PlayStation 36.70
Overall 6.70
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands is the return to the Sands of Time style PoP games after many complained about the new direction the series took. I want to take a moment to address the complainers of the last PoP game, screw you, we had something different, something interesting and because you had to complain now we get a generic PoP game, thank you for nothing.

Forgotten Sands takes place in some ancient palace that has many underground tombs and holds a magic sand army brought to life that must be stopped. You are chosen to stop the army and given special powers like rewinding time of course. The Prince controls the same way he did in the trilogy, you run on walls, swing on poles and all that good stuff. The twist for this game is that you gain the ability to freeze water and recreate old structures that were once there. These powers add wrinkles to climbing and jumping cause now you must freeze water in the right moment to turn a stream into a pole, then unfreeze to turn a waterfall back into water that you can harmlessly jump through. By the end of the game you are performing a ballet of freezing, unfreezing, generating old platforms all while swinging around in the air. This is the most fun you will have with the game as its the only thing it does well.

Combat is an after thought and is even worse than it was in Two Thrones, they have gone backwards. There are tons of enemies on screen at once and you just hack your way through them, no one posses any real threat. You have moves where you can jump on their head and attack from above, its showy but pointless. There are four powers that you can upgrade which allow for magic augmentation of your attacks. Honestly they might as well not be there cause they add nothing, except for the rock power which makes you invincible.

The entire game is basically loads of platforming and sections of combat. The sections of combat just serve to break up the endless running and jumping. I did say that the acrobatics is the best part of the game, it is a good idea but one that is run to the ground, buried, reanimated as a zombie, and then shot in the head. The actions get so repetitive it drives you mad. The locations change but the obstacles always remain the same, it is too much of the same thing. Rarely you get a puzzle that involves moving a series of levers in certain order, not that fun.

It's a good looking game, nothing spectacular. I found the locations to be bland especially compared to the previous games beautiful world. The story is forgettable as are the characters and music. You fight one boss over and over until the end when the pattern finally changes up.

I don't know if any of it is really bad per say, I was never saying "this sucks, I cant play this crap". The repetitive nature of it all drove me mad. I ran through the game in two days and still thought it was too long and I love long games. Its only like 7 hours long but there are not enough ideas for a 7 hour game. This is a clear case of a good developer being lazy, this game could and should have been much better.
Posted by Dvader Tue, 11 Jan 2011 01:29:59
Tue, 11 Jan 2011 14:26:11
I'm in complete agreement with the sentiment of your first paragraph and that is the reason why I will never buy or play this game.
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