspro
Valkyrie Profile 3 Will Be PS3 Exclusive news aspro
HAWX2 Looking to Land on Wii Ubi's first HAWX Wii was cancelled. news aspro
[] First Look: XB360 USB Drives news aspro
[] The Press Room Episode #60 editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Pach-Attack! Ep. 115 Gamefly and RTS games media Ravenprose
Pachter: Activision is Doing Just Fine news aspro
Danica Patrick To Appear in Blur Girl Power! news aspro
Little Big Planet 2 scans!!! OMG!! media Dvader
[] Enslaved Debut trailer media gamingeek
[] Metroid Other M gets Euro release date Autumn this year. FECK AND BOLLOCKS news gamingeek
[] New X-Com preview and screens Looking good, like MiB the game. impressions media Dvader
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Mon, 03 May 2010 00:11:12

phantom_leo said:
My nephew is over. All the games I have, he wants to play Sonic and Knuckles on the Ultimate Genesis Collection...

...the kid worries me...

Another youth destroyed by Sonic. . .

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Mon, 03 May 2010 00:49:24
My week of freedom is over!  Sad

There were really only two games I played this week. Anybody care to guess?



Ladies, Gentlemen... GG?

Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 00:50:31
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Mon, 03 May 2010 01:35:51
aspro said:
On the PSP story above, note the voting system at the bottom of the page. LOL

That's it, we're stealing that.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Mon, 03 May 2010 02:12:22

I've been playing Modern Warfare 2 and Super Street Fighter IV. Halo Reach beta tomorrow. Woooooooooo! Grinning


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Mon, 03 May 2010 02:50:45

aspro said:

Assssssskkkkkk! Don't tell me you don't listen to the cast?

Sorry bro. I guess I haven't.

I won't mind if you still think I'm a loser. I'm use to it. Cry


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 03 May 2010 02:51:32
I finished Assassin's Creed 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction. Fun games, though the latter is too short, wait for price cut folks (or rent it). Too easy too. And it needed more set pieces and some actual boss fights, kind of ridiculous a PSP game like Peace Walker seems to have much more variety in situations than such top production value projects, what harm would it do to have you fight a chopper or tank or some 1337 battalion in SC, it's hardly realistic anyway, and they could be an actual challenge then. I don't think I died once playing in normal difficulty, and stealth was almost optional you could just shoot everyone dead if discovered, playing cat & mouse as they go to the last location you were seen in and you flank them or whatever, then repeat the process. AC2 was kinda too easy too aside from some trickier optional content but at least it was longer and pretty awesome. I love the story they've crafted for this series, even though it could be presented better. And I did some progress in MH3, now I'm done with these two wimpy games I can put more time to the real men's game Nyaa
Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 03:06:06
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 03 May 2010 02:52:59

My weekend was spent with Monster Hunter Tri. Glad I just went for it, because I was very much on the fence about whether or not I wanted to put that much time into one single game or wanted to take on a game with so much to it.  It turned out to be an excellent decision.  I clocked in 8 hours of gameplay and it was really a reminder of what I liked about video games in the first place.  This will likely be the only console game I play for the next several months.  Except for. . .

Learning With The PooYoos - Episode 1.

I got this for the boy with my bonus Wii Shop points that I got from Gamestop for the MH preorder.  It's as basic as a kid's game gets, but he seemed to enjoy it.

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Mon, 03 May 2010 02:53:23
Currently playing Super SFIV.

Also, still playing Tekken 6.

Both are great!


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 03 May 2010 03:08:32

Monster Hunter 3 is a game that 5 years ago I would have destroyed it in no more than a few weeks. But right now I just wouldn't be able to put the time into it, and if I did I'd be missing out on many other kick ass games.


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Mon, 03 May 2010 03:20:43

edgecrusher said:

Monster Hunter 3 is a game that 5 years ago I would have destroyed it in no more than a few weeks. But right now I just wouldn't be able to put the time into it, and if I did I'd be missing out on many other kick ass games.

