Platform | OVERALL |
PlayStation 3 | 9.20 |
Overall | 9.20 |
Uncharted 3 has the daunting ask of following up the GOTY award winning Uncharted 2, a game that improved on the original in every way. As I expected Uncharted 3 falls short, I expected it but even still some of the reasons why surprise me. When the game is at it's best it soars, maybe even higher than Uncharted 2. The best parts of the formula are still the best parts, you know having a combo of gunfights, platforming and epic sequences. The middle portion of this game has some of the most well designed gun battles the series has seen cause it introduces new elements. One area is totally flooded allowing you to use swimming as cover and have water stealth kills as an option. Then there are setpieces where the entire level gets flooded, the level is moving in real time as you are fighting, it's unbelievable the things you see. The game does have plenty of those moments just not as much and consistent as Uncharted 2. Uncharted 3 has new melee combat mechanics that make hand to hand fighting a bit more fun to do than Uncharted 2 but even then it's like a really bad version of what games like Batman and Assassin's Creed do. For the most part these hand to hand moments act like large QTE segments rather than a true brawler. In what has to be one of the most mindblowing mess ups this gen for some inexplicable reason the shooting mechanics got worse. The second you move the cursor to aim at an enemy it is very noticeable that this game does not move like any previous Uncharted game. Its sluggish in its movement and overall just messy to aim. I got used to it but I don't see how this happens when in multiplayer it all controls just fine. My biggest issue with the game is how this game has large segments of non playing. The start is much slower than previous Uncharted games having large segments where you basically walk around while the characters talk. Also it seems like ND saw that we liked the scripted running segments of Uncharted 2 so this game is filled with them. When it happens as often as it does in this game it loses its luster and you realize you aren't really doing anything during these segments. Then there is the story which starts off intriguing with lots of potential but eventually falls apart. Many storylines are left unresolved and the overall story goes crazy by the end, very disappointing. While the campaign is a letdown the multiplayer is a triumph. This mode improves on U2s different but fun mode in every way. The maps are more diverse and better than ever. The perks and leveling up system is vastly improved offer so many great perks and upgrades. Like CoD you earn something new every 30 minutes or so which keeps you hooked to see what else you can get. The actual modes have new features like the team handicaps that activate when one team is far ahead of the other keep matches interesting even when they get out of hand. The co-op missions are back offering a sort of mini storyline with some really cool bosses, it is a great mode to play with others. Believe me this online mode is packed with features and to me it is the main reason why the game is worth owning. Uncharted 3's campaign may disappoint but the game makes up for it with it's online modes. Everything you love about Uncharted is still here, it is just not as well put together as the near flawless Uncharted 2. Expect the same level of crazy production values with graphics that will blow you away and a soundtrack that is fit for a giant summer movie. This is another great entry into what is the PS3s premier exclusive franchise just don't expect the same level of greatness of Uncharted 2. |
Posted by Dvader Tue, 29 Nov 2011 01:03:56
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travo (1m)
I do think it's time for Naughty Dog to turn the page though, as good as their tropes are they have now, a third time around, reached thier expiration date.