It's the sequel to Hotel Dusk
Platform | OVERALL |
Nintendo DS | 8.50 |
Overall | 8.50 |
This is going to be a short review, because if you played the game you mostly know what you need to know. This game scalps the artstyle and gameplay systems of the first game. It's a sequel so that's par for the course. The graphics are better and there is a lot more real estate on display. In terms of environments, it wouldn't be an exagerration to say that there is 3 times as much area to explore. The game is also better at ferrying you around and hinting where to go next, so there are less of those "crap what am I suppossed to be doing" moments. Now this is the important part: the story is marginally less good as Hotel Dusk. It doesn't have the same poignant melancholy as the first game, but still weaves an affecting yarn, well worth delving into. Like the first game it's near the end when the threads come together and bring everything into focus. This is a solid game, well worth your time, you don't need to have played the first game to get this, but if you haven't tried Hotel Dusk, you may as well get that first because of the better story. A nice addition to Last Window is a novel of the actual story which is unlocked chapter by chapter and is hundreds of pages long and written like a crime novel. You read it like the 100 classic book collection. |
Posted by gamingeek Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:18:39
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robio (7m)
I'd definitely like to play this as I really enjoyed Hotel Dusk but only after I finish Prof. Layton 3
The first game had multiple endings, the first time I played it I got one ending and thought how great it would be for a follow up story. The second ending I saw tied up the loose knots which negated the need for a story continuation.
That's pretty cool.
Was this a finished product before CING closed up? Or was this finished by someone else?
Also, Foolz/Homer -- is this available in AU?