So, there was the time I played Final Fantasy 3 with all my characters in Mini by accident, then there was the time I un-knowingly played Fable with a controller that had a broken directional pad and now...

I'm about 12 hours into Nostalgia, an RPG for the DS. I'd say I am in the last quarter of the game.  The battles have been getting tougher, and so I've been grinding a fair bit to get my skills higher.  Then the other day I notice a stat on the screen "SP: 9999" My first thought was, "Uh oh, that can't be good" Yup, you guessed it, unlike Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest where your spells automatically evolve, in this game you spend SP to buy higher level spells.  I've been walking around with level 1 spells for the entire game.

Posted by aspro Sun, 03 Jul 2011 00:42:51 (comments: 9)
Sun, 03 Jul 2011 00:55:15

I don't know if you noticed or not, but I gave you a nod in one of my previews of recently released XBLA games.

"I *think* the Right Stick allows you to control the direction in which you fire too; at least that's what it LOOKS like in the video --BUT-- I just played the game for a full half hour and didn't even realize this! (Yes, Lads and Ladies, I pulled an Aspro!)"

Sun, 03 Jul 2011 01:12:22

I might even be able to top this!

For the first time EVER I just realized you DO NOT have to be signed into the Playstation Network in order to be able to download games and/or add-ons, etc.

I was attempting to DL Claptrap's New Robot Revolution for Borderlands when I realized the DL had stopped. I thought by signing out of PSN and back in, it would spur the DL on again. When I signed off and back on again, I noticed in that time 7 megs had "mysteriously" been downloaded. Out of curiosity, I Signed Out of PSN again and went back to my "Download Manager" tab...

...and the DL was ab-so-lute-ly flying... faster than ANYTHING I've EVER downloaded on PSN before!!

Boy do I feel silly!  


Sun, 03 Jul 2011 01:41:47

Manual, muthafucka! Do you read it?

Pulp Fiction Sam Jackson


Sun, 03 Jul 2011 01:49:49

PS: Your new Theme Song.

Sun, 03 Jul 2011 03:20:16


You've got to complete the game with level one spells now. Then post the final battle on youtube act as if you'd be planning it all along and become an internet hero.

Sun, 03 Jul 2011 08:15:51
Ravenprose said:

Manual, muthafucka! Do you read it?


Eventually, that's how I found out what SP was. Hrm

Foolz said:


You've got to complete the game with level one spells now. Then post the final battle on youtube act as if you'd be planning it all along and become an internet hero.

Too late, and guess what... the game is a lot more fun now.

phantom_leo said:

I might even be able to top this!

For the first time EVER I just realized you DO NOT have to be signed into the Playstation Network in order to be able to download games and/or add-ons, etc.


Boy do I feel silly!  


Sun, 03 Jul 2011 11:11:20

Boo. Hrm

Sun, 03 Jul 2011 11:13:40
This is why I don't like rpgs
Mon, 04 Jul 2011 01:45:44
LOL awesome! It just means you're really hardcore.
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