PC gaming>>>console gaming. This has absolutely has no objective basis, but this was how I really grew up gaming so there's just something that makes it really easy to get lost in a game by sitting close to a monitor with a mouse in one hand, and your other hand's fingers on the keyboard. Now I just need a new monitor, though I might want to hold off as the courier may well just be an axe murderer, and the axes that we have grown very fond of. HD actually matters on something like Crysis.* Plus the games. Warhead was the first game I've played this generation based on the Doom style of gameplay intead of the CoD style. And Wars...huge maps, vehicles, and just general chaos. That is how it should be done. Unless you're Killzone 2
Of course matters of the physical may not be the reason at all. Perhaps the games are just better. In fact, they probably are. And of coures you can even play at higher resolutions than 1080P, thus making the PS3/360 as obsolete as the Wii. And 90% of games are Little Big Planet, but with more creative and talented people working on mods.
What do you mean you dont know what a Japanese game is, a game made in japan, Nintendo games, Capcom, Konami, etc. PC gets zero exclusives from those companies, consoles get a ton and they happen to be some of the best games.
Your list is like three genres of exclusives and that is the problem, PC gaming focuses on such a small selection of games. If you like those genres you will be set, I dont. Consoles have a far wider variety of exclusives to play. I am playing Castlevania, I get on and play some Uncharted 2 with you guys lately. On my 3DS I am playing Street Fighter4 and I am looking forward to Mortal Kombat. I still have lots of LBP2 to play, Aspro wants to play some Sonic Racing which is a fun kart racing game. And I am very happy to hear that Last Story, an epic JRPG is coming to NA. All exclusives all in differentt genres, some genres that PC completely ignores.
Yes of course PCs offer flexibility cause they aren't dedicated game systems. Thats not the point here, its about games, we buy these things to play games. And until PC gaming tries to actually get exclsuives in genres I care about there is zero need for me to ever get a gaming PC. Whats the point when I still have to buy the consoles to play the crap ton of games I am missing out on. Consoles are getting more and more PC kinds of games than ever before, so I can get my Valve fix and still play Infamous 2, Uncharted 3, Metal Gear Rising, and Dark Souls when they comes out. The flip side is also true as many games like Batman, Assassin's Creed and even some Capcom games are on PC as well when a few years ago games like that would never be on PC.
They are merging closer together so it becomes more and more about personal taste. As long as consoles have their exclusives, which is basically what the entire console industry is based on (my exclusives are better than yours kind of thing), they are the clear choice for me.
The fuck? SF4 is available on PC. That's one less magical japanese exclusive to list.
I understand you're not acquainted with most of the titles I listed. But to say they belong to three genres only is mindblowing.
Amnesia is a survival horror game that would make SH/RE shit their pants. The Witcher is a WRPG with an actual choice/consequence mechanic. SC II, Anno series, DoW are RTS games. EU III, Civ series, HoMM, Total War series are turn based strategy. TLJ is a point and click adventure game. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a shooter. Games like Rift or Guild wars are MMO. That's seven fucking genres right there. Of course three different systems lumped together are going to have a wider amount of exclusives than one platform. It's the breadth of content, availability, flexibility and mod support the PC has what outclasses the home consoles. That's real gaming for you.
I'm not here to convince you of getting a gaming PC. I just jumped in here to disprove your factually incorrect statements. There is only one superior gaming platform. The PC. As it was in the beginning, it will remain in the end.
Edit: And if the point is about games, why are you talking about couches, living rooms and uncomfortable desks?
As a "platform" sure cause there are no generational boundaries but that's cause its not a gaming machine, its a computer that can do lots of stuff. But as an industry, its a shadow of the console industry. It does not have the library that the consoles industry has as its lacking in many many genres. This game industry is built on consoles, every major industry show is mostly focused on consoles, most big gaming websites are focused on consoles. Why, cause that is where the best games are, that is where the attention is. Until PC gaming can match the level of games and accessibility of consoles it will always be talked about second.
It just is what it is, if you want the best selection of games you buy consoles. Simple as that.
Cause everyone says crazy things like "sitting at my desk with a keyboard is AWESOME." It makes my head hurt.
Thats nice, PC has exclusives and as I said their strength are strategy games, FPSs and RPGs. The difference here is that consoles have many alternatives. Survival horror, clearly there are a ton and the best franchise of them all is mostly a console exclusive. WRPG, as you know they are all mostly coming to consoles now. Real time strategy is an area where there is almost nothing, PC has that on lock down but there are many awesome turned based strategy games exclusive for consoles like Valkaria Chronicles, Fire Emblem. MMOs are a bad idea on console but there are still some for it and there were games like PSO which is a classic. Shooters, a ton of them. You can usually find something on a console.
Now do the same for PC on genres they don't cover. Where are the alternative action games, whats the last great DMC/GoW like game to be a PC exclusive? What's the last great platformer exclusive (thats not some $5 indie game)? Action/Adventure, something Zelda like maybe or even Uncharted like, oh can't seem to find any? Fighting game, tons of great PC alternatives... oh guess not. It completely ignores entire massive genres, it blows my mind that PC only developers only create games in like 5 genres. If that ever happened to consoles I would go crazy, but it won't cause we get the best of everything.
You know why the bolded is true? It's not because of the reason you give. It's because the console audience will happily gobble up whatever kind of shit publishers or hardware manufacturers excrete inside their gaping mouths. Obscenely priced DLC. Shitty, faulty hardware. Pay for online gaming. ROMs sold as actual games.
I'm no better. Never said I was. I have swallowed my own share of shit. I pay for XBLive. I bought a 360. That doesn't mean I don't see the reality, though.
All three of them. Not so simple as you make it sound.
I wish! I bought a monitor cable for my laptop a month ago, and tried to hook it up to my HDTV. It sorta works . . . sometimes . . . when my craptastic Intel graphics card decides to recognize my HDTV, which isn't very often.
But I don't think we're getting anywhere with this. You're hellbent on basing your whole argument on the notion of exclusives found on three platforms against the ones found in one. Exclusives are much less meaningful to me so I won't be able to understand your view on this.
Exclusives are dying, though. It's going to happen in our lifetime and I hope I can be around you to offer you my shoulder when it happens. Exclusives are poison. A disease.