Australian Takes Over EA
Look for a resurgence of Ty the Tasmanian Tiger games. news
Nomura discusses Final Fantasy XV
Explains the first numbered FF to be an Action RPG. news
Miyamoto praises Retro
thinks they can handle multiple projects at once
PS4: Sony Earlier Thought About Slow GDDR5 + eDRAM
Cerny says eDRAM speeds can be 1000GB per second
Wii U eDRAM Explained by Shin’en
At base, eDRAM is high density, very, very fast Random Access Memory that is actually embedded on to the chip that it services
Shinen on Wii U: It's not the hardwares fault
If devs have a hard time making great looking games on Wii U
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robio (9m)
Its like GS has an entire staff of reviews with every single trait I dont agree with. They are the most whiny bunch of people of all time, any little thing that stops them from a boring simplistic but easy to play gameplay experience they get all upset about. They can never get frustrated once cause they go cry in a corner it seems like. They complain about every stupid story issue, or any little thing that even slightly offends them and everything offends them.
$2 lets you rent all the available games at once for 24 hours. You mention boxing as a game you didn't like much, but I can see this being drastically improved upon with motionplus. I can see myself paying $2 to try them all out, or just paying the rental fee when I have friends over for a gaming night.
I like the segments but the individual price is too high yes. Weird it feels like Wii Sports will finally be the game it should have been in 2006. With motionplus boxing might be all right? I would be more excited to see new sports or sports resort stuff I never got to try before.
I feel like a rube for even considering it but the whole play for your local club in tennis tournaments appeals to me. The north london massive vs the Miami club?
I never thought of that but when you put it like that it makes sense, because you all pony up 50 cents each for a night. Intriguing, but I can't get past the fact that it's just repurposed segments of a game we already own. IMO they should have bought the Super Tennis IP from Konami and done it with super deformed chibi characters and online modes et al.
David Hayter, previously the longtime voice actor for Snake in the Metal Gear Solid games, doesn’t intend to play the series’ latest entry. Speaking with @Gamer this month, Hayter was asked if he’ll miss the role of Solid Snake and whether he intends to experience the game and told the magazine:
Gaming Everything
Konami is so stupid. Keifer will not do a better job, its not his character.
And he will be more expensive!
Get ready for Shin Megami x Sonic. least they liked Witcher 2!
Did I see this right? The new Riddick is a fucking iOS game?
I am honestly surprised that Konami haven't had to merge with someone else yet. What keeps them afloat?
Check the article in the updates
The ten amendments: we crown seven games from the last 20 years of Edge with a retrospective 10
As we look back at 20 years of Edge, hindsight helps us to see that a handful of games were deserving of our highest possible review score. Here, we do justice to seven new (old) 10s, in chronological order: GoldenEye 007, Advance Wars, Resident Evil 4, Drop7, Red Dead Redemption, Super Street Fighter IV and Dark Souls. You can find all of our previous Edge 10s here.
I read that a few minutes ago...pretty good read.
Goldeneye was and still is lightning in a bottle. This is why I go out of my way trying to get Goldeneye Source and Perfect Dark Source running. These games were huge events for me that still mean something. I still think Goldeneye has more replay value than any other game I have ever played....Nintendo should consider themselves INSANELY lucky to have had it on the N64 with so few games available on the console. Nothing new to play? POP IN GOLDENEYE! Like I said the other day, they haven't had a title like that to rely on since. Evergreen.
I haven't played Dark Souls yet. Been wanting to, but just haven't been up to the challenge. Resident Evil 4 and Red Dead are solid choices as well.
If we lived in the same town we'd go talk this over at a bar and drown our sorrows. I see Sonic and Catherine at the Winter Olympics... (j/k, I don't think there will be tie-ins). However, having a second stringer like Sammy buy Atlus just goes to show that Square, Namco and Capcom are on hard times (since they could not scrape together the interest or capital to buy what is clearly a gem of a moneymaker).
I have been looking for a used (or new actually) copy of a Tiger Woods game for this generation in my local gamestop for months now. You'd think the aussies would be all over golf.
Nah. See Earthbound (in terms of Ninty not using these kinds of things as indicators of interest). This was the easiest way for Nintendo to get out a tent-pole franchise in time for Black Friday. I don;t understand how Nintnedo can have so many employees, and build that super big new facility and still not have the chops to make HD games (see iwata's comment about their difficulty with grappling hd development)
PES ... and maybe yu-gi-oh to a lesser extend
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I'm really not good at this vacation thing. Woke up at 3:30 today to work on the podcast etc...
Biggest budget in game history, rockstar more than tripled what they put in in one day
That's revenue, not profit. But even if it is revenue, and say they made a third of the $800 million, TakeTwo would have made their money back almost exactly: $266 Million.
I can still drown my sorrows without you though right?
Um guys, TGS is happening right now.
I am watching someone play Deep Down!
MGSV presentation in a few minutes!!!