1up review Kid Icarus Uprising
B+ 'an immensely deep and entertaining experience that sets many a high water mark '
1up.com impressions
Star Wars Kinect hands on
Leaning forward to move was often unresponsive, and overall I just got bored - and extremely tired - very quickly.
reghardware.com impressions
Amazon offering refunds for people not satisfied with ME3
This is totally out of control
thegamingvault.com news
1UP Reviews Yakuza Dead Souls
C+ "the redeeming factors of Dead Souls don't make up for the tedious combat".
1up.com impressions
The Press Room Episode #105
Yakuza Dead Souls, Mass Effect 3, Resident Evil: OCR Hands On. OMG and WTF, must listen.
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions media news
1Up Reviews Ninja Gaiden 3
C "Team Ninja's attempt to force Ninja Gaiden into the Western style falls flat"
1up.com editorial impressions
1up: Epic Mickey 2 controls awkwardly with a gamepad
The paint controls feel awkward on the PS3 and 360 versions of the game
1up.com impressions
Vigil on Wii U Darksiders 2 video interview
They are not doing anything on wii U to get a higher polycount, lazy gits.
Yoshinori Ono rushed to the hospital
Ono-san’s physical condition rapidly and heavily deteriorated and he had to be taken to the hospital.
nintendo-universe.co.uk news
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It just got scored in Famitsu so maybe it's coming out in Japan. Not due out here for quite a while.
This weekend, like most days this week I've been playing:
On the settee. I just got to the point where I have to battle Liquid Snake riding Metal Gear Rex. I don't know if it's the final boss or not. It doesn't seem that long since I've have to "swap discs" but maybe the game is not evenly split between the two discs.
... and I've been playing
on the bog. I'm on level 14. Only a couple of locked ones left. I hope there's more after I finish those but I doubt it. Even if it finishes at the end of those levels it'll still be a really sweet game despite being short and much better and more fun than most full games nowadays.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Everything that Yoda loathes condensed in a 3 minute song
I very much doubt that bro. They didn't have anything to do with Soul Reaver, they only designed Blood Omen. Its definitely Eternal Darkness.
Beware about Radiant Dawn....as cool as it seems right now, when you get around 60% complete the game suddenly out of nowhere becomes stupidly, ridiculously hard to the point of frustration. The difficulty balance is all fucked up in this one compared to Path Of Radiance.
This weekend was all about:
**LOVE how faithful this game turned out to be!
...but I only played about an hour!**
No. This isn't an error. After playing Mass Effect on 360, Mass Effect 2 on 360 --and-- Mass Effect 2 --and-- all the DLC on PS3... I returned to Mass Effect 2 on 360 to play all of the DLC on THERE, so I could get the plot points I chose on the PS3 version in my 360 save... I already feel left behind as everyone I know has finished ME3. This was the weekend to play catch-up and get ready to play ME3 to completion on the 360. I tried to wait for BioWare to fix the PS3 version, but finally gave up. I've effectively payed and played for and through ME2 twice now completely. I can't wait to see the sights and experience all of it, beginning to END, for better or worse, and FINALLY be able to talk to all of you about it!
My weekend was divied up between Street Fighter X Tekken and Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny. Been a good weekend too. Took Friday off and pretty much spent the entire weekend playing video games when I wasn't doing yardwork or playing with the kids. I think I played more this weekend than I have the entire year so far.
I played a couple hours of GT5: Prologue and Wipeout HD. That's about it. I spent most of my weekend reading on my Kindle.
Basically ME2 and 3. On 2 I am doing the Shadow Broker DLC right now, team is complete except for one member, and I'm about 60 or 70% done with loyalty missions as well.
Played a few ME3 games yesterday with Travo and GME. Pretty fun game actually. I was doubtful the end result could be appealing or entertaining, but in the end the thing works out. Only MP, though, won't start SP until I get 100% galaxy disposition AND finish my second playthrough in ME2.