I've been slowly working through my projected shopping list for this Christmas. Some of the games I want, I haven't been able to find, and I have picked a few games that weren't on the list to begin with. So far, I have already bought:
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii
- Rabbids Go Home
- Rock Band: The Beatles
- Assassin's Creed 2
- Wii Fit Plus
- Lips (with 2 wireless microphones that I can use for RB! Yay!)
Still on the prowl for Dragon Age and Demon's Souls, but if neither show up, I'll settle down for a couple games in exchange, such as Sacred 2, Forza 3 or The Saboteur.
I wish I could say I have decided to stop buying new games as a new year resolution, but games such as Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2 coming early 2010 make such a decision a painful one to make. *sigh* I just got back seriously into gaming this generation, and I am up to here *points up* in unfinished games.
Recently Spotted:
I'm going to tell her that tonight when I get back home. If she kicks me in the balls, it'll be your fault, and I'll be booking a flight to Amsterdam first thing in the morning, for swift retribution.
If she kicks you in the balls, she must have watched Bas Rutten self defense video. So it would be his fault.
And pumpkin, I do not live in Amsterdam.
Does Fedor shave his balls?