Capcom talks MT Framework on 3DS
"Couldn't believe the results they were getting out of the 3DS" news
Bungie Talks About Their Favorite Multiplayer Modes
Developer interview. editorial news
n-Space says Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS
"The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders" editorial
Demon's Souls Gets Greatest Hits Pricing
Yeah but, don't the servers go down in Feb.? news
Vanquish EDGE mag preview
And is Vanquish an original experience? That depends who’s playing. It can be merely a fresh take on familiar elements, with a fun boost move and the occasional bit of Max Payne thrown in
Lifetime Japanese Hardware sales
Wii and DS have sold double of their respective rivals news
Capcom Announce DMC: Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory To Develop; Possible Reboot? news
Capcom Announce 360 Exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West
Frank West Returns in a DR2 Eplilogue, Developed by Capcom Vancouver news
1up review Sonic Adventure XBLA
D: a slapdash title like this shouldn't take anyone's time or money. impressions
Ridge Racer 7 3D License Version Screens
500 yen to update to 3D media news
Square Enix Makes Big PSP Push
Like holding in a turtle then trying to push it out news
Team Ninja: Nintendo helped us regain our Confidence
And that's why you're seeing NG3 and more news
LOTR Aragorns Quest Wii preview
" I am having fun with it, which surprised me. The game’s not terribly challenging yet, and the penalty for dying is minimal" impressions
Last Window listed on Aussie Nintendo channel
But is it coming out over there? news
The Press Room Episode #74.1
Dvader and Aspro bring all the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show editorial impressions news
Steel Battalion on Kinect
From the most complicated controller ever to... none? news
Survey Says In-Game Advertising Works
I *have* been feeling like using Energizer batteries in my Verizon phone lately. news
Industry is obsessed with Gay Space marines
Says 2K games Producer: DS is winner of this Generation news
Professor Layton UnWound Future NSider review
"this is a brilliant conclusion to the trilogy." impressions
Miles Faces Off Against Tough New Judge
in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 news
Way Forward are full speed ahead on 3DS
Talks 3DS Shantae and Boy ANd his Blob news
Activision: Goldeneye is our biggest Wii game yet
more than 100 guys at Eurocom are working on [GoldenEye 007]. news
Devils Third could come to 3DS and/or Wii 2
Tech is scalable for unknown platforms news
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional Announced
Updated version of DQMJ2. news
id Software Joins in Supreme Court Case
Seeks free speech protection for games. news
FTC: Game Retailers More Responsible Than Others
More kids turned away from M games than movies, music. news
Ico-llection To Have Trophy Support
ueda also talks additions to the games. news
Increase in obesity caused by increase in eating
says professor (i.e. videogames aren't the cause) news
Itagaki Doesn't Expect Devil's Third in 2011
Itagaki jokes that its only 11% complete news
Shadows of the Damned orginally coming to Wii as well.
It was also more of a horror game. news
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Recently Spotted:
New 360 Shooter From Mega Man Team Shoot girls with flowers
Later videos show the game proper, the first couple are tutorials. The third video in particular is nicely atmospheric with the rain and slight reflection of the lighting on the wet roads of the city. Fingers crossed for a good game.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Just to let you know, any Other M review that is less than an 8/10 is bullshit. I actually went and read G4TVs review and I was shocked at how shit the review was.
Hmm, I'm a little stoic on the Mikami/SUDA game. It looks very... conventional for Grasshopper. I'm used to them making bold, off the wall games. This looks like RE4 with Japanesy characters and designs.
Are you forgetting about game sales and production budgets? PSP might be, financially the only place where the franchise can viably continue. At least on portables it can continue.
P.S can you fix your sig? It's getting annoying seeing red Xs
I know you are having fun, but Rez was legit. Just played first level of Sin and Punishment (VC), and it's looking good. Looks/feels like a Saturn game.
