PlayStation 46.30
Overall 6.30
Twilight of the republic is the game that comes with the starter pack for Disney Infinify 3.0. You get the anakin and asoka figures so you can play as both of those characters in a game that takes place during the Clone Wars cartoon. Basically this is an action platformer with basic combat and a variety of simple mini games.

Combat is a your usual action game type with basic combos, air juggles and some force supers. Your combos are basically mash triangle or pause in between to get a stronger attack, you get a dash attack and an air juggle option as well. There is a rather robust skill tree system to grow which gives more attacks, force powers and more health. enemies come in a variety of types, some with shields which you can use the force to disarm. The larger brutes require strong attacks.

All in all it's mostly pretty simple but on harder difficulties it could be surprisingly difficult. You will need to grow your character to even have a chance at extreme mode. The combat arena mixes enemies in a way where actual skills are required. But most of the game is populated by random grunts that is mostly busy work. There are a few boss battles that follow simple patterns but the music and presentation make them fun. Come on battling darth maul in the power room on naboo with duel of the fates playing is awesome no matter what.

The rest of the game is a series of hub worlds with mini games and quests. They are kind of like ratchet worlds, the allow exploration and have various activities. NPCs give out boring fetch quests of the worst type where you go to an icon, pick up whatever it is and go back. Mini games include an orb collection race, pointless but I like that stuff. There is a pod race on tatooine, very basic race controls, don't expect anything good. The best ones are platforming oriented timer goals, it's a shame the platforming part wasn't explored as using Jedi jumps and dashes is fun. Exploring the areas for secrets is more fun than doing the side quests, but rewards are minimal for doing so.

There are also space segments where you fight a few droid ships, this controls just like the ratchet and clank space shooting segments only worse. This was very half assed as there is almost nothing to do in space and the combat is laughable.

This is a kids game, but so are Nintendo games and they are deep and interesting. The strength of this game is the presentation and how it's soaked in Star Wars fan service. The music is on full display, nearly every character from the prequels makes an appearance. Jar jar is as annoying as ever. I enjoy games with silly mini games and I like enjoy brawlers, especially ones with lightsabers.

In case you know nothing about Disney infinity you need to have the figures to change characters. So if you want to be yoda you have to pay for his figure. Dying in the game removes the character you are playing and to continue without restarting the level you need to put another figure. Also some secrets are only accessible using characters that have certain abilities. You can play the whole game with the two figures you get fine but they do use tactics to make you want other figures.

If you like Star Wars this game is enjoyable. I have heard the OT game is way better so I will start that soon. For most of you, don't bother with this, you aren't missing much. As for the rest of infinity I need to get into it to review.

Posted by Dvader Fri, 11 Dec 2015 16:06:47
Sat, 12 Dec 2015 11:23:39
Better than Battlefront?
Sat, 12 Dec 2015 22:00:18
Hmm I think infinity as a whole yes, just this thing, it's close. Battlefront has more going on and it's basically fan service the game, just lack of modes makes it boring fast.
Sun, 13 Dec 2015 11:26:45
Do you plan buying more figures?
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