PlayStation 36.90
Overall 6.90
This is a single player only review of Black Ops 2

The first few hours of the campaign was simply the biggest piece of shit game I had played all year. The absolute worst aspects of FPS on full display. Respawning enemies, bullets that magically hit you from fucking space, invulnerable scripted enemies. I was on a battlefield where everyone had the exact same face. Speaking of which WTF happened to the graphics? This game looks like a turd, its all brown and muddy.

Just as I was about to quit on the game it started to take place in the future and not in the past. All of a sudden something amazing happened, it became a CoD game with actual new ideas. Now I have all sorts of cool gadgets to mess with like a wrist launching grenade. I can take control of drones in the middle of a battle. There were missions that felt like a Mission Impossible episode, totally scripted but still cool to experience. And the story became *gasp* compelling?! This game has one hell of a villain.

The best part of the game are the optional strike missions where you get to control squads in certain missions, most of these are defend a position or go extract someone. In these missions you can stay an eye in the sky and command your squads in a very basic RTS like way. That way sucks so dont bother, instead you can instantly teleport into any one or any drone and start fighting. These missions are a breath of fresh air as they offer options and choice. Speaking of choice now the story has multiple paths that can occur depending on your actions in the game, these choices actually start to matter toward the end.

I was shocked, the campaign was actually good. I still don't like it as much as the IW games as they have a far better understanding of how to mix gigantic setpieces seamlessly with the gameplay. That said this is the best campaign Treyarch has ever done and I have heard the multiplayer is fantastic so overall this actually is a very good game. So my campaign score is 6.9 (so the dudebros can giggle), I assume it would be much higher with the multiplayer.
Posted by Dvader Wed, 02 Jan 2013 02:39:26
Wed, 02 Jan 2013 11:01:20
Seriously your score makes it sound so crappy. Bad old levels good future ones? What is the ratio between old and new?
Thu, 03 Jan 2013 00:44:52
The first 3 of 4 missions are old. The rest of the game is all future. Its like 70/30 with new dominating.
Thu, 03 Jan 2013 10:57:11
Sounds like a good ratio and yet still only 6.9?
Did you play with move?
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