Also thinking of picking up some old Xbox and GC games and I need your feedback to know if the following titles are any good:
- True Crime Streets of LA
- Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
- Legacy Of Kain Defiance
- Blood Omen 2
- Conker Xbox
- Sphinx
- Black
- Psychonauts
- James Bond: Nightfire
- Wario World
- Starfox Assault
- Geist
- Baten Kaitos - is the card system difficult to pick up or use? Is the 45 hr length dragging and too long?
- Metal Arms Glitch in the System - is it too difficult?
Can you guys name all the Hitman games you have played and if they are any good? I really enjoyed Hitman 2 but I think I rented 3 and barely played it. I know there are more and I was thinking about picking a few up.
Throw any more reccomendations my way, though I have played a lot, Ninja Gaiden, Strangers Wrath, Riddick etc.
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robio (2m)
Some of those can be expensive due to scarcity.
The ones I would recommend are: Black, Psychonauts, Baten Kaitos, The Longest Journey: Dreamfall.
The rest only if they're dirt cheap
The hitman games are very good. The first one might not have aged too well, mainly in the gameplay aspect, but if you enjoyed 2, you're going to be ecstatic with Blood Money. It's the ultimate refinement of the gameplay evolution from the previous two games.
I own them all on Steam because Jamie is a kickass dude.
I also own Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and blah blah blah. Played with it for a bit, but got distracted with something else. What little I played from it was promising, though.
Also tell me which ones are on xbox and which ones on 360.
Baten Kaitos is very expensive so I might steer clear of that one. I want Skies of Arcadia on GC just because I hear it has toned down the random battles from my DC version. It's also one of those rare, expensive games now
Hitman 1, 2 and 3.
I don't acknowledge any other Hitman games.
Hitman: Codename 47 came out in 2000. AFAIK it's PC-only.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin came out in 2002. It's available for Xbox and Gamecube (as well as PS2 and PC).
Hitman: Contracts came out in 2004. It's available for Xbox. Never played it.
Hitman: Blood Money came out in 2006. It's available for Xbox and 360.
So, if you only have to pick up one game, pick up Blood Money. It's awesome.
Ah I thought maybe there were 4 PS2 era ones and 1 HD game.
That narrows things down. I will try for the Xbox 1 game first and then move on. Now I have another SDTV I'm very, happy to go back and play the older systems. Thanks a lot Steel.
What are everyones impressions of Black? I only played the demo of the first level and I was never impressed enough to get the full game.
Tell me when you get Blood money. We can do a simultaneous playthrough.
Dunno about Black, really. Wasn't that game the one that had cars with guns?
It was the shooter made by the Criterion guys. Famous for having the most impressively destructible environments at the time. Kinda trashy but thoroughly enjoyable (which I guess describes most famous shooters)