Spong review LEGO City Undercover Wii U
8/10 - "What LEGO City Undercover is is a rare thing indeed – a meaty AAA game aimed squarely and unapologetically at kids."
spong.com impressions
Amazon France Lists Dragon Quest X
For the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online.
gematsu.com news
Rumor: FF XIII Versus Getting Rebranded as FF XV
And that Sony is paying to move it to PS4.
gematsu.com news
Gamingnexus reviews NFS Most Wanted U
"The game is just as good, even better than the other versions and best of all it runs like a dream on Nintendo’s new console"
gamingnexus.com impressions
MTV LEGO City Undercover - review
"Easily a must buy for any Wii U owner that has a sense of humor."
mtv.com impressions
EA Origin website sale - 50% off everything
Need for Speed: Most Wanted U for $30
Audiosurf Air Announced Also Beta Sign-Ups
Like Audio Surf but now it involves skiing and getting air
audio-surf.com news
If You Like Saints Row, Take The Survey
Some game options, but mostly about what collectors' edition bonuses.
Kojima details Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes GDC conference content
The presentation will mostly be a technical demonstration of the Fox Engine, showing the rendering techniques of the brand new game engine.
Rumour: Final fantasy 15 is exclusive to PS4
Is actually Final Fantasy Versus XIII PS3 renamed/worked
The Telegraph Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
5 out of 5 - "a game unlike any other. Incomparable, yet instantly accessible."
telegraph.co.uk impressions
1up Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - review
"Dark Moon's thoughtful design and overall excellence make it an essential for the 3DS library"
1up.com impressions
Ono tweets picture of Deep Down running on PS4
How he can change the camera because it is actually real time running on PS4.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
(PC/XBLA/PSN/WiiU) announced by Capcom
polygon.com news
Magma Pool Included: Tomb Raider Review
laserlemming.com impressions
DuckTales success could lead to more Capcom/Disney games
"In a purely hypothetical world. I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one"
Capcom explains why they are remaking DuckTales
In the works for 2.5 years
Capcom talks DuckTales Remastered voice acting
Scrooge's voice actor is now 94 years old but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro
Deadly Premonition Trailer
Deadly Premonition is due out for PlayStation 3 on April 30.
gematsu.com media
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Need for Speed may be "old" but it's the best racer of it's type.
Point taken. Both are significantly upgraded though and Most Wanted isn't that old.
Actually I just ordered NFS most wanted this morning, though I agree with much of what you are saying. Third parties just don't have any sort of commitment to the platform, they half ass it, release old games at full price and balk when people don't buy it. In my case I am curious about the games significantly better graphical performance on wii u, I haven't bought a racing game in years and this comes with free DLC, I have a new system and want to play games on it and I want to be supportive of a developer who approaches a U version with the right attitude (read my latest blog for details). I'll be getting Lego City too.
Anyone picking up Gears Judgment today? I certainly want it, but I just started Sleeping Dogs. I know that if I start Gears, I'll probably never go back to Sleeping Dogs. The reviews make Gears sound so tempting though.
+ Definitely TT's magnum opus - it shows now that they're given a short dev period to make other Lego games. This one is really polished by their standards, and rich in detail.
+ Story is actually well written and more amusing than the trailers made it seem. There's a great understanding of 80s movie cliches here beyond one-liners.
+ Voice acting is really good, brings the characters alive.
+ Gameplay feels a bit more solid than previous Lego games, possibly Nintendo testing at work.
+ The car handling is fine IMO; they are heavier than Lego Batman vehicles, but still handle like toy cars. The way vehicles get damaged in real time is great.
+ The open world is bigger than the map posted online makes it seem. The scale of each region is large for your character and packed with detail.
+ There are a LOT of side activity points that are immediately visible and require future disguises to unlock.
+ 70s soundtrack is not over-used, doesn't play constantly.
+ Gamepad use so far is pretty neat. When characters pop a video window up, their chatter comes out of the pad speakers but Chase's voice and replies stay on the TV, nice interplay.
+ There are jaggies, it's unfortunate. Otherwise, the graphics are better in action than shots may appear, as there is some nice lighting, shadows, and effects like water and shaders on stonework and stuff. In my opinion, it's a bit higher quality than an open world game on PS360 - the landscape retains detail further into the distance, the median texture quality on everything is higher, with a large variety of textures in play.
