Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:07:14

edgecrusher said:

Who's hotter this time around...Xenia or Natalya? I prefer the old version of Natalya that looked like Gillian Anderson from X Files. LOL

 In a miniskirt no less. This game is legendary. Do you know that Dvader hated Perfect Dark 1? 

You must question his taste in everything from now on. 

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:08:06

gamingeek said:
Why is Xenia now a blonde, short haired german?

Yeah...she looks like the type that likes to be taught a fucking lesson in the sack. From behind.


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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:12:52

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

Who's hotter this time around...Xenia or Natalya? I prefer the old version of Natalya that looked like Gillian Anderson from X Files. LOL

In a miniskirt no less. This game is legendary. Do you know that Dvader hated Perfect Dark 1?

You must question his taste in everything from now on.

How could anyone hate PD 1? Until Halo, that was the best console FPS by a long shot.


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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:25:35

edgecrusher said:

How could anyone hate PD 1? Until Halo, that was the best console FPS by a long shot.

 I know. It's Vader. 

The man is crazy. Perfect Dark was the most awesome FPS ever made at that point in time. And I'd still rate it over most of the shooters we have today other than like Halo. 

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:32:02

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

How could anyone hate PD 1? Until Halo, that was the best console FPS by a long shot.

I know. It's Vader.

The man is crazy. Perfect Dark was the most awesome FPS ever made at that point in time. And I'd still rate it over most of the shooters we have today other than like Halo.

I gotta put Half-life up there too. That game was gold. Although it didn't come out on consoles until around the time Halo came out, thanks to the Dreamcast version getting canceled.


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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:39:42
I only played Half life 2, I liked it because of the world they created and nice visuals. Gameplay was okay too. That hoverboat section was horrible though. 

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:48:47
World was as boring as the gameplay. That's to say it was decent I suppose, but incredibly unspectacular.

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 12:55:19

Anyhow back to goldeneye. Having played Eurocom games what I worry about is having the gameplay broken up by cutscenes and such. It looks like they are taking the COD approach though, having staged in game cutscenes where you can still move about. 

I don't want any on rails bits like in the first level video we've seen already. And I worry it will be too linear, but it sounds like Eurocom have identified what Goldeneye is about and have tried to mimmick that. 

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 15:48:31
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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 20:25:48

Iga_Bobovic said:

 Obrazek/text, ukradeny z Seda Zona: magazin by Storky

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 20:40:03

Destructoid preview
GC 10: Serious deja vu in GoldenEye 007

It's been thirteen years since one of the most celebrated console shooters, GoldenEye 007, was released on the Nintendo 64. Since then, we have had a sub-par, sort-of sequel in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent and people arguing about whether the original's gameplay still holds up or if it even deserves the status it has gained. Now, developer Eurocom has stepped up to attempt a re-imagining of both the plot of the film and the 1997 game.

Will it get people all shaken and stirred?

There is a serious sense of deja vu about GoldenEye 2010, despite Eurocom saying that it couldn’t simply remake Rare's original for legal reasons. The level that we were shown was the Jungle level which, just like it's 1997 counterpart, sits around 75% of the way through the game (and apparently features a battle with Xenia Onatopp, although we didn't get to see that) and sees Bond being shot down by a heat-seeking rocket and crashing into the dense green jungle below.

The whole section is designed to be played in a stealthy manner with your using takedowns and gadgets to work your way through the level. Approaching an unaware enemy from behind will give you an on-screen prompt to press a button and execute a choke out or neck snap. It is nothing new but works perfectly well and is something more elaborate than simply melee attacking the back of the enemy's head. Enemies further away will need to be taken down using you silenced PPK, but screw this up and you'll make your target aware of your presence. In those circumstances, you will have a brief window of a few seconds in order to take him out before he alerts other guards in the area or starts shooting you.

Not everything that is out to kill you is so easily disposed of -- the Jungle is lined with automated machine guns that sweep the area with blue lasers that will rip you apart if you stumble into them. Bond, being the super spy that he is, comes fully prepared with gadgets such as, in this case, a mobile phone that can be used to hack the turrets and turn them against enemy soldiers. If you wish, you can also simply attack the laptops that are running the turrets to disable them. 

