Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 4.60 |
Overall | 4.60 |
I never thought I would find a more boring, more linear, more mind numbing campaign in a shooter than the call of duty games. Well battlefield manages to do everything the CoD games do but do them worse. The campaign is atrocious thankfully it only lasts like 5 hours. It's exactly like a CoD campaign filled with the same giant scripted moments where you do nothing but watch shit happen. All you do is shoot any dude that pops his head up. The reason to play this is multiplayer but gen that is pretty terrible. I can only judge what I experienced and I have found that now there are no EA run servers. Everything is private servers now run by players so when you matchmake you almost always end up in a match with near infinite lives in a raid like mode. It's all done just to get lots of kills and level up, the matches are terrible. It's a shame cause I get there is a really cool game in there as there are vehicles and huge maps. Can someone tell me why a game with all sorts of vehicles in multilayer has none in single player, WTF? Battlefield 3 is worse than any CoD game I have played. I admit I didn't give the online enough time but every match I did play was exactly the same and it sucked. The only good qualities about the game is that the shooting feels great and it looks nice, oh and the vehicles which I didn't get to try out much of. I got this free on plus and I want my money back. |
Posted by Dvader Wed, 07 Aug 2013 03:52:44
Recently Spotted:
robio (8s)
I'm playing another COD clone right now, Battlefield Bad Company 2 which I'm finding pretty good so far but I'm not that far in. Did you ever play it?
If so, how does it compare to this?
Again I missed out on the good multiplayer part of this game which was when it first hit and EA had servers up.
ROFL!!!!! Not laughing at your review Vader, but at how big this game is supposed to be for EA.
"Battlefield 3 is worse than any CoD game I have played. I admit I didn't give the online enough time but every match I did play was exactly the same and it sucked."
You sir are awesome.