While I was away from the site I managed to get a replacement 360 from the States.  After the third one died I was fairly miffed at Microsoft, but once I got the new Slim up and running, with my old saves restored, I was back where I was a couple of years ago -- loving my 360.

How great can a product be that after having three of them fail you are happy, excited even, to get a fourth one?  I've had two Mitsubishi's in my life, an Eclipse and a Pajero (Montero in some markets).  After having electrical problems with the first one I swore I'd never buy another. I buy the Pajero and what do I find? Electrical problems. I swear, I'll now not only ever buy a Mitsubishi ever again, but I'll campaign against them when ever someone asks my advice.

But here I am loving my 360. It charges for online, it steals my saves, it sells me games online then, when licensing agreements change, takes them away.But I still love it. I've had four of them while my original PS3 shows no sign of slowing down... but still.

So what makes it so great? The controller is not as comfortable as the Dual Shock (what with that battery pack on the back), but the sticks are so much better than those found on the Sony competitor. Having the sticks be concave makes sure that when the action gets frantic in a game your thumbs don't slide off.  Having them off center, also balances the weight of the controller.  And, at least when the controller is new, it has those four little dimples that help you keep the orientation of your thumbs. The controller is the most important part of any console, after the software, and Microsoft nailed it.

Also on the plus side is the GUI. I think the latest version of the desktop is the best so far. Clearly organized, with the stuff I use the most in the most obvious places.  What was genius though is Microsoft's courage to keep changing it. It makes the console always seem new -- even though the hardware is almost archaic at this point.

The built-in HDMI has mostly closed the gap with the PS3 in terms of graphics. Most developers use it as the lead platform, so it makes sense the graphics were comparable, but without HDMI it was impossible to tell before.

Finally, what I love about the 360 is the SILENCE. It is quieter than a Wii now (since the Wii does a lot more disc access). While my PS3 is healthy, if I have it on for more than 5 minutes it sounds like an Apache getting ready for take off.

Paying for online play is more complicated for me than it is annoying (because of my bi-continental tendencies) so I won't bash them for that, but I will lay out my quibbles with MS:

  • They seem to be taking the XBOX into the multiverse of media. Along with the Kinect, that's fine if they want to expand the base on the back end of the console cycle, so long as it doesn't take away resources from the core gaming group.
  • Which leads to my second gripe. Where are the games? More importantly where are the developer relationships and in-house development programs?  Microsoft once had a solid stable of in-house talent, now they seem adrift.
  • This is not on MS, but it's fans.  You haven't won anything. There are 61 million PS3s, 66 million 360s. It got a years head start and everyone has had to own at least 2 360's. And Japan hates you. Oh and the Wii.

So that's my story. I'm happy to have a 360 again, hopefully this will be the last one.

Posted by aspro Mon, 27 Feb 2012 07:09:54 (comments: 20)
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Mon, 27 Feb 2012 12:15:43
New 360 sounds cool. I think if they replace it at no extra cost to you it is okay.

If you have to pay for a whole new console whilst still within the 5 year assumed lifecycle of said machine, well that would piss me off royally.

My bros 360 broke down three times and he vowed never to buy a MS product again. Mine broke once and was replaced. I hardly play it though so it hasn't had the chance to break.
Mon, 27 Feb 2012 20:33:38
Oh yeah, I didn't mean to imply it was provided by MS. I've paid for 3 of my 4 360's, including the current one.
Mon, 27 Feb 2012 21:40:05
I've mostly given up on avoiding businesses for bad experiences, but I simply would not buy a 360, nor at least whatever Microsoft comes up with next.
Tue, 28 Feb 2012 01:16:53

If it plays games I want, I buy it. Even if its 4 times LOL I only bought 2 360's the original which was replaced twice and an arcade HDMI one I got for $ 175 which I still use. The New slim I got was mostly paid for by trading the old non HDMI refurb from MS to Gamestop with mega accessories I think I piad $25 out of my own pocket. The Arcade Falon HDMI I have had since feb 2009 no problems at all. The Slim I bought right when they came out as Gamestop always has amazing trade in deals when a new system comes out, hell thats how I got my PS3 slim.

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 01:40:55

I paid $50 for my DS which turned out not to be as hardy as Nintendo products are meant to be. (A lot of blue tac later and it still works pretty well, though.) So going by that logic the 360 is probably worth about $25 at most. Perhaps less when one takes in to account the library.

My time will come.

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 06:08:02
Games, make sure you pick up the Witcher 2 it looks amazing! I loved the first one too. This version (only on 360) is supposed to better than the PC one.Oh and of Course Mass Effect 3, Skyrim if you have picked that up either without out a doubt that is better on 360.
Tue, 28 Feb 2012 06:24:19

^I certainly want the Witcher 2 when it comes out.

Here is my very complicated situation, just so it's written down somewhere.

I have a US PS3 and a US 360. I live in Australia. Up until now I've been importing all my games from the States, but I won't be doing that any longer.  The PS3 is region free, so for that reason I'll be getting most games for it (since I have to import all my 360 and Wii games -- probably from play-asia).

Next gen I start fresh with Australian region consoles.  It's just so much nicer to be able to walk into a store and pick up games as opposed to the crazy hoops I've been going through up until now.

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 06:27:10

Just so you know a lot of 360 games are region free too PA sells Asian versions and always has a chart of which games are region free and the Asian versions are a cheaper too.

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 06:28:24
Yodariquo said:
I've mostly given up on avoiding businesses for bad experiences, but I simply would not buy a 360, nor at least whatever Microsoft comes up with next.

If I knew now what I did when this generation started I'd still end up getting all three consoles when I did.  With the declining number of exclusives that may not be the case next generation. I now I certainly won't trust Sony or MS and get systems at launch like I did in the past. It's just throwing away money on iffy hardware.

Tue, 28 Feb 2012 06:30:55


Just as an example see here see where it shows the green check marks in all regions.

Also the Asian version almost always features english as its default lang.

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