To be honest, I'm sure by now you have realized that I'm writing about the section of the single player that I got to see without any enthusiasm, and I do apologize for this. It just feels wrong, like Eurocom is afraid that if it moves too far away from everything that GoldenEye 1997 was then people's enthusiasm for the game will get hurt. So what we have is a deja vu-inducing experience containing many elements of the original with some added gameplay mechanics that feel a bit weak and almost detached from the main game. It's like coming home from work and finding someone else wearing your wife's clothes, pretending to be her. And it's a man.

My reservations, however, do not extend to the multiplayer that, for all of the additions like iron sights, recharging health, and the ability to jump and run, feels as much fun as its original counterpart. We played a session of four-player, split-screen deathmatch, and the relatively small design of the levels, along with a radar in the corner that displays the whereabouts of your opponents at all times, makes for a fun, frantic multiplayer experience. Regenerative health doesn't leave as much of a mark as you'd imagine, given that you really only have a small amount of health to begin with so that any prolonged attack will result in death. The game has also been designed to be played with the Classic controller, Wiimote and Nunchuck, Zapper, and GameCube controller, ensuring that however you feel most comfortable, you'll be catered for. We played with the Classic controller and it seemed nice and responsive.

So the multiplayer is a great deal of fun, and I have no doubt in my mind that people will have an absolute blast with it. However, my issues with the single-player campaign still remain troubling. It doesn't seem different enough from 1997 original to be anything worth paying attention to, and what little it does that is new isn't really that exceptional. There is still time until the game is released, so it is possible that improvements can be and hopefully are being made.

Also, Oddjob is still a cheating bastard.


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Mon, 23 Aug 2010 19:19:51

GoldenEye (multiplayer)


When GoldenEye 007 returns to the console it will do so with a mix of covert and run-and-gun action and a brand new script penned by the writer of the original movie screenplay.

Before dropping us into a round of eight player deathmatch on the Wii, Graham Hagmeier, the game's production coordinator, walked us through a look at another level of the game's campaign.

Designed by Eurocom, the folks behind Dead Space Extraction for the Wii, GoldenEye is, of course a reinterpretation of the Nintendo 64 classic. The Wii game's new mission we were being shown at a press demo opened up in a jungle.

In the original movie and game, this level, about 70 percent through the game, took place in a Cuban jungle, but in the remake it takes place in the jungles of Nigeria

The game features four difficulty levels: Operative, agent, 007 and 007 Classic. As you ramp up through the difficulty settings the game doesn't just become harder, it also adds secondary missions you need to accomplish. And playing in 007 Classic mode drops you in a game where you no longer have health that slowly regenerates, but instead health and armor, both of which need to be replenished through pick-ups.

The game's mission briefings come to you via an in-game "smart wall" which goes through the objectives with cut-scenes and voice acting.

The level opens when the small plane that James Bond is piloting over the jungle crashes. Shortly after extricating himself, Bond spots a helicopter bringing in support troops.

While the player can just open up on the bad guys with Bond's weapon, the person playing through during my demo decided to take a stealthier approach.

First, he crept up on a enemy, put him in a forearm chokehold and knocked him out. Then he switched over to a silenced weapon and worked his way through the jungle until he was close enough to dispense a couple more enemies with quick shots to the heads.

The player managed to clear the entire level without making a noise, but had he missed a shot, Hagmeier said, the enemies in the area would have gone on alert and called in reinforcements.

When the game hits there will be 25 weapons to choose from and a number of fun gadgets, like a cell phone that can be used to hack computers and turrets. For instance, in the jungle level, Bond used it to take over a minigun and turn it on the enemies standing on a clearing.

After finishing up the single, relatively short level, the developers handed over controls to the four writers in the room and dropped us into a multiplayer match.

