Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 8.10 |
Overall | 8.10 |
Sonic Generations is the best idea Sonic Team has had in over a decade. When I heard how this game would be a journey through all major Sonic titles with both 2D and 3D gameplay I was ecstatic, though I am usually excited for any Sonic game. This was more special though, seeing levels from the Genesis Sonic games redone in today's amazing graphics is a dream come true. This game promised 2D Sonic with no homing attack and the closest to Genesis physics we have seen so far, it delivered. The 3D segments would basically be the sonic levels from Unleashed which to me were the most playable and best of 3D Sonic's history. It was all there, a perfect formula and yet Sonic Team manages to create an uneven game with wild high and low moments. The first three worlds are the Genesis titles (damn them for making Sonic 3 and Knuckles one level), it should be no surprise to anyone that these are by far the best levels of the game. The 2D Sonic levels feel like remixed Genesis levels, they never reach the greatness of the best Genesis levels but they can pass for them. This is not like Sonic 4, this feels like Genesis Sonic and I now wonder why the hell cant they just copy this engine for Sonic 4. The best part for me was to see these Genesis levels done in modern Sonic's 3D style. Modern Sonic has been stuck with strange pseudo realistic levels throughout the years so to see the more fantasy like Genesis levels is a huge plus. This is the way Sonic should look, ALWAYS! These levels take the best of Unleashed and removes the random pitfalls and frustrating elements by having very clear markers when a bottomless pit is coming. I also noticed that much of the world has invisible barriers that keep Sonic from accidentally flying off the levels. This allows the player to simply concentrate on the speed and performing all the moves needed with split second timing. It was everything I loved about Sonic, that rush of having the perfect run, there is no game like it. Then there is the rest of the game. I don't know if this was some cruel joke by Sonic Team but for some reason the levels that the Sonic games are based on sort of take on the quality of that game. Where the first three levels had extremely well done level design and almost no stupid random pits or camera issues, the later ones start to develop all sorts of issues. Now in Modern Sonic levels the invisible walls are gone and boosting in a wrong spot can send Sonic flying off the level to his death. The Sonic 06 (why the hell is this shit game represented!?) level is the worst offender of this, it is almost impossible to use boost in the same way you are supposed to use it cause this level will kill you in the worst ways. Classic Sonic fairs better but the level design is hit and miss. Some levels work well in 2D but others have weird gimmicks or are simply boring levels compared to what came before. I think there are more good levels than there are "bad" but the drop in quality after the Genesis levels is noticable. The final level though, Planet Wisp, is a triumph as it includes some of the Colors powerups. It also reminded me how much better Colors is. There is an interesting direct comparison that can be made when you play the Unleashed level with Modern Sonic since this game is basically Unleashed, the Spagonia level which is the best level in Unleashed, represented Unleashed in Generation. Simply put the Generations version is not as good as the Unleashed version the reason being this game is easier and lacks a true scoring system. All throughout Generations I noticed that many of the levels take direct inspiration from Unleashed levels and in every instance the Unleashed version is better. I do know that Unleashed left many players frustrating because it featured many quick deaths if you are not careful, it rewarded master play in a way Generations does not. That said I believe more casual Sonic players will say Generations is better simply cause it is easier to play for them, thats nice but it sucks for me cause I like a big challenge and this game was basically a walk in the park for me, an awesome beautiful walk in the park at least. There are only 9 main levels which can be played as both Sonics so its 18 true levels. The rest of the game is filled with challenge levels which are basically pieces of the main levels remixed with a certain goal in mind like collect X amount of rings and reach the goal. Many of these challenges are very basic and can be done in under two minutes. The more interesting levels, which usually make use of powerups to navigate a level, make me wonder why aren't all the challenges like this. The worst challenge is by far this race against your doppelganger in the main act which is a challenge in every level. The reason it is the worst is because the doppelganger is terrible so basically you simply have to replay the same full level again with a timer, a timer that you have to SUCK to fail at. It is so lazy design, they basically just make you play the levels again. Boss battles are good, if you have played a Sonic game lately you know what to expect. The final one though is the most confusing, crazy piece of shit boss fight ever. I still don't know what I did to beat it and that was with Tails telling me what to do. The chaos emerald bonus levels are basically the half pipe level from Sonic 2, of course the Sonic 2 version is way better but its nice to see it return. On the technical side this game is gorgeous, the best any Sonic game has ever looked. This game has none of the slowdown and bad framerate that plagued Unleashed. This has the greatest soundtrack of any Sonic game simply cause it explored the music of all the games. To those with a 3D TV the 3D effect is one of the best I have seen thus far and I find it hard to go back to a 2D image now. The game still has some random glitches where Sonic will simply fall through a ground or go through a wall, it can be frustrating but easy to avoid on a second try and they are not common at all. As I writing this I am becoming more and more aware at how this game is practically a bunch of pieces from other Sonic games but none of those pieces are as good as the ones they originally came from. I commend Sonic Team for making a Sonic game where you ONLY play as Sonic. There is no horrible side characters to play, no time wasting hub world, it is simply Sonic level after Sonic level. This game is also a love letter to all Sonic fans with loads of artwork and music from every Sonic game. This is exactly the kind of game I want Sonic Team to be making, I just want it to be better. Note I am a huge Sonic fan so I put almost 40 hours into this game enjoying most of my time with it. My score represents my feelings while playing this game and you should know by now that I love this kind of Sonic gameplay. This review focused more on aspects I can pick apart and explain to you easily. It is much harder for me to explain why I love playing these Sonic games so I won't get into it. To someone who never cared for Unleashed gameplay this can easily be a 6 score kind of game. Also note this is nothing like Colors, so fans of that game shouldn't come in expecting a game as good as that one. |
Posted by Dvader Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:42:53
Recently Spotted:
travo (6m)
"Then there is the rest of the game. I don't know if this was some cruel joke by Sonic Team but for some reason the levels that the Sonic games are based on sort of take on the quality of that game. Where the first three levels had extremely well done level design and almost no stupid random pits or camera issues, the later ones start to develop all sorts of issues. "