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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:25:28
its a shame that a lot of americans will not get this because its a jrpg it seems like american reviews and game develoers are trying to  stop jrpg games from selling with lies being spreed and hate.
i am  prepared to call this game the best rpg  this year and should be bought by everyone
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:45:03
Any year a Dragon Quest game is released, it is the best RPG of the year!  Grinning
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:47:15

Just wanted to give some updated impressions. I have reached the point where you can change class.  Still not sure how many classes there are, as it looks like to open up advanced classes you have to progress to certain points in the starting classes.  Pretty much how it was done in DQ VII.  I'm not sure what the advanced classes are, but a few NPCs have dropped clues to what they are and they sound kind of cool. Sadly I don't think there will be nearly as many as there were in DQ VII.

The side-quests are also going to get ridiculous.  The early ones were more or less fetch quests, but the ones I'm finding now are just ridiculous. Stuff like kill X amount of a certain enemy with one particular move.  Not sure why that would make someone happy...

Anyway you can pretty much tell that this is the point of the game where it really opens up and allows for a lot more exploration (9 hours in with one solid hour of that being devoted to side quests if you're wondering).  The main quest is going strong, new options for character customization have opened up, plenty of side quests to get distracted with, and the fabulous alchemy pot is available for plenty of experimentation.

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:51:50

phantom_leo said:
Any year a Dragon Quest game is released, it is the best RPG of the year!  Grinning

. . . ammend that to say "except for 2001 when DQ VII was released."

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:52:51
...I liked DQVII...!  Sad
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:55:11
I liked it too, despite being waaaaaaay too long for it's own good.  But that was the same year Paper Mario, PSO, and . . . the overated piece of crud FFX were all released.  I don't care who you are, everyone would say at least one of those games was better.
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:57:00

eggmiester said:
its a shame that a lot of americans will not get this because its a jrpg it seems like american reviews and game develoers are trying to  stop jrpg games from selling with lies being spreed and hate.
i am  prepared to call this game the best rpg  this year and should be bought by everyone

You're gonna have to get yourself an Avatar, Eggie, and start exploring the rest of the site!

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:01:37
how can anyone not like a dq game i still stand by my saying that iyts the best rpg series made but the one problem i have with this game like with joker is that i never know what to put my skill points on so many choices and even more with class change woe is me
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:01:42

robio said:
I liked it too, despite being waaaaaaay too long for it's own good.  But that was the same year Paper Mario, PSO, and . . . the overated piece of crud FFX were all released.  I don't care who you are, everyone would say at least one of those games was better.

Didn't play Paper Mario in it's entirety 'til it came out to the Virtual Console, didn't like FFX as much as DQVII and I don't consider PSO the same genre as DQVII, either...

So... Nyah!  Nyaa

(It was pretty long! I had time on my hands back then, so I was allll over it! I played for 99 hours and STILL didn't do everything! I really liked the "piecing the world back together" aspect of it! People couldn't get over the fact that you really didn't even have your first battle 'til after the first two hours of the game! I kinda liked that though! Felt more adventurous that way. Killed it for the FFVII fans though!)

Edited: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:02:21
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:10:05

What about Pokemon Gold/Silver? That also came out in 2001.

Make no mistake I did love the game. I played through on two separate occasions and put a total of 180 hours into it.  I did virtually everything you could in it except for the Monster Park which I just thought was lame as hell and added nothing to the game.

My real gripe with it was just too many of those maps/back in time segments were really weak and at times felt like copies of one another.  Too much fluff.  You could have trimmed out 5 or 6 of those segments and shaved off 20 hours of the game.  Or maybe made them optional.  

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:14:07

eggmiester said:
how can anyone not like a dq game i still stand by my saying that iyts the best rpg series made but the one problem i have with this game like with joker is that i never know what to put my skill points on so many choices and even more with class change woe is me

DQ is among my favorite series, but even the best series sometimes has a mis-step or two.

DQVII took waaay too long in development. It was the first in the series to stray from a Nintendo console. It had almost (sub) Super NES graphics, at least in the Battle Screens. The 3D towns were horrible in comparison to other games that were out on the PSOne at the time. It made it very, very tough for the American audience to embrace it!

