Nintendo Entertainment System8.60
Overall 8.60
They did it, they actually did it. They made a sequel to a classic NES game that managed to stay absolutely true to the original while feeling like a new game. It worked cause they kept the gameplay exactly the same as the original. There is an option to use motion controls, which I heard was fun, but I choose to use the traditional NES style controls.  I felt right at home, it was Punch-Out, the Punch-Out i loved as a kid.

Now if it was just a remake it wouldnt be worth it, sure it looks nicer but what is the point. What they did was keep it nostalgic enough to be an homage to the first game and then add enough new patterns to make it its own game. The first time you fight the boxers it lays very similar to the NES game, but the real game begins afterwards. All the fighters return with brand new patterns, its basically a totally new game.  

The gameplay is extremely simple, you have four punches and dodges. The whole point to the game is to figure out the patterns of the boxers have have the extreme reflexes to beat them. Its an old school game and there lies in the only issue with this game. Does this game fit in with the types of games we are used today. When I replay the original I play it for an hour or two, its a short game. Now we play games for hours and hours at a time. This game is not short, dont worry about that, I just found it hard to play for so many hours straight on end with such simple gameplay. It might be an odd complaint as the simple gameplay is what makes this game awesome.

As I mentioned there is a ton of content on this game, the main career will take you many hours. There is also an exhibition mode which will have you fight every boxer with different goals like not getting hit, or only using jabs. There is a two player mode and its fun but its extremely simple, fun for a few minutes.

This game is a remarkable achievement. It might be the best modern sequel to a franchise from the 8-bit era I have ever seen.

Posted by Dvader Fri, 26 Jun 2009 04:21:22
Sat, 29 Aug 2009 22:43:32
The animation blew me away when I first saw the videos. It almost looked and moves smoothly as a Disney animated film, not the 3D ones, but like the old 2D animated films.

This is one of the Wii games I'm getting first once I finally get the system.

I hope they make Punch-Out Wii 2 with more characters and features. But otherwise, it's a great start in revitalizing this series!
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