My new site Reach Out to the Truth is now live.
Out to the Truth is the site where I'll be publishing all my future
blogs. Most people don't know, but I currently blog on seven different
sites. Reach Out to the Truth makes it easier for me to keep track of
all my blog posts, reminds me of the sites that I need to publish the
blog on, and increases the visibility of my "exclusives" which may
include content of interest to all my readers.
Reach Out to the Truth takes its name from one of the songs on the Persona 4
soundtrack. Truth and the desire to obtain the truth is a common theme
in Persona 4. I'd like to think that has something to do with this
site, but I really just chose it because I like Persona 4. And that's
the truth.
Recently Spotted:
robio (9m)
*adds to already overloaded RSS feed*
And yes, I will post more here. I haven't been posted many blogs at all lately. But now that I have the new site I hope to blog more often.
So far, all the hits on my WordPress blog come from GameSpot, Giant Bomb, and here. I'm obviously getting hits from all three of those sites, so I don't think I could abandon them. I've always considered them my main blogs, and WordPress's statistics have backed that up.
I could easily drop HonestGamers and Game Revolution, but it's hard to say for certain without even knowing whether people read my stuff at all. I guess I could discontinue blogging on those sites on a trial basis and see if that does anything.
The two other sites I blog on - Comic Vine and Anime Vice - are sister sites of Giant Bomb. Since they run on the exact same framework as part of the same network I can just copy my blogs to them directly from Giant Bomb. I don't consider them high-priority blogs, but posting to them is such a quick and easy process that I don't think it really hurts.