He's constantly telling me about how his sister is having electrolysis for her moustache. He's Indian BTW.
We were with our other bud and I jokingly said "So she's a she beast?" or wolf, I can't remember. And despite racuously laughing the other friend said "GG, you know you say really harsh things?"
And I was like, what? I'm just kidding and he knows it. Right?
I grew up in a family of merciless teasers, me and my bro would trade barbs and insults all the time and me and my dad still do. For instance I constantly mock the jumper he wears that's older than me and his seeming fascination with cooking lamb. Or the unholy stench whenever he uses the toilet.
We spend most the time laughing and mocking each other.
So I guess the question is, do I say harsh things or do people realise I'm kidding? Have I ever offended any of you guys or made you feel bad through any of my jokes?
Because you know I really hate all you assholes anyway right? :P
cWhere I spent my adult life - California - men usually talk to each other in that way. Basically locker room talk, put downs etc... constantly burning each other, and the more you know someone the more trash you talk.
Here in Australia I've noticed that doesn't go down well. It may be because I have an "american" accent so people think I'm making fun of them or whatever. Now I just avoid the public entirely. They hate foreigners here (unless they are tourists).
But as for you on this site? No, I don't take you seriously, I assume most of the time you are distracted by that other guy's cock in your mouth while you type so you can't really make any decent points (See that was an example of trash talk, not meant to insult etc...)
I hardly ever read your boring-ass posts, so I couldn't say.
Nah I know you are joking. Still you don't say that stuff about a guy's sister.
Holy crap it keeps coming closer and closer and never seems to stop. Its crazy.
You crass and insensitive turd!! Frankly I'm shocked at the entire situation... I had no idea you had friends.
He's probably obese too.
Shouldn't you be beating up an Indian student? And I'm svelte!
I am, and he said he was also very offended!
And that's right, an Indian said you were too arrogant!