- First to respond wins. No-one else need bother.
- No Hand-helds, I'm already playing a hand-held. Must be a console game (any console, I have most of them).
- Must be a game I can "beat", no open-ended shit.
- Preferably not an RPG or open world game.
- No 360 games because my MFing third 360 died, and yes I'm still not OVER IT!
- If I don't have the game you mention, or have already beaten it I'll let you know, we go to a second chance.
- Until I get a hit, I'll be playing NBA2K1 on the Dreamcast or Uncharted 2 online.
Recently Spotted:
aspro (15s)
That is a worthy entry, however, I do not own it.
It's on the list, I will get it, but I need a game to play now, not in a few weeks (which is what my supply chain takes -- remember, I have to import).
Okay download the original then.
Trust me, Xenoblade is on the list, just waiting for an NTSC release.
I have Sin and Punishment for N64, so you win (someone gifted it to me).
I don't have it, and Iga won.
F**k Iga! Play Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Atari 2600!