Xbox 3605.00
Overall 5.00
Fuck this game. Fuck this stupid Sonic 4 experiment crap, cancel it and give us another Generations game. The jumping feels way better compared to Episode 1, GOOD. There are no horrible gimmick levels like in Episode 1, GOOD. So why am I not pleased with this game, it is cause the game is such an uninspired title where all the best ideas come from Sonic 2, a game I rather much be playing.

It adds some new mechanics, involving Sonic and Tails combining to perform super moves, these are used in very specific points of levels making these moves rather unnecessary. As always when Sonic is running and platforming in classic Genesis style the game works great, all new stupid ideas Dimps has sucks.

The level design is extremely boring and for a Sonic game that can't happen. The whole point is to put sonic all sorts of areas where the speed and platforming dynamic can shine, that rarely happens here. I would say some of these levels are worse than the ones in Episode 1. Nearly all of them are  bad copies of Sonic 2 levels. How do you screw up using the best Sonic game of all time, maybe it accented just how poor the level design is when compared directly to Sonic 2.

What really pisses me off, what disgusted me is that they ruined the halfpipe minigame!!!! How is that possible, it is   so simple and brilliant. The halfpipe controls are floaty and kind of on a bad delay. It is slow with terrible pipe designs. Oh and the music, oh god you just want to rip your ears out. The music in general is terrible in this game, this is a series known for it's amazing music.

Then there are boss battles straight out of the Rush games. Those work well in a different game but this is supposed to be a Genesis Sonic, why does it take like 5 minutes of boring pattern fighting to stop Robotnik.

I beat the game in one sitting wondering why I am playing this twilight zone crap version of Sonic 2. As always it frustrates the hell out of me when I see moments that capture classic Sonic perfectly. There are these moments sprinkled throughout why could the whole game be like that. Honestly the game isn't that bad, about on par with Episode 1 and better than many downloadable games I have played. I have yet to try to speed run it or get all chaos emeralds so I am sure I will enjoy it more when I try to master it as I can see it lends itself well to speed running. But that should not be the point of Sonic 4, it should be like the Genesis games and as a Genesis game it sucks and I am fed up with it. Stick with Generations for classic Sonic.

Posted by Dvader Fri, 01 Jun 2012 04:47:19
Sat, 02 Jun 2012 09:40:59
By buying it you have no one to blame but yourself for SOA's complete contempt for gamers.
Sat, 02 Jun 2012 10:26:28
Vader is to blame for the release of many games like this, Aspro.
Sat, 02 Jun 2012 18:29:04
I single handedly keep crappy sonic and resident evil games funded. It's true.
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