PC gaming>>>console gaming. This has absolutely has no objective basis, but this was how I really grew up gaming so there's just something that makes it really easy to get lost in a game by sitting close to a monitor with a mouse in one hand, and your other hand's fingers on the keyboard. Now I just need a new monitor, though I might want to hold off as the courier may well just be an axe murderer, and the axes that we have grown very fond of. HD actually matters on something like Crysis.* Plus the games. Warhead was the first game I've played this generation based on the Doom style of gameplay intead of the CoD style. And Wars...huge maps, vehicles, and just general chaos. That is how it should be done. Unless you're Killzone 2
Of course matters of the physical may not be the reason at all. Perhaps the games are just better. In fact, they probably are. And of coures you can even play at higher resolutions than 1080P, thus making the PS3/360 as obsolete as the Wii. And 90% of games are Little Big Planet, but with more creative and talented people working on mods.
That's your problem right there. PC gaming offers a lot of advantages, but it's not for everyone. It usually requires some sort of commitment in regards to research and willingness to tinker around with stuff. It's usually far from a plug-and-play experience. For some people, that just adds fun to the overall package. To most of them ,though, it's an annoyance.
Well, I only play Solitare and Tetris on my PC. My hardware works fine for those.
Just not on my HDTV. 
True but its about the same price as getting a top of the line PC (well with consoles prices now, not at the launch prices). Yes PC gaming can be far more affordable especially with Steam being the most awesome thing ever. But if you know how to work the chain store deals, you can get games for so damn cheap on consoles and they are yours in your hand, physical copies. (Yes I know there are physical PC copies but the best deals are on digital downloads)
Now all the stuff you talked about yeah it sucks. Pay for online gaming is all from Microsoft, a computer company, I catergorize them as being from the PC camp, trying to make money off of consoles in any way they can.
Of course hardware wise PC wins cause its not one thing, PC is a term for a wide variety of products. There are such things as crappy PCs, you have the freedom to pick and choose the best ones of course. And there are incredible perks you don't get on consoles, I get all that. For the features of course go PC. I don't play for features, I am the guy that is happy playing a crappy version of a game as long as I get to play that game I want to play. Just cause my version of Bayonetta was uglier doesn't mean I missed out on the game, I played it and loved it. You think I am happy to play non HD Wii games with GC graphics today, no, but I do cause its all about the games. And one day I will have a PC that can run modern games and I will try out many of those games I missed the same way I have been playing a ton of games from last year cause I missed out. As I said before I feel comfortable missing out on those PC games for now cause the games I really love, made by the companies I really love in the genres I really love don't really ever come out exclusively on PC. That right there is the basis of my argument. If you don't like the more console genres that is fine, then PC gaming is perfect for you, but don't act like PC gaming isn't missing a shit ton games.
I agree I would love to see the end of exclusives, it would be cheaper for all and then we can play all our favorites on anything we choose. I use the term cause it describes the exact games I don't get if I went PC alone. If Nintendo starts putting all their games on PC I won't need a Wii, that would be awesome but that is not the real world. If I want to play their games I need to buy their console. Quite frankly stuff like that is what makes for innovation, as much as some of you want to be cranky old guy that doesn't want to advance with the times, stuff like motion controls and 3D is born from that kind of competition.
The thread is about PC gaming vs Console gaming not PC gaming versus PS3 gaming. So yes I get to talk about all consoles.
yeah, sure. PC gaming is missing a shit ton of games that I either don't care about or could easily live without. Sounds familiar? Just exchange "PC" with "consoles" and suddenly I turned into you! (with less body hair).
And please. Leave price out of the equation. You already own a PC. Any PC built within the last 5 years would do. If you spend more or less the amount of ONE console game at retail, you suddenly are the owner of a gaming capable PC. Simple as that.
My PC was built over 10 years ago so HA.
And as I showed with an example, consoles have many alternatives to those genres, PC doesn't. They don't carry games like that. And that is the big problem. So no its not as simple as switching the terms.
I would also like to say that I am the only one here actually practicing what he preaches. I don't play PC games, and if I do they are really freaking old cause that is all my PC can handle. For the most part I have been a console only gamer for like the last 7 years. Every single one of you are happily talking a big game about PC this and PC that and yet you all have consoles. And you are always on your consoles. And when you want to play with friends where do you go, your consoles.
EDIT: And when many of your consoles break for the 3rd time and you complain and moan about how you should just play only PCs you still buy another of the same console. (Not specific to you Steel this is a general thing I see a lot of)
Like I said before. I am in the fortunate position of being able to indulge in both worlds. I can get the best all platforms have to offer. But if I had to choose between either PC or consoles, I would pick PC in a heartbeat. No contest for me as it isn't a contest for you. The fact that I own all platforms doesn't invalidate my viewpoint on which one offers the best games for me. We're no zealots.
I know that and soon I will have a super powered PC (well a laptop) that I hardly ever touch.
Actually I really want a new laptop cause I need one for one and there are excellent PS2 emulation programs, so basically it can be my PS2 since the one I have is an old piece of junk that hardly works. Also I want to get the Dolphin Wii thing running, I would love to see Wii in HD. And yes I realize I am admitting you can emulate console games on PC but that is cheating, it doesn't count for the purposes of this discussion.
"And as I showed with an example, consoles have many alternatives to those genres, PC doesn't. They don't carry games like that. And that is the big problem. So no its not as simple as switching the terms."
Watered down shitty alternatives that aren't anything like the real thing don't really count tbh.