Yeah. I feel the same way with games like that. Like Resonance of Fate. Pretty cool but it's really time-consuming. I'm kind of like that with MH Tri and even Dragon-Age. I don't know if I have the time or want to take the time to play these.

I guess that's why I'm enjoying FFXIII more than I thought I would. It's a very accessible game that doesn't take too much commitment. Yet, it has enough depth to be a good JRPG.

This is another reason why I'm more into online shooters and fighting games. And I know my sig says I'm playing SMT Strange Journey, but that's kind of half-truth. It's in my DSi but I'm not really playing it! LOL

Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 03:22:08


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Mon, 03 May 2010 05:29:48

What did I play this past week? Just a few scattered hours of FIFA 09 in Manager Mode, at least up until friday night, since saturday morning I took a flash trip for a family wedding. I've spent the last couple days in a drunken stupor, from which I emerged a few hours ago, dumbfounded and lightheaded. 

I wonder how did I miss manager mode in FIFA. One of the things that I loved from old FIFA games in PS was the transfer market, and building up a steamrolling team from scratch during the course of a few seasons. Manager mode lets you transfer players, control ticket price, actively scout for promising young players, adjust player contracts, and improve a good number of your team's assets by spending money earned throughout the season. Now I'm itching to get 10. 

Also, started playing Soccer Manager. A browser-based free footie managing game. This one is all simulated, and very much on the easy side, as far as footie sims go, nevertheless, it's hella fun to mess around with. Joined a championship with a lot of guys from GAF, and we're having matches regularly. 

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Mon, 03 May 2010 05:50:56
I randomly came upon a TV station airing an infomercial called the Brazilian Butt Lift. I would like to share it with you all, I believe the instructor is a pervert.Go to 5:20.
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Mon, 03 May 2010 05:54:29

phantom_leo said:
My nephew is over. All the games I have, he wants to play Sonic and Knuckles on the Ultimate Genesis Collection...

...the kid worries me...

Genius kid.

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Mon, 03 May 2010 05:56:17

Agnates said:
I finished Assassin's Creed 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction. Fun games, though the latter is too short, wait for price cut folks (or rent it). Too easy too. And it needed more set pieces and some actual boss fights, kind of ridiculous a PSP game like Peace Walker seems to have much more variety in situations than such top production value projects, what harm would it do to have you fight a chopper or tank or some 1337 battalion in SC, it's hardly realistic anyway, and they could be an actual challenge then. I don't think I died once playing in normal difficulty, and stealth was almost optional you could just shoot everyone dead if discovered, playing cat & mouse as they go to the last location you were seen in and you flank them or whatever, then repeat the process. AC2 was kinda too easy too aside from some trickier optional content but at least it was longer and pretty awesome. I love the story they've crafted for this series, even though it could be presented better. And I did some progress in MH3, now I'm done with these two wimpy games I can put more time to the real men's game Nyaa

Sounds about right with SC, shame it is so short. And as always it is devoid of boss battles.

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Mon, 03 May 2010 06:00:53

Dvader said:

Genius kid.

 So young and innocent. But don't worry. He'll eventually get to play Sonic 06 or some similar monstrosity and be cured from his illness forever. Unlike you, who are beyond hope or reason. LOL

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Mon, 03 May 2010 06:43:58

Holy crap, saw this at sherdog

Awesome LOL

The VG Press
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Mon, 03 May 2010 06:49:26

Dvader said:

Agnates said:
I finished Assassin's Creed 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction. Fun games, though the latter is too short, wait for price cut folks (or rent it). Too easy too. And it needed more set pieces and some actual boss fights, kind of ridiculous a PSP game like Peace Walker seems to have much more variety in situations than such top production value projects, what harm would it do to have you fight a chopper or tank or some 1337 battalion in SC, it's hardly realistic anyway, and they could be an actual challenge then. I don't think I died once playing in normal difficulty, and stealth was almost optional you could just shoot everyone dead if discovered, playing cat & mouse as they go to the last location you were seen in and you flank them or whatever, then repeat the process. AC2 was kinda too easy too aside from some trickier optional content but at least it was longer and pretty awesome. I love the story they've crafted for this series, even though it could be presented better. And I did some progress in MH3, now I'm done with these two wimpy games I can put more time to the real men's game Nyaa

Sounds about right with SC, shame it is so short. And as always it is devoid of boss battles.