+ Framerate so far is solid and smooth 90% of the time. It judders just a little in expected places, such as standing at a crossroads where there is heavy traffic, pedestrians, and probably near invisible pre-caching boundaries.
- The primary loading world breaks are where TT's engine falls down. It doesn't perform the big load during every transition. But when the main game environment has to reload, such as after a mission, it's pretty nasty. 35-60 seconds.
- There are actually mission checkpoints now, so it appears sections can be failed, but it's still designed so kids can play as well as adults. It will fail to engage some folks, no way around it.
- Lack of an automatic save on game exit is annoying and an oversight. It's designed to save every time you get a significant item, like a special brick, or even just a large valuable resource item. But you could still do a lot of regular stud collecting and such between saves. I'm really surprised Nintendo didn't tell TT to update their saving convention from previous Lego games.
- The jaggies and image quality are not as bad as some games, like Sonic Racing Transformed (which, to be honest, I thought was quite terrible in that area). But they still harm what is an otherwise surprisingly pretty visual presentation.
Overall, nothing besides the loading issue is disappointing my expectations, and the game exceeds them in a few areas like story, humor, and how packed the game world is with details. I was hoping Nintendo could bring out TT's best, it seems they have.
I think if you can get into the relaxed pace, it is a very meaty game with a ton of stuff to do. Also the kind of game the console needs right now, it'll last a long time if you like it.
If there's enough complaints about the loading, I hope that there's something TT can do with a patch to improve their loading scheme even a little bit. Btw, it seems the reason the game loads before a cut scene is that it's preparing data for the mission following the cut scene - lots of special placement for NPCs, required vehicles, and modifications to the area the mission takes place in.
Better than Burnout?
Of course... It's by Criterion... It --IS-- Burnout...
It's pretty much Burnout Paradise with real cars.
It's only 4 months old and they have enhanced it both in graphics, applying PC textures and options, gamepad use and they bundled in a dlc pack. I think it's a pretty decent effort. Famitsu gave this version a 9/9/9/8, ONM a 90%. I haven't bought a car racer in like 8 years.
Wii U version absolutely the version of Revelations to get. This is the best use of miiverse so far!
Death Message
Are you going to get it? If so are you getting it cause you really want a car racer or cause you need games to play on Wii U, or both?
Gamefly is sending me GoW today. Lets see how long it takes, I better get it by Friday when I get back home.
Dvader said:gamingeek said:
It's only 4 months old and they have enhanced it both in graphics, applying PC textures and options, gamepad use and they bundled in a dlc pack. I think it's a pretty decent effort. Famitsu gave this version a 9/9/9/8, ONM a 90%. I haven't bought a car racer in like 8 years.
TrailerAre you going to get it? If so are you getting it cause you really want a car racer or cause you need games to play on Wii U, or both?
To quote my earlier post: Actually I just ordered NFS most wanted this morning. In my case I am curious about the games significantly better graphical performance on wii u, I haven't bought a racing game in years and this comes with free DLC, I have a new system and want to play games on it and I want to be supportive of a developer who approaches a U version with the right attitude (read my latest blog for NFS details). I'll be getting Lego City too.The new screens are great.
Normally I would do as you do GG but I decided to take a stance where if I wouldnt buy it on 360/PS3 new I wouldn't get it for Wii U. Its a way to prevent buying stuff just cause I want games for the new console. I am trying to only buy games at full price if I really really want it.
This is awesome that they are including both games but seriously, how fucking long does it take to put out an HD update of a few PS2 games?! At this point they should make it for all consoles including Wii U and PS4.
Final Fantasy X HD to include FF X-2 HD on PS3 But the sequel will reportedly be sold separately on Vita
Never played FFX-2... it might convince me to.. NO. Now a FFXII HD version I am in.
Eh...I'm really split between this version and the PC version. Just not sure at all. The PC version will look better, but the U version will probably have cooler controls (maybe not better).
One thing is for sure this upcoming generation compared to last gen for me. Since I am starting the generation already with a good PC, its going to REALLY cut down on the games I play on consoles. I could really limit console games to just exclusives alone which would mean slim pickins on all of them for their lifespans. Its gonna be interesting.
I bet its great GG, I just will never buy a racer full price unless its GT.