HijackThis is a free heuristic tool for malware diagnostics and removal.  The program scans the computer for keys with regard to processes, browser add-ons and settings, and startup items which are common breeding-grounds for malicious software.


The list it generates is irrespective of whether or not the entries are dangerous or not, so it's not dependent on any kind of predetermined list of virii, giving a detailed look at what's on the computer.

As with all such tools, it has its own tool for editing startup items and uninstalling programs.  For simplicity of reading, you can also mark safe items for an ignore list so they don't display on future scans.

HijackThis is an absolute must for diagnosing infection issues on Windows PCs.
Posted by Ellyoda Sat, 13 Dec 2008 03:49:23 (comments: 3)
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 20:15:03
Nice. I gave it a try, and I didn't see anything malicious in its report. Then again, this is a bit more complex than I'm used to. 
Sat, 13 Dec 2008 20:35:57
I think I had this on my computer at one point.

But the fact that I could probably delete something I shouldn't combined with the fact that I never want to use anything that says "Trend Micro" again pretty much rules it out.
Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:48:20
Nice tool Yo.
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