Platform | OVERALL |
Wii | 5.30 |
Overall | 5.30 |
Why did I buy this? You play as insects, it's an interesting concept but once you start playing and realizing the entire game is just walking down linear paths and fighting, well then it's no longer interesting. Both insects play alike for the most part, the spider can climb more objects and has some web powers. The scorpion is more of a straight path character with a focus on combat. Most of the game just as you wandering the desert down some dirt hole, to some desert area which leads to another hole, to another area, to another hole. There is no imagination to the world, no puzzles to solve, no real exploration. Yeah there are grubs scattered everywhere to collect but that requires you to just go off the main path to a branch that always ends in a dead end. The only real gameplay is the combat which is decent for a wii game. Its average action/adventure combat, you got a few moves and evades. The scorpion does a sort of fatality move after he beats down his enemies. The fights are sort of ridiculous, you battle other insects and rats in a sort of wrestling fashion. While you play in the background ever so often you will see the human characters talking, the story amounts to nothing so dont worry about it. There is the occasional boss fight, very standard pattern based stuff. The final two levels finally become interesting because you wander into human territory. Now you are this tiny bug crawling around these rooms and normal human appliances and goods. Gone are the linear roads, now you get a large open space to explore. If the whole game was like this it would have been much better. I played another game on the wii that did the small creature in a human world concept so much better, Mushroom Men, for the love of god play that instead! In the end you stab Dennis Hopper's character in the balls, that is the final boss. The game ends in a 10 second CG clip that looks PS1 in quality. The only good things about it is that it looks really nice for a wii game. It has decent production values and an average combat system. Other than that its as bland an action/adventure game as I have played, its over in 7 hours and no real reason to play again. The concept is interesting but they do nothing with it. |
Posted by Dvader Tue, 13 Oct 2009 01:03:52
Recently Spotted:
Yeah, that sums it up. The last 2 hours of the game were insufferable.
I was very impressed with the first 2 hours, but after that... gah.
" The only real gameplay is the combat which is decent for a wii game."
Die please.
I thought it was good. The major problem was the middle section for me. The last 2 hours were the best part.
The beginnig was good, and as was the ending, but the ending was repetative and boring.
For the boss battle alone it deserves a 7, though!