Overall 8.00
How do I even describe this game... reckless murder simulator?  The point of Hotline Miami is to enter a crowed floor of enemies where you have to quickly murder everyone in the most interesting ways. You get points for how many different weapons you use, combo kills, executions, and how fast it was all done. All that is done in lighting fast speed, this is a game where you will die within one second and in the next second you are back killing 3 guys.

Everything kills you in one hit, one bullet, one melee attack and when you die you start the floor over again instantly. No load times, no cutscenes, you simply attempt to clear the floor again. All the action happens so fast its almost pure chaos but as you get better you begin to pull off the most amazing kill streaks. An example of a floor battle starts you off behind a door where you open it, knocking out a guy with a bat, you get the bat and bash his head in. You run into the next room and quickly kill two guys with guns who had their back to you, throw the bat at another guy about to shoot you, pick up the gun shoot the two guys charging you from behind, now wait behind a door as the entire floor comes charging at you guns blazing. All that happens in like 10 seconds.

The game is all old school sprites with a top down view. The music is absolutely fantastic, all electronic 80ish beats. There is minimal story but its done in such a way that is so weird and interesting that you cant help but want to keep playing. The game has 19 levels, all can be finished in a few minutes but many are tough which can leave you stuck for 20-30 minutes. Also you will want to replay the levels to get higher scores.

There isnt anything like this game, one of the most intense unique games I have played in a while.
Posted by Dvader Wed, 06 Mar 2013 04:10:38
Sat, 09 Mar 2013 10:18:17
I hate this game because it rips off Retro City Rampage.
Sat, 09 Mar 2013 11:01:02
"There isnt anything like this game"^
Sat, 09 Mar 2013 11:02:27
BeLIEve it ripped off Retrocity.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 14:45:43
You played this game just because it has Miami in the title. Admit it!
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 17:53:38
LOL you are correct GME. It is a stunningly realistic portrayal of daily life in Miami. Nyaa
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 17:54:08
BTW I think you would love it GME. Get it when it hits consoles.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 21:37:07
I actually already own it on steam I think. I should give it a go Nyaa

So many games to play and all that.
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 23:04:41
Think of it as the action version of meat boy.
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