I think the only Splinter Cell that kind of had a boss battle was the first game, when you have to kill the Georgian dude at his mansion and all his lackeys keep coming at you in waves.

Hey, at least you can finally pick up dead enemies weapons and use them in Conviction! I always thought that was silly for a game that supposed to be ultra-realistic; how you couldn't use any weapons but your own. Like, I just shot this dude with the ONE remaining bullet in my handgun...but I can't use his assault rifle that's laying on the ground right in front of me?!


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Mon, 03 May 2010 06:54:33

Iga_Bobovic said:

Holy crap, saw this at sherdog

Awesome LOL

What's fucking hilarious is how he flys into a sudden fit of rage, but before he punches the kid, he just HAS to remove his shirt first. LOL

If somebody pissed me off enough to just snap and fuck shit up, which has happened a few times with some of the idiots I've run into in life, I just don't worry about my T-shirt. Mostly because I make sure the fights not going to last long enough for a shirt to matter.

....And he placed the shirt down on the desk so well without looking. Excellent work!

Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 06:58:24


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Mon, 03 May 2010 08:06:02
Well I didn't like past Cell games, this is the first I actually finish so I guess that's an improvement. It's not like I'm so  picky, since I don't only like Metal Gear Solid as far as such games go, I was also a big fan of the flawed Tenchu series (before it went to shit) and liked loading up a Raven Shield level packed with enemies and just going solo with a sniper rifle and pistol to clear it in true realistic first person splinter cell fashion. Conviction though is very polished with high production values, but just such limited scope in length, variety, set pieces, etc. Though I've yet to play the co-op scenario, so if that's about as long as the single player, then I guess it's decent length total. I doubt it but I suppose I can't know, you can't play the co-op story in single player.

It also has some non-story mission sequences to go through which spawn enemies at random every time (I think) and you just go through defeating 10 in each area, or if you aren't stealthy enough and you're discovered they call more as back up and then you have to take out more before proceeding to the next. Those are decent fun and replayable, you can also upgrade your weapons and suit and buy a few new suits with points earned (from any mode), but that's pretty limited, not like BF or MW or anything, and you'll probably just upgrade the guns you like most only and finish that aspect pretty fast aside from just spending excess points whenever. You can also play another mode which has you defending against waves of enemies rather than go through a level, but that doesn't sound appealing to me so I didn't even try it yet, if I do. It sounds like those MW2 levels which I didn't like.

I think these are also both playable in multiplayer alongside the co-op story missions. And maybe there's some kind of adversarial mode, I'm not sure, the matchmaking interface is just so limited and dumb I'll just shelf this and play the co-op when/if someone I know buys it. I tried searching for a match in various game modes and didn't come up with anything, I guess everyone simply plays with friends, if at all, since the scope is so limited, 2 players and all. Very few chances of someone else searching at the same time for the same mode, considering you can't even just start a match and mess around solo until someone joins, you have to be matched to even begin anything.

It would have been great if they included a level editor seeing as it's based on Unreal Engine 3 (heavily tweaked though, clearly, so you can't just import levels or something) as I'm sure that fans would be able to make some great missions with more variety and more entry points rather than almost completely linear paths as in the single player story. That could make the full price worthwhile and keep fans busy until the sequel, with both new fan stories, and just fancy levels for the extra modes and co-op and what not. Missed opportunity imo.
Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 08:19:24
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Mon, 03 May 2010 11:47:14
Edited: Mon, 03 May 2010 11:47:53

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