GoldenEye will support four-player offline multiplayer on a single console and eight-player online matches. While playing online you will be able to earn experience and rank up. You can use those experience points to earn different perks, unlock gadgets and weapons and certain content that is only online.

The multiplayer also features a number of modifiers, like the ability to play characters with giant hands, or armed with paintball, or melee-only modes or a mode that causes damages to players who stand still for too long.

For our match we were playing as Oddjob, Jaws, Scaramanga and Baron Samedi. All of the characters use soundbites from their original movies.

I tried my hand at the game controlling Oddjob, using the golden Wii Classic controller only available to people who purchase the special edition of the game.

The controls take a bit of getting used to, especially if you spend most of your time playing shooters on a PC, PS3 or Xbox 360, but once you do it's a solid, exciting and fun experience.

Because I was playing as Oddjob my grenades were replaced with three deadly hats, which I could use to instant kill a player. Something that was a lot harder than you'd expect.

The map we played on had a nice selection of cover, doorways, multiple floors and space. The round was fast and furious.

While I enjoyed checking out the Wii-exclusive shooter, it seems like the sort of multiplayer experience best saved for short bursts of play, rather than marathon gaming sessions.

GoldenEye for the Wii ships this fall.

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Mon, 23 Aug 2010 20:28:22

I'm just glad that Nintendo seems to recognise the fact that Goldeneye is one of the most important games they ever released and are getting behind this remake. They totally dropped the ball back in Yamauchi's reign of terror by not capitalizing on Goldeneye, and Turok's, popularity and use that to once and for all cement their place in the hardcore, adult gaming demographic. They had the Halo crowd and let it slip away!

And its better late than never that an exclusive Wii FPS with some real potential comes out. MOH Heroes 2, The Conduit....I mean they just don't cut it no matter what control options they have.


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Mon, 23 Aug 2010 21:10:18
Yeah I want to see some ground up FPS with promise and made by good devs. Thats what I wanted Retro to be doing.

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Mon, 23 Aug 2010 21:29:56

gamingeek said:
Yeah I want to see some ground up FPS with promise and made by good devs. Thats what I wanted Retro to be doing.

Donkey Kong >> FPS # 9 million 

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Mon, 23 Aug 2010 22:04:25

Iga_Bobovic said:

Donkey Kong >> FPS # 9 million

Donkey Kong arcade

Yup. Happy

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Tue, 24 Aug 2010 12:07:58

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
Yeah I want to see some ground up FPS with promise and made by good devs. Thats what I wanted Retro to be doing.

Donkey Kong >> FPS # 9 million

I personally think Retro's talents are wasted in a DKC clone. I've no doubt its gonna be a quality game, but its really not even on my radar as anymore than a Greatest Hits purchase. If not a FPS, I'd rather them working on some kind of original IP that's older skewed, because Nintendo Japan aren't gonna do it and Wii needs more 1st-party games of that type. A lot more.


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Tue, 24 Aug 2010 19:13:45

edgecrusher said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
Yeah I want to see some ground up FPS with promise and made by good devs. Thats what I wanted Retro to be doing.

Donkey Kong >> FPS # 9 million

I personally think Retro's talents are wasted in a DKC clone. I've no doubt its gonna be a quality game, but its really not even on my radar as anymore than a Greatest Hits purchase. If not a FPS, I'd rather them working on some kind of original IP that's older skewed, because Nintendo Japan aren't gonna do it and Wii needs more 1st-party games of that type. A lot more.

I agree with the bolded.

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Tue, 24 Aug 2010 21:59:40
DKC was in development since before Corruption, so they likely have other projects going as well. But maybe they've all been failed crap like all the shit they tried making before Prime, who knows. I'm not sure they should make an FPS without some new talent and ideas because the actual combat in the Primes was pretty boring.
Edited: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:00:14
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Tue, 24 Aug 2010 22:10:28

Ravenprose said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Donkey Kong >> FPS # 9 million

Donkey Kong arcade

Yup. Happy

The fact that the original arcade version of this game is not available on the Virtual Arcade may be Nintendo's greatest crime against humanity.

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