Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 7.50 |
Overall | 7.50 |
Again pasted impressions: Last night while playing Overlord 2 I rode a large boat around this lake with many islands to dock at in an effort to find four keys to unlock a large gate. Later I had to infiltrate an empire castle with stealth minions ( you have a spell which turns you into a minion) in a sort of MGS segment. After that I had to cause complete carnage in some town. There is plenty of variety and the stealth mission in particular was awesome. I really like the game but there are some issues which clearly holds it back. The camera does kind of suck, its not the worst I have seen but it gets in the way at times. The lock on mechanic of which is extremely important to every situation is a mess. Sometimes it locks on, sometimes it won't, many times it will choose a target you dont want. During the stealth mission I got lost and ended up glitching the game, my minions ended up floating in air and going through walls. The home base where you upgrade your overlord is a pain to navigate. To reach each upgrade menu you need to travel to a different section of the castle, which requires a long load screen, lots of walking and time wasting when all you needed was a damn menu screen. I dont want to upgrade cause it takes forever. Some side missions are super tedious like kill all 100 townfolk, there is no strategy to it, its just you running around a town slowly killing everyone you see. While the game is very similar to Pikmin the controls just aren't as tight, I can't manage my minions as well as my Pikmin. Iread some of the reviews like the IGN one, basically that review focuses completely on the negative (and states that the original did things better which I can't comment on). if you only focus on that then yeah I can see this game getting 6's all over. I feel like there is a really fun game in there, I love the concept of a fanatsyaction adventureoriented Pikmin game, in fact I like it more than the concept of Pikmin itself. Sadly the execution is no where near as good. The game is lengthy, 20 hours. There are a few side quests which are of the go here and destroy everything kind. Each minion has it's own skill set and the game makes good use of each but nit never truly reaches a moment where you are needed to use all four in distinct ways at once to complete one goal. To be honest though, managing all four groups separately in the heat of battle would probably end in chaos so maybe thats why they never went all out. The game highlights one or two groups at a time to solve a certain puzzle. The game is semi-linear, its like Fable in that its a big world that you always move forward. There are a few branching paths but it's not open world like say Zelda. There are some good boss fights, some had odd solutions that took a while to click for me but once I figured out the pattern they weren't hard. The upgrade system is a mess, I dont think you can max out everything on your first playthrough, there are no multiple difficulties so I dont get why you would want to carry over stats. Fun game hampered by some control issues, a few glitches and missed oppertunity. Overall Score: 7.5 |
Posted by Dvader Sat, 17 Oct 2009 00:16:03
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