I've been fairly patient on this issue but on reading it for the 4th time from different games journalists, I've had it.

This is plain dumb, basically on reading multiple Wii U impressions, hardware, software, tweets, previews etc there have been a small chunk of games journalists vehemently complaining about Wii U and it's shockingly backward decision in button labelling. You see, on Wii U the A button is in the bottom right of the button layout and B is on the bottom left.

1up said in their Epic Mickey 2 review

"Though I played through the entire quest on the 360, I did get a chance to try out the Wii U version of the game, and I'm sad to say that it's a shoddy port filled some completely incomprehensible design choices. The first problem that you'll immediately notice upon picking up your GamePad is that the jump button has been inexplicably switched from B to A. Not only is this in direct contrast to the 360/PS3 versions, but it also goes against everything we've been taught as gamers for the past 25 years. This problem is indicative of the entire control scheme's rigidity -- you can't remap buttons, and you're forced to use the GamePad"

Amazing that a games journalist seemingly cannot cope with moving his thumb 0.5 centimetres to the right, it really goes against everything we've been taught as gamers for the past 25 years . And it goes against everything "the Xbox has taught us since the beggining of the gaming industry." I shit you not, this has been the main argument of the other games journalists previews when talking about this major "issue."

Okay, okay, let's forgot that the other system, the Playstation uses fucking symbols on their controller? Then lets credit the Xbox with defining controller design since the begginning of gaming in 2001.

Then let's forget that everyone has been cribbing from Nintendo's designs forever and is still using their ideas. They used the basic diamond button layout with the SNES, you know that console two generations before the Xbox 1? Hello games journalists, are you like a decade younger than the rest of us? When did you start gaming or do you just have really bad memories?

Now let's go back and look at the SNES button layout.

Seems that A is in the bottom right. B bottom left etc.

Now the Wii CC

Okay that's the same.

Okay, same.


Yep, same.

Okay now I'm seeing a pattern.

Really what is the problem here? For a start they are staying consistent with their own designs over multiple platforms, secondly their layout pre-dates the Xbox layout - which MS copied anyway. Finally, it's a completely retarded issue, button labelling, 1 button swap. A games journalist can't handle that? It's really such an issue? Of all the things in the world to complain about this is the most minute and pointless bit of whining I have ever seen. Sure maybe I expect to see someone on an forum to complain about it, but usually it's because of a games mapping, not overall controller design. I don't expect to see multiple game journalists to be so opinionated on the issue and so woefully wrong on their gaming history too.

And really, since when did we expect all games to have the exact same control scheme? It annoyed me in the past when I read ardent Halo fan-journalists complaining when a FPS did not have the default Halo design as if that was all that is allowed these days and it's some kind of criminal act to deviate from it? The hell?

Move on. Complain about the U's right stick being above the buttons instead - that argument at least has some kind of valid rationale behind it.

Posted by gamingeek Sat, 17 Nov 2012 18:37:28 (comments: 8)
Sat, 17 Nov 2012 19:28:58

Stupid "pro" reviewers. LOL

Sat, 17 Nov 2012 22:08:46
The jump button should always be X (ps), B (Nin), or A (xbox). If it is not IT SUCKS. Nyaa
Sun, 18 Nov 2012 01:54:41

They wouldn't have been playing games when the SNES was around, and they certainly wouldn't have played any Wii games.

Sun, 18 Nov 2012 17:59:34
I prefer jump on the bottom left button of the diamond shape button layout too, but their reasoning and outrage and failure of history is just too stupid.

Xbox did not define modern controllers. The modern controller is a SNES pad with an analogue stick. They've double downed on features but putting in 4 shoulder buttons instead of 2, or 2 sticks instead of 1 doesn't make you an innovator FFS.
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 01:38:29
"The first problem that you'll immediately notice upon picking up your GamePad is that the jump button has been inexplicably switched from B to A. Not only is this in direct contrast to the 360/PS3 versions, but it also goes against everything we've been taught as gamers for the past 25 years. "

A is Jump
Tue, 20 Nov 2012 10:46:17
I know.

It's right up there with the game journalist blog saying FPS wont work on systems with digital shoulder buttons. It's this kind of face palming editorial from paid professionals that gets me down on the industry. Some also seem to be ignorant of certain things that the gaming community finds out weeks if not months before.

Then they discover it and go apeshit on the issue, or shout it like it's new.

I read so much it's getting to the point where I know more than the people who are paid to report on this stuff. It's very frustrating sometimes.
Wed, 21 Nov 2012 06:13:00

I think all games should have a fully customizable control scheme myself. There is really no reason not to have them featured. It should be a standard by now.

Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:34:09
I agree, you should be able to put buttons in the way you want.
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