Ah, yes. The Sega Genesis Collection. I've had good fun with that game. Sonic the Hedgehog, Ristar, Phantasy Star, Shinobi, and more. Great games, those.
Unfortunately, I've never actually owned a Genesis/Mega Drive. It's one of many things I missed out on.
But wait! What's this?
Where the heck did that thing come from?
Since my camera skills suck, you probably can't tell what games they are. I'll remedy that right now.
Wakka wakka wakka...
Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote
Just step aside or you might end up in a heap.
This is the future.
The system and games have been tested and it all works. :)
Recently Spotted:
robio (4m)
However the Genesis was certainly nothing to laugh at. If you want some awesome Genesis times buy Snatcher for the SEGA CD and try out Gunstar Heroes and to a lesser extent Dynamite Headdy on the Virtual Console.
BTW, Sewer Shark was the best Sega CD game ever. Period.
(of course now I realize I was very wrong)