Yeah, you heard it right, as of Monday I am unemployed. I know you guys are thinking: "You lucky bastard, how did you manage to get fired in two months?" Well I had a bit of luck
What happened I got sick, and I missed a day of work. So I went back to work the following day and thought nothing of it the rest of the week. Then the next Monday it struck me again. This time I missed 3 days. Then I came back. They found a bacteria Helicobacter Pilori inside of me, so they gave me antibiotics.
Well that did not go well and I was sick the very next week. Friday I actually went to work, only to pick up my laptop. The plan was to go to work the next Monday. But my body was not ready.
The fourth week of my sickness I went to the hospital twice. The second time I got a endoscopy. Which is a posh way of saying that I got a camera pushed through my throat. I actually did not gag at all during the procedure, perhaps my talents do not lie in engineering.
So the plan was to return the next Monday. But alas the company had enough and decided to end my contract. It ended on my birthday, what an awesome gift. Well the plan now is to get better. I lost 9 kilos in 4 weeks, so I have to get that back. Get my driving license, I had to cancel my exam because of my sickness. And buy Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger. In feel like playing epic RPGs.
What happened I got sick, and I missed a day of work. So I went back to work the following day and thought nothing of it the rest of the week. Then the next Monday it struck me again. This time I missed 3 days. Then I came back. They found a bacteria Helicobacter Pilori inside of me, so they gave me antibiotics.
Well that did not go well and I was sick the very next week. Friday I actually went to work, only to pick up my laptop. The plan was to go to work the next Monday. But my body was not ready.
The fourth week of my sickness I went to the hospital twice. The second time I got a endoscopy. Which is a posh way of saying that I got a camera pushed through my throat. I actually did not gag at all during the procedure, perhaps my talents do not lie in engineering.
So the plan was to return the next Monday. But alas the company had enough and decided to end my contract. It ended on my birthday, what an awesome gift. Well the plan now is to get better. I lost 9 kilos in 4 weeks, so I have to get that back. Get my driving license, I had to cancel my exam because of my sickness. And buy Xenoblade and Chrono Trigger. In feel like playing epic RPGs.
Recently Spotted:
robio (6m)
You lucky bastard! I'm sorry, man. Get better soon.
On the bright side you're highly qualified for your new role of desperate male prostitute.
You're hired!
...get better!
The REVOLUTION needs you!