Updating now
Famitsu scores
Yakuza PSP >>>>>>>>> Halo Reach
- Halo Reach - X360 - 9/9/8/8 - (34/40)
- Yakuza PSP - PSP - 9/9/9/9 - (36/40)
- Singularity - PS3/360 - 8/7/7/7 - (29/40)
- Winning Post 7 2010 - PS3 - 8/7/7/8 - (30/40)
- Winning Post 7 2010 - PSP - 8/7/7/7 - (29/40)
- Durarara!! 3-way Standoff - PSP -
Eurogamer Last Window review "an experience that deserves its niche off gaming's highway"
Last Window's unique marriage of art, story and game feels at once contemporary and anachronistic. Pitched to the Professor Layton crowd, its ponderous pacing and obscure puzzles will seem laborious, too much work for too little payoff. For those hankering after a modern take on Broken Sword, the emphasis on dialogue and ambiance will feel as though substance has been traded for style. As such, the game is best viewed as a curio quite unlike anything else, an experience that deserves its niche off gaming's highway, and whose mild shortcomings are made up for by a combination of uniqueness and general competence.
This reads like some reviews of the first game by people who didn't "get it"
That third video of Aragorn's Quest I linked to is quite depressing in a way. I mean, this is a just a cheap licenced hack and slash from a small developer yet it's so well done, the city looks nice and moody with the various effects, while other areas have rolling hills that sunlight stretches across which remind me of exploring World of Warcraft. Why couldn't we get say, a Bethesda or Bioware type (not just by them, by any ambitious studio) RPG that looks like that? The differences would be the gameplay where instead of a simple hack and slash it would have a deeper or more strategic combat system and instead of a lighthearted LOTR retelling the NPC dialogues and the plot would be more complex with the odd choice here and there. It wouldn't be more taxing to the system. Yet instead of doing some effort with experienced staff like these guys are doing, the big publishers and the media in general want to make us think the Wii can't do big environments, it can't do this, it can't do that, like it's a PS1, ignoring all the great games showing that is up to clever design and the intended goals more than anything else.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Except that doesn't work because it's Suda Five-One. His full name is Goichi Suda -- Go means five in Japanese, Ichi means one, hence five-one.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah, I know that, but the guy who introduced him at the EA conf didn't. He said "fiddy"
Anyone checking out the Capcom TGS live blog?
Latest news is that Capcom bought Blue Castle Games (the dudes working on DR2), and announced a game called Azuras Rage, develoepd by CyberConnect 2.
^Well that's two of the three announcements. I thought it was not going to start for another hour? Blue Castle did The Bigs -- what a strange mix of games. They did a baseball management game, The Bigs, which was arcade baseball and now Dead Rising 2. That's a lot of confidence on the part of Capcom, but given the reaction to Zero, it was well placed.
With that good sirs, I feel asleep.
Well sure, when you add CONTEXT I'm sure everything makes sense!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThey also just announced the Ninja Theory title. Not too sure if it was mentioned as a DMC title or not.
EDIT: Turns out it was. TOLD YOU VADER.
Asura's Wrath.
Devil May Cry (bleh @ the dude's face/head).
DR2: Case West
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Oooooh yeah, it's like Devil May Cry but even sexier!
Pretty cool that Capcom bought Blue Castle. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero was a great game and made me quite confident on how DR2 will be. The return of Frank West in a downloadable DR2 epilogue game is awesome news.
I don't get the 1up story.
Is it called DMC?
Is it called DMC: Devil May Cry?
A dev walkthrough of EA's multiplatform Create thing. Sort of like the indie game Crayon Physics but in 3D, crossed with some Scribblenauts. It's all PR but there seem to be some decent possibilities, I thought it would be limited and shit but they may manage to make it worthwhile, though it doesn't look ready for release, the "level" was boring. I wonder if it's made by people who used to be in the Boom Blox team as that would mean it's likely the Wii version won't be gimped in terms of online sharing and what not, while otherwise...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.