Cocoto Fishing Master

Developer: Neko Entertainment

Format/ Year: Playstation 2/ 2005

Cocoto Fishing Master

Still sealed.  LordAndrew somehow convinced me and about three other people from the Candid Collectors' Union to buy this back in 2005.  I think LA played a fair bit of it too (in fact he is the main editor of the page on

I included this one, well, just look at it.

PLOT (from LordAndrew)

The benevolent god Geo had been expelled from his kingdom by his son Zaron, the god of lightning. He took refuge in the Abyss, and went to sleep. He created a magic kettle to watch over him while he slept, and appointed a fairy named Fairy to maintain the kettle. To assist Fairy, he also created four little devils. One of these devils was called Cocoto.

After preventing the overflow of the kettle in Cocoto Platform Jumper, Cocoto has decided to wake Geo. In order to do this, he'll need to obtain pieces of Geo's bait from five 1000 year old fish.

I will play this one some day.  Along with the other quirky PS2 fishing game Finny The Fish (you play as the fish in that Natsume game).

Posted by aspro Sun, 21 Oct 2012 03:18:54 (comments: 4)
Sun, 21 Oct 2012 03:29:07

Sounds like you need to play Platform Jumper first!

Finny the Fish is a fish that fishes?

Sun, 21 Oct 2012 21:20:06

Yeah. Finny the Fish was initially demoed on an Official Playstation Magazine disc.  Back then they would usually through a quirky Japanese game on the disc that they knew had no chance of being released in the west.  That wouldn't happen these days.

Anyway, it was so quirky that it got a cult following and Natsume agreed to release it in the US.  You swim around in the water solving problems, avoiding being caught and being a generally good environmental defense ranger.

You beat up bad fish as well.  It has nice presentation.  I'm sure they probably pressed less than 15K.

Mon, 22 Oct 2012 01:32:50
Cocoto Fishing Master is on Wiiware too. Not sure if it's the exact same game, though.
Wed, 24 Oct 2012 22:19:38
Ravenprose said:
Cocoto Fishing Master is on Wiiware too. Not sure if it's the exact same game, though.

Yep, that's the same game.

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