PlayStation 38.80
Overall 8.80
If you want a summary of how games played in this current gen Tomb Raider maybe perfect game to use. Crystal Dynamics borrowed elements from Uncharted, Batman, Metroid and basically all big blockbuster action games; put them all in a blender and added loads of polish. I honestly can't think of anything this game does bad, it does everything very well but it almost feels it has no identity of its own.

At it's core Tomb Raider is mostly like Uncharted. The majority of the game you will be in gun battles where you hide behind cover or you can maneuver around a level to get in close for some melee attacks. You will also be jumping around environments using Uncharted style platforming. Where Uncharted has blended the platforming and action into one, TR keeps them separate. Most of the gun battles seem simple as instead of giving you large areas to mess around with most funnel you into specific battle areas. Basically it has more scripted battles than free open battles which is a shame cause the open ended battles are fantastic.

Lara's has all the basic weapons you find in any TPS but with a bow and arrow. All weapons are upgradable and add secondary fire and new firing types. Lara can also use stealth to get some instant kills on enemies. Melee attacks are basic with a really easy dodge move, not as interesting as Uncharted's melee but at least it allows for close battles. When the game mixes enemies well and starts to throw in large destructible environment the action becomes as good as any action game. The only unique aspect to the gameplay is how Lara can manipulate the environment with fire or pulling objects with a rope arrow.

There are gigantic epic action moments spread throughout the game. These setpieces are visually stunning and really help to inject some energy into the basic storyline. While incredible events are happening on screen this game separates the action and the scripted running from stuff or QTEs so much that it feels like you watch the big action moments then play the usual battles. Uncharted mixes the gameplay with the big events, for instance when a boat is sinking you are still fighting as the entire world is rotating around you, TR never does anything like that.

Ok time to move away from the Uncharted comparisons cause TR has a whole exploration element to it. The game areas are rather large and are interconnected, think Metroid but more linear. As you play you gain new abilities that allow you to reach new areas or find secrets that were unreachable. All throughout the game world are objects to find. These serve as exp boosts so that you can upgrade your moves, a few do add some backstory. For the most part it is busy work just to say it has exploration but there is are some that are very well hidden, even need to solve a puzzle or two to reach. If the whole game hid these objects behind a small puzzle, like say Batman AC, then it would be special but too many are simply right out in the open.

That said the platforming feels fantastic and exploration allows for a nice change of pace to the action. The game world is stunning, believe me you will want to search every inch of it. I must say I love the vertical nature of many of these areas, they become almost mazes of zip lines and rock climbing, really unlike any areas I have seen. Some areas have "secret" tombs that are practically impossible to miss. Inside these there is usually one physics based puzzle to solve. At first these are very basic but in the last few hours of the game you start to get some puzzles that make you think. Sadly one puzzle rooms arent that exciting. With all the cool things they do with physics CD could have added some excellent puzzles, you see that at certain moments. Such a shame almost 90% of them are basic boring stuff.

Tomb Raider will take you over 15 hours to play if you explore and try to find all objects. The campaign never gets boring and is always pushing you to new areas. The story has its moments, especially at the end when you have a great fan service moment. There is a multiplayer mode which is extremely generic, clearly a copy paste job from every mulitplayer mode this gen.

This game screams quality. This game is so well made that almost anyone can enjoy it. It is not one of those games that has something that may piss you off. The flip side to that is that it plays it so safe that it does not feel special. This game comes out 4 years ago and it is getting straight 9s and wins many GOTY awards. Now we have seen all this, we have played this many times. It simply does not do enough on the gameplay front to distinguish itself from the pack
Posted by Dvader Wed, 13 Mar 2013 05:46:11
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Wed, 13 Mar 2013 16:16:04
Though the weapons aren't as varied,  I've enjoyed using them more than any in Uncharted.  The bow is especially gratifying to use because you can have a stealthy type kill or go in blasting with fire arrows.  You can distract guards by shooting at walls so you can sneak up on them or past them.  I also love that you can use arrows as a part of melee. You can even take them out with an the knee. Nyaa
Wed, 13 Mar 2013 23:57:07
^ I agree with everything Travo wrote. Bow = awesomesauce. They could have left the guns out of the game altogether, and I would have been just fine with my bow and axe as my only weapons.

I'm 64% complete at the moment, and I'd give it a 9.5 score. Minus 0.5 due to there being no paper manual. Nyaa

Oh, and it's only a 15 hour game if you don't play in hardcore mode. Triple or quadruple that number if ya do. WinkWink
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:31:36
8.8? Guess you never found that hook, then? Nyaa

Also they need to keep the rifle in, at least. Bow is fine most of the time, but sometimes you just need to twitch headshot 5 people in a row, which can be awkward with the bow. Exploding arrows>>>grenade launcher, though.
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:38:41
A pistol, perhaps, just because it's a signature TR weapon.
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:53:02
It's dual pistols that are Lara's iconic weapon(s), and unless they're an unlockable at the end, the game does not have them. Sad So you can get rid of the pistol if you please.
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:55:16
I just discovered that major glitch in the game.  Sad Fortunately, I've read about a workaround.  Did anyone else's game glitch after finding the rope ascender?
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:59:19
Mine didn't, but I've run into many, many glitches.
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 02:06:25
The only glitch I've encountered so far is an arrow that somehow froze in mid-air. LOL
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 02:09:25
The new and improved Lara only needs one pistol. Nyaa
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 02:12:30
You're not where I'm at yet, I don't think.  Good luck.
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