Overall 4.50
Yesterday I got play X-Men the arcade game on my friends PS3. Growing up I loved these old school arcade beat em ups and I always remember playing the first level of X-Men, cause X-Men was my favorite comic characters. I love the source material, I love the TMNT arcade games, but holy crap this game was boring as hell.

I hate to trash a game for simply being what it is but I can't help it, they are charging $10 for this. The game is over in about 30 minutes with little reason to replay it, not that you will want to replay it. Since you have infinite lives it kind of makes the challenge disappear. Also you can just spam your super powers, they drain your life, but who cares when you have infinite lives. Even if you played with some lives it would probably turn into frustration.

There doesn't seem to be any skill to the game at all. Its the most basic of brawlers as the game has no dash, no moments where your character rides something nor any background interaction. You play X-Men who get hurt if they use their powers, everyone loves punching with Cyclops...

The game has like 7 enemies reused over and over. Boss fights aren't memorable neither are the levels. The game gets cheaper as it goes on as it was designed to suck up quarters, doesn't work so well in this format.

X-Men sucks, play it only for nostalgia. BTW the port is well done with all modern options you would expect. Its a functional game so that keeps the score around a 4.
Posted by Dvader Thu, 23 Dec 2010 01:02:52
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Thu, 23 Dec 2010 03:52:57
They have an achievement for beating it in under 25 minutes, so yeah $10 is a bit steep.  That takes them out of the low-end hooker range.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 04:01:51
I guess it's mostly for nostalgia, a classic that a lot of us grew up with, and that it's X-Men.

But yeah, I agree. It's not really worth $10.

There are some old Capcom arcade beat em ups that are worth $10 or more though, like Aliens VS Predator, Punisher, and Dungeons and Dragons.

I wonder if Capcom will bring those over.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 13:12:59

OMG Punisher mention Happy
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 17:29:22
No u suck GG. Nyaa

This is a pretty bad beat em up.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 17:30:57
I can't really remember the meat of this game. I probably played it like in the early nineties and I remember smashing stuff up but not much else. I just liked it because it was the X-Men.

I like a lot of side scrolling beat em ups though.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 17:32:17
I do too, there is nothing redeemable about this one except that its X-Men.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 18:09:06
Bought it, played's the most nineties-tastic game ever. Magneto is a fucking PIMP.
Thu, 23 Dec 2010 22:08:35
Haters goin' be hatin'. Nyaa

I never played it before but I did try the demo. Pretty straight-forward. I still love my side-scrolling beat 'em ups and I love X-men so I'll grab it sometime soon but yeah $5 would have been more appropriate.

Does it have a boss fight with a giant Apocalypse? If not then that's what it needed.
Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:36:11
No Apocalypse.
Fri, 24 Dec 2010 12:28:28
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