Final Fantasy VII was still fresh in people's memories. It had fighting from the first 5 minutes, elaborate Cut/Summon Scenes and Polygon Models that made DQVII sprites look kinda embarassing...! For everyone who played FFVII as their first RPG, DQVII looked like a big jump back!

That being said I still loved DQVII. I had been playing Dragon Warrior on the NES and Monsters on the Game Boy Color and couldn't wait for ANY continuation of the series on a console! I was grateful for ANYTHING I got at that point!

As much as tough-love case DQVII was for lots of fans, it TOTALLY set the stage for VIII to be the STUNNING revival of the series! Going from VII to VIII was like going from NES to the Wii! Full 3D world, beautiful cell-shading and animated monsters... DQVII was like the ugly duckling, but I loved it just the same. DQVIII brought A LOT of American RPG fans to the series (finally!)...

I guess we'll have to see what DQIX does for the series as a whole!

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:21:26

From this... this!


This... THIS!
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:25:29
leo i also been playing dq since dragon warrior games and i still feel that dwm is a better monster battling sim then pokemon but sadly it was thought of as worse by most americans
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:26:12

robio said:

What about Pokemon Gold/Silver? That also came out in 2001.

Make no mistake I did love the game. I played through on two separate occasions and put a total of 180 hours into it.  I did virtually everything you could in it except for the Monster Park which I just thought was lame as hell and added nothing to the game.

My real gripe with it was just too many of those maps/back in time segments were really weak and at times felt like copies of one another.  Too much fluff.  You could have trimmed out 5 or 6 of those segments and shaved off 20 hours of the game.  Or maybe made them optional.  

I respect the Pokemon Series and would never say a bad thing about it...

...I find the games are just not for me, though.

I'm not the kind of person that would normally "catch them all" but the fact that you HAVE TO either buy 2 or 3 games or get help from other gamers to "get" everything turns me off each and every time.

Realistically, i'm not the Completionist type, but the Obsessive Compulsive inside of me resents what Pokemon MAKES people do.

If ANY series needs a DQVII to DQVIII magnitude of make-over, POKEMON is IT!

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:28:21

eggmiester said:
leo i also been playing dq since dragon warrior games and i still feel that dwm is a better monster battling sim then pokemon but sadly it was thought of as worse by most americans

Sadly, Americans are the easily swayed type and were sucked in by: "GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!"

I L-O-V-E-D Monsters (and even Joker) and was COMPLETELY FRUSTRATED by the lack of ANY marketing for them WHAT-SO-EVER!

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:39:58

i  agree with you  and leo you are awesome  damn how the hell does qouting work on this site

phantom_leo said:

Sadly, Americans are the easily swayed type and were sucked in by: "GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!"

I L-O-V-E-D Monsters (and even Joker) and was COMPLETELY FRUSTRATED by the lack of ANY marketing for them WHAT-SO-EVER!

Edited: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:41:51
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:41:56

DQM was awesome. It got a little repetitive towards the end, but the monster breeding was a much more fun way to catch new monsters than just throwing a poke ball.  God I remember how long it too me to start getting some of the better monsters because I was also finished with the game before I realized you could capture monsters from the foreign traders (taking monsters from other Pokemon Trainers was a big no no and figured that carried into this game).

I was sort of hoping for some references in DQIX to the original Monsters game since "Starry Skies" was in the title.  I was expecting a Starry Night Festival or something.  Apparently not, but no biggies.  

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:46:17

By the way, since we're sort of on the topic over the last few years a patch was put out for Dragon Quest Monsters III: Caravan Heart. That was the GBA DQM game that never got a stateside release.  It was a neat idea in that you caught monsters but also recruited humans to fight on your team. It even sort of acted as a prequel to DQ VII.  Unfortunately while it tried a lot of new things... just wasn't good.

Maybe download it one weekend and try it out when you don't have much else to do, but I can't  recommend it for more than that.

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 15:47:03

eggmiester said:

When you quote someone, you'll want to make sure the cursor is at the lowest point of the Posting Window.

If you backspace, it's going to become part of the text of the Quote... You'll get it after a few tries. Just be aware of WHERE the cursor is and you'll see what I mean!

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 23:07:40

The Sloccobo

(when a Slime meets a Chocobo!)

Who knows why this is a topic of conversation, but there ya go!
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