Platform | OVERALL |
Nintendo 3DS | 7.30 |
Overall | 7.30 |
I was exhausted by the time I finished this game, it goes on and on and on. Normally that is a trait I love in games but sometimes a concept can only go so far. I found myself in a strange love hate relationship with Uprising. Every time I started it up I was like "damn this game is sweet!" An hour later I couldnt wait to end whatever level I was on just to take a break. The game is a shooter, at its best it is a flight shooter like Sin and Punishment. When on the ground it is a strange shooter, brawler kind of thing that doesn't work too well. When in flight I was in love, it has all the elements that make shooters memorable. Crazy locations, massive battles, insane bosses. When on the ground I was simply struggling to guide Pit where I wanted him to go. If a game requires a separate stand to play it something is probably wrong with your control scheme. The game is played using the touch screen to shoot and guide pit, but not like a FPS, instead you rotate like a spinning globe. Its simply a mess, honestly I wish the whole thing was on rails and you guys know me, I love control but not this. Not this thing that does hurt if you play too long (well on the small DS, my hands felt good on the XL). That said the entire game is totally nuts in a great way. This is Sakurai at his most crazy. The story is awesome, hilarious and just when you think it is ending you are not even halfway done. You think you know Kid Icarus, you know nothing. There is so much content that I found it hard to even keep track. You have tons and tons of weapons that are possible to find, buy or create. Levels can be replayed on any difficulty, many having secret areas only accessible on the highest difficulties. There is a huge board of unlockables that are done by completing hundreds of specific goals, think the trophy case. There is a full fledged multiplayer mode that many swear by. I never tried it but again I hear it is great at the highest levels of play. Kid Icarus Uprising is a dream package for a portable game. Sadly it sucks to actually control it. I wish I could get into it as some has, I can totally understand why this game is some peoples portable game of last year. Personally though I cannot forgive the ground sections and how they are controlled. This is a very good game that is held back by one major flaw. |
Posted by Dvader Wed, 27 Mar 2013 04:29:19
Recently Spotted:
robio (3m)
On the ground you move toward and back and strafe using the left stick. On the touch pad you control the characters turning as well as aiming. Instead of a bounding box you turn like a globe. So if you want to turn right you swipe from right to left and the character will keep spinning until you stop it with a touch on the touch screen, just like spinning a globe and needing to stop the spin. All this while still using L1 to shoot. Oh and all dodges are on the left stick so you will have to double tap, go side to side quickly while trying to aim on the touch screen and holding L1.
Yup. Epic fail. VirtualBoy level.