1UP Reviews XBLA Game Trenched
"B" "Trenched can't be beat [for online multi]".
1up.com impressions
LulzSec and Anon Want to Compete With Wikileaks
"Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information".
ripten.com news
1UP's Review of Shadows of the Damned
"C+" "ripping off RE4 and putting it in a different wrapper feels like an average game"
1up.com impressions
Duke's Fired PR Man in Exclusive Interview
Talks about PR and death threats to his family.
industrygamers.com news
New Dragon Quest Rocket Slime Screens
Third game in series not confirmed for west.
andriasang.com media
Last Week's Japanese Charts
3DS takes first, lifted by Zelda, but other game takes #1.
andriasang.com news
1UP Review FEAR 3
"B+" "the game's online component that makes this worthwhile"
1up.com impressions
PS Vita Rear Touch Panel Idea Initially Rejected
It should have STAYED rejected
andriasang.com news
EA Shoots Down Dillinger Law Suit
Family was suing over use of their name in Godfather games.
ripten.com news
Square Considering U for Dragon Quest X
They are currently investigating releasing for both.
andriasang.com news
Crytek Talks About PC Gamer Backlash
"we took a different direction, and it backfired a little bit."
industrygamers.com news
PSN Promotion: Buy Marvel Pinball Get Zen Pinball FREE
Promotion Ends June 27
goozernation.com news
'Amy' New Survival Horror Gaming Coming to PSN
Play as an infected soon-to-be zombie
perezstart.com news
Xenoblade Dev Working on U Game
Hiring ads make it look like development has been going on since last year.
andriasang.com news
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robio (10m)
That is one I'm crossing off my list if and when I get 3DS. I can't stand this type of practice and I refuse to support it.
That RE: Mercs deal doesn't work for me. In my household we have three DS'. One for me, my daughter, and my son. While we all pretty much like different games, there's a few that we will trade between each other like Mario Kart, Pokemon, the Namco Classics Collection, and a few others. The idea that we might not be able to share games amongst my family does not sit well with me.
I am pretty much the only demographic that the save block doesn't effect, the single guy that never returns his game. But how many of me are there? What if one day I feel like starting from scratch, I usually do that if I start a game after a few years. I am sure capcom will cave in at some point and haved a patch.
Forget Uncharted 3, get hyped for Unearthed!!
Its Uncharted but made by an Arabic studio so its Arabic Uncharted.
Nice kneepads.
Unearthed looks good enough for me.
I renewed my Xbox Gold subscription today for one more year, mainly for Gears and Battlefield. I honestly don't believe I'm gonna renew again next year. With the fun I'm having on the PS's online network, I see no reason to pay.
I'll start bitching when it gets hacked again.
MMO Star Wars: Galaxies Shutting Down in Sept.
This makes me wonder if EverQuest will be shutting down soon. God knows it's probably due since the game is 12 years old. But if they had a major end of game event I think I'd log back into my old account for it.
I tried out Battlefield Play 4 Free. It's basically Battlefield Heroes but with the Battlefield 2 graphics and content. It uses the same weapon rentals setup which makes it completely imbalanaced and almost "pay to win". You can rent some things for game points but you can rent them for more days or buy them outright by paying and even better weapons can't be rented with game points at all. Still, it's been fairly fun outside the cheaters I just encountered. I was playing as a scout and still mostly 1 or 2 shot killed fools with the first plain sniper rifle. The skills you can choose to learn after leveling up are pretty good too, like carrying more ammo, having more health, avoiding mine wires, etc. You actually need to unlock the piloting skills and such, you can only enter those vehicles as a passenger or gunner before getting those. You can also pay for boosts to the experience gains but that's minor compared to the weapon purchases. So yeah, for a not broken free FPS go for Team Fortress 2, but if you're curious about Battlefield, Play 4 Free is a decent example as long as you know the differences, like being unable to go prone, the imbalanced microtransactions, and the overall lesser quality.
Screenshots. The first few are high resolution, the rest are low because I was playing it windowed which only runs at the default size regardless of what you choose. The graphics aren't bad for a free game I guess. In some ways they are worse than even Battlefield 2, in other ways the engine feels and looks better.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I wasn't confused before, but I am now.
Is that a tin of nuts?
Looks like cat food to me.
I want that lanyard
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Trust me on this one, get this game ASAP
I remember the Fatal Frame 4 thing, rumour was that Nintendo america wanted tecmo to fix the aiming among other tweaks but Tecmo refused so it never got published in the west.
Okay, great gba games:
Some DS games already do this, like some Square Enix games. You can't delete a save but you can overwrite it and start a new game. I believe it's been misinterpreted here, it's not a one use disposable game - that makes no sense. It just means the game autosaves and then you have to overwrite a single save. It would be beyond stupid to have a game you couldn't replay. Although it is a score based arcade like game so maybe it makes more sense in light of that. Still sounds stupid to me.
It's a tin of Deku nuts, well tree nuts that you can plant.
This is the email I just sent Nintendo of fuckin' America:
Dear Nintendo of America,
As a lifelong fan of your company and the many great games and home consoles it has made, I find myself feeling the need to write this email to you in regards to the software situation the Wii console is in here in its final months before your next home console releases in America.
Specifically, I find it incredibly disheartening that you seem to have no interest at all in releasing certain games here in the U.S. that have or will be released in Europe, as well as Japan, in the coming months. As a hardware maker and industry leader, it seems like it should be your duty to get these games to your fans and to the people that want to play them, especially considering many have already been translated into English for Europe.
I speak of games like Xenoblade from Monolith Software, a company I have followed and enjoyed since before they were owned by Nintendo. Of games like The Last Story, another Nintendo published work by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and his Mistwalker Studio, who also made the incredible Lost Odyssey on the Xbox360 console.
And I speak of games like Pandora's Tower, Fatal Frame 4, and the Wii version of Pikmin 2, among others.
These are all games that obviously had a ton of heart and soul put into them by their creators, and seem to be pushing the Wii console to its limits and really showing off what it was capable of. These are the kinds of games myself and many others bought the console for. And as the Wii console slowly fades away with very few "hardcore" games on the horizon before your next console releases, these games could give the Wii console some much needed life before its end, along with Zelda: Skyward Sword.
So I'm asking as a lifelong fan of 32 years, to please do right by your fans here in North America, and allow us to be able to support you by giving us the option to buy these games stateside.
Thank you for reading.
Sincerely, Jason
Nintendo wants Wii U to bring back core gamers
If that's the case, Nintendo should stop giving "CORE" gamers the shaft on the Wii console by not giving them access to games that are already on their fucking console.
Very nice. If it's not too late I'd change "Hardcore gamers" to "core gamers." That's the phrase they seem to be using these days, and it's always good to speak to your audience in the language they do.
And if you can work in the words "giant cock" that help get the point across too.
Did anyone read the editorial in Fridays updates?
Dial Other M for Murder: Is the Metroid Series Dead?
1up editorial
I think it's wishful thinking on their part. I remember reading some of 1ups impressions on the game and they totally hated it due to Samus' portrayal. I know the game didn't sell bucketloads but it was hardly a failure either. What makes the editorial perplexing for me is that Nintendo's Eguchi confirmed at e3 that there would be a metroid game on Wii U.
So I want to know from everyone who played Other M, did you hate it?
I played all the Prime games the day they came out, whereas Other M I bought months after release and still haven't played it, nor do I feel the urge to. I think that says something in and of itself.