Xbox 3608.00
Overall 8.00
The second sequel is usually the game in a series where the largest leap in quality occurs. There have been so many part 2's that are masterpieces, honestly I thought this would be one of those. I was wrong, actually I think the original Gears campaign was better or at least it was more interesting cause it was the first time playing it. Gears 2 stays really close to the formula, really really close, offering little to make it stand out.

Gears 2 is basically a bigger flasher version of Gears 1. But where some sequels try some new gameplay additions or tune ups, like Uncharted 2's shooting while climbing and much improved stealth, Gears 2 does none of that. You have all the same moves, practically the same guns and the exact same gameplay which is simply pop out of cover shooting. All that changed is some new setpieces including vehicles and a few new enemies.

The core shooting is still phenomenal, I can't think of many TPS that feel this responsive. When you are in cover with a horde of enemies coming at your from different angles the gameplay really shines. I love variety in my shooters but strangely I found whenever this game went away from the cover shooting it got worse. There was one area where they introduce a new enemy in a room with no cover. Now I am expecting some awesome new monster that I have to figure out how to kill. Well the enemies burst out of test tube and proceed to simply run at me, so I pull out the chainsaw and they literally run into their death. I finished that entire section by doing nothing but holding up the chainsaw.

There is a cool segment where you get to drive a tank, its pretty decent but I wish they did more. Most of the time you are simply firing at the same three enemies and avoiding ice pits, no boss battle to speak of. Speaking of boss battles where are they? There were about two of them the whole game, the final boss wasn't much a battle. The best one takes place in one of the most interesting moments where you are in a raft with enemy rafts attacking you. After you battle them a giant fish monster appears and it would be a decent fight if it weren't glitched. For some reason Fenix gets stuck in the environments in crucial moments during the fight.

Most of the game is the tired and true cover based shooting and during these moments the game shines. The last two hours brings a great mix of enemies which test your shooting skills to its max. Make no mistake this is a great shooter it is just not what I am looking for. When I compare it to others in the same genre I enjoy the gameplay of Uncharted, RE5, Dead Space, so much better. Hell I even think Gears 1 had better variety, like the way it played with darkness. Beat by beat Gears 2 does not have the same variety as those other TPSs but I do think the core shooting is the best. Personally I am not in it just for the shooting, I enjoy getting up in personal with enemies and using various tactics.

I did not get a chance to play the multiplayer but I can see there was ton of content, including horde mode. The campaign was about 7 hours long, average length I would say. Make no mistake, I enjoyed most of the campaign but I cannot say it is better than any of the games I mentioned above.
Posted by Dvader Wed, 26 Sep 2012 02:29:56
Wed, 26 Sep 2012 22:09:27
I really have to replay this one to have a take.

Good review Vader, you made a Freudian slip, "Most of the game is the *tired* and true cover based shooting"
Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:46:36
Gears 1 had variety?
Sat, 29 Sep 2012 16:37:46
The dark areas where mutant bat things eat you alive so you have to make sure you stay in light. I think there was a driving segment there too. Oh and the big dudes you had to take out with the hammer of dawn, reminded me of the RE4 claw guys. Cool train level.
Sat, 29 Sep 2012 19:40:12
Why can no one allow me to be sarcastic without retort? Sad
Sat, 29 Sep 2012 20:12:08
I didnt know that was sarcasm. And you are not Foolz or Iga, they are the sarcastic ones.
Sun, 30 Sep 2012 10:57:22
I am sarcastic too. Sad I just do it more subtly. Maybe this is why people misread me.
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