I've been far too positive lately. So in that spirit I've decided to make a list of games I hate. Games that in my mind completely and utterly suck. Now to clarify I'm not going to list games that were never meant to be anything other than functional at best. I'm here to talk about games that were meant to be good. And some people do think they're good (they're wrong). Maybe you're one of these people (and once again I want to emphasize you're wrong). But this is my list so fuck off.
So for the month of February I'm going to give you my list. One new game a day. Look forward to it and feel the hate flowing within you. And here it is in no particular order:
- Faxanadu
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
- Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal
- Pac-Man (Atari 2600)
- Dr. Franken
- Torin's Passage
- Blues Brothers (SNES)
- Limbo
- X-Men (Sega Genesis)
- Harvest Moon: My Little Shop
- Child of Eden
- Herdy Gerdy
- Final Fantasy X
- Actraiser 2
- SaGa Frontier 2
- Children of Mana
- Assassin's Creed
- Burger Time: World Tour
- The Acceleration of Suguri X
- Spyro the Dragon: Enter the Dragonfly
- Impossible Mission (Atari 7800)
- The Sims
- Double Dragon (NES)
- Rhythm Heaven
- Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart
- Street Fighter
- Captain Comic (NES)
- Journey
Recently Spotted:
Té_Rojo (10m)
Yeah its like Zelda 2 but without interesting combat. Just blahhhhhh.....
Pretty much the highpoints of the game.
Oh hey thanks for reminding me Leo...
Just imagine for a moment how epic it would be to play Faxanadu with Xanadu's soundtrack!
2. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
What the hell is this pile of crap? Look, I get that Castlevania had started to get stale. Konami released 6 Metroidvania games in almost as many years. And their previous attempts at 3-D games hadn't worked out so well, so I get that they'd want to take an existing proven idea. God of War? Sure why not? The problem was they took out any interesting types of combat, brought in a boring emo main character, and then added some ridiculous puzzles and a whole lot of suck. It was just awful. I hated it, so naturally it goes on to be the best selling Castlevania of all time. The saving grace however is that I was not alone in my loathing of this game. The game was so bad, no one wanted to buy Lords of Shadow 2 and it tanked. The future of the series may be in question now, but if this is it then fine. Let's just burn it down and I'll piss on the ashes. That's a much better way for the series to go out than with a Lords of Shadow 3.
Okay I would play that. Xanadu's soundtrack makes everything good. That's the power of ELO. (And yes I own both the DVD and the soundtrack on the original vinyl. And the DVD case is autographed by male lead Michael Beck.)
Lords of Shadow 2? LORDS OF SHADOW 2?!!
Alright, alright I concede... We all have our differences...
After all, not every game is a Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure!
No, no. Lords of Shadow 1. I never lowered myself to playing the sequel. And as bad as Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure was, it had a full copy of the original 2600 Pitfall in the game. So, yes that's a horrible game, but it also contains one of the greatest games of all time, so it gets a pass.
28 Days of Games Leo Loves.
1. Vagrant Story
2. Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns
On the latest post feed, it looks like you're talking about the mystical Vagrant Story 2. ;(