Capcom talks MT Framework on 3DS
"Couldn't believe the results they were getting out of the 3DS" news
Bungie Talks About Their Favorite Multiplayer Modes
Developer interview. editorial news
n-Space says Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS
"The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders" editorial
Demon's Souls Gets Greatest Hits Pricing
Yeah but, don't the servers go down in Feb.? news
Vanquish EDGE mag preview
And is Vanquish an original experience? That depends who’s playing. It can be merely a fresh take on familiar elements, with a fun boost move and the occasional bit of Max Payne thrown in
Lifetime Japanese Hardware sales
Wii and DS have sold double of their respective rivals news
Capcom Announce DMC: Devil May Cry
Ninja Theory To Develop; Possible Reboot? news
Capcom Announce 360 Exclusive Dead Rising 2: Case West
Frank West Returns in a DR2 Eplilogue, Developed by Capcom Vancouver news
1up review Sonic Adventure XBLA
D: a slapdash title like this shouldn't take anyone's time or money. impressions
Ridge Racer 7 3D License Version Screens
500 yen to update to 3D media news
Square Enix Makes Big PSP Push
Like holding in a turtle then trying to push it out news
Team Ninja: Nintendo helped us regain our Confidence
And that's why you're seeing NG3 and more news
LOTR Aragorns Quest Wii preview
" I am having fun with it, which surprised me. The game’s not terribly challenging yet, and the penalty for dying is minimal" impressions
Last Window listed on Aussie Nintendo channel
But is it coming out over there? news
The Press Room Episode #74.1
Dvader and Aspro bring all the latest news from the Tokyo Game Show editorial impressions news
Steel Battalion on Kinect
From the most complicated controller ever to... none? news
Survey Says In-Game Advertising Works
I *have* been feeling like using Energizer batteries in my Verizon phone lately. news
Industry is obsessed with Gay Space marines
Says 2K games Producer: DS is winner of this Generation news
Professor Layton UnWound Future NSider review
"this is a brilliant conclusion to the trilogy." impressions
Miles Faces Off Against Tough New Judge
in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 news
Way Forward are full speed ahead on 3DS
Talks 3DS Shantae and Boy ANd his Blob news
Activision: Goldeneye is our biggest Wii game yet
more than 100 guys at Eurocom are working on [GoldenEye 007]. news
Devils Third could come to 3DS and/or Wii 2
Tech is scalable for unknown platforms news
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Professional Announced
Updated version of DQMJ2. news
id Software Joins in Supreme Court Case
Seeks free speech protection for games. news
FTC: Game Retailers More Responsible Than Others
More kids turned away from M games than movies, music. news
Ico-llection To Have Trophy Support
ueda also talks additions to the games. news
Increase in obesity caused by increase in eating
says professor (i.e. videogames aren't the cause) news
Itagaki Doesn't Expect Devil's Third in 2011
Itagaki jokes that its only 11% complete news
Shadows of the Damned orginally coming to Wii as well.
It was also more of a horror game. news
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
Hack and slash sequel Ninja Gaiden 3 was shown behind closed doors at the Tokyo Game Show today.
Japanese publisher Tecmo Koei took the lid off of the game with a solitary image, reports.
Apparently we'll see series star Ryo Hayabusa's more human side, and discover more about him.
It's also a more violent and bloody experience, although we can't possibly imagine how. The image below holds clues.
The report suggests Ryo, like so many videogame characters these days, will be visiting hell and kicking ass.
No release date or platforms were mentioned.
The announcement comes as no surprise. Last year Team Ninja's new boss Yosuke Hayashi promised Ninja Gaiden would return - and that it would do so as a multi-platform game.
"We feel that we're in a position of being able to make that call, and to provide pure entertainment that's going to be enjoyed by action gamers and our fans," he said. "That calling is already there - we feel it, and therefore we will continue to work towards a future for the series."
It is a well known piece of videogame lore that Capcom's 2003 cover shooter P.N.03 for the Gamecube was developed in a very short window (rumors put it at six months), but just why was that?
In an interview posted today on 1UP, director Shinji Mikami finally came clean about the oft-forgotten title in his legacy.
"The real reason is, Viewtiful Joe slipped out of the fiscal year, so I had to do something to fill that gap," Mikami explained.
"I think it should be OK to talk about that now. And really, that isn't a very good reason to make a game."
P.N.03 didn't review well upon release, earning an average of a C+ grade between 1UP editors and users.
Check out the full feature for more from the notoriously listless game director, including a whole lot of info on the upcoming Vanquish and some possible hints at things to come
I don't like the tone of some of these Goldeneye previews.
Before they even mention a single impression about the game there is this whole diatribe of nostalgia, expectations negative thoughts. Is it even possible for this game to get a fair shake or are people just going to rag on it because they wanted N64 Goldeneye in HD? I mean read this, this is how the Eurogamer preview starts, all this before we get any impressions.
Eurogamer Goldeneye preview
Planet of the Apes references, a wheelbarrow of cash, Martin Hollis quotes? (Yawn) in brackets? Princess Diana and Oasis references? Is this writer trying to be cool and snarky? It just reads like a waste of my time.
New Epic Mickey Trailer
Glimpses of new areas and stuff, but the video is small and of pretty bad quality, you can't see much...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Is it me or does TLG not look anywhere near as impressive as the first demonstrations? The Ico shot at the end isn't far behind, especially if the boy wasn't there... I mean yeah, it's been HD-fied (not really, screens are small), but it's still PS2 assets...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Famitsu publisher Enterbrain has revealed the latest lifetime Japanese sales figures for PSP, DS, Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360.
PSP 15 million
DS 31 million
Wii 10.65 million
PS3 5.5 million
Xbox 360 1.35 million
I posted the ONM link in the updates. Looks decent but I'm still wary of the simplistic platforming gameplay.
I think it's just because the games (from those screens) use this white fog filter thing and a similar art style? I think the PS3 game will excel in the animation department if the pre-vis video is anything to go by.
Those games had pretty great animation themselves but anyway, the better hardware won't be the reason for that if TLG does surpass them, it's just animation. But even outside the comparison that just doesn't look great to me. Previous shots did. Hopefully a new video will look great again and these are just duds.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Azura's Wrath, Capcom game by Naruto Dot.Hack devs
You missed the trailer I embedded? It's pretty crazy/stupid.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
But the camera is pulled out so far in those pics. It's when you get close in the HD detail will show?
It wouldn't load.
So if the gameplay is mostly like that, like where the kiddo is climbing or where the big beast thing is just about screen-filling, then the detail will be wasted and only seen in close up cut scenes? I mean, it's not gonna be first person or anything, I imagine at least a few of those screens are indicative of normal gameplay... Especilally if it's got Ico-like environment tackling it will want to give you wide views more often than not, outside indoor stuff...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Yeah I get what you mean. Sort of like HD sports games where the camera is fixed and far out for the sake of gameplay.
I've never played Ico or Colossus. I think they will try and seamlessly zoom the camera in for real time cutscenes, with a close up, detailed view.
Are they going to Sigma 3 it for PS3 or just do it multiplatform?
Where is Inafune, I want to punch him in the face. What is he doing to Capcom. NT DmC, wtf is that?!?!? There goes one of their best franchises. Where the hell is Resident Evil.
You expect me to read the stuff I post?!