PlayStation 37.00
Overall 7.00
Enslaved is a perfect example of the decent game that doesn't have much wrong with it but it does nothing special either so its totally forgettable. You run around semi large but linear environments while engaging enemies into hand to hand combat and collecting a bunch of orbs as if its a platformer. It has climbing mechanics stolen right from Uncharted but somehow it feels even more automatic. It has stealth elements, shooter elements and a minor puzzle or two to break up the action. It even has a hover-board thing that was taken straight from Jak 2. It is a smorgasboard of gameplay mechanics all string together to form your average action adventure game.

The combat is boring, you do nothing but mash buttons in between blocking. No real skill is needed even on the highest settings and all the new moves you earn don't really add much as your basic moves work well enough. It does the ebb and flow pacing thing well, it even has a boss fight or two which I would qualify as good.

One thing that stands out is the color, this is a beautiful game to look at if you like green. Its lush and vibrant, such a contrast to the muddy brown so many games use these days. The cutscenes are all handled by Andy Serkis and his team so its all very well acted. As for the story it's kind of weird and not that engaging at all. I found the game to have sound glitches and my character got stuck in walls a few times so it is not technically sound.

I was shocked to find that I enjoyed Heavenly Sword more than Enslaved. HS at least focuses on one aspect, the combat, and does it well enough to stand out. If you are an action adventure aficionado like myself you have played games like this for years now, this one is not special but not a bad one either.
Posted by Dvader Fri, 20 May 2011 00:54:20
Fri, 20 May 2011 02:55:58
Jak 2 -- THAT's where I have seen that hoverboard before.  They owe a lot to Naughty Dog, not just for the Uncharted elements.

Great characters in this game, I liked the ending scenes as well (and the final bosses where good too).
Fri, 20 May 2011 03:10:47
Wait wait, Didn't I sell you Jak game ? Was it jak 2?
Fri, 20 May 2011 03:12:13
Nope. I got no PS2 games from you.  I did enjoy Jak 2, but got frustrated with a timed race about 3-4 hours into the game.
Fri, 20 May 2011 05:16:03
Yes you did I bet to differ, you definatly got Zone Of Enders 2 and Ring Of Red from me and I know a few others, not as many as other systems but a few. I have a great memory.
Fri, 20 May 2011 10:25:56
I was considering getting this at hobo price but you have shot me away.
Fri, 20 May 2011 11:53:37
Don't think it's worth it, even at a hobo price, purely because there are many better games even at those prices.

I only played the demo but Vader's account is completely in line with my impressions of it
Fri, 20 May 2011 17:44:33
Yeah I bought this for 25 very avg at best, at worst it's annoying and boring. For 10-15 not bad anything over that I would skip it.
Fri, 20 May 2011 18:08:49
Not getting it.
Fri, 20 May 2011 22:02:39
You guys are missing out on a great game. It would be great at full price.
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