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Any games where you had to quell your anticipation?
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Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:27:38

There are certain games and series we all anticipate and get excited over as they draw closer to release. Then there are THOSE games that you can't stop thinking about. You obsess over. You'll search through stores the weekend before just in case they put it on the shelves early. You mark your calendar and check three times in a single day to see if you are any closer to getting it. You shift in your seat uncomfortably as you debate whether to read previews or not, so as not to spoil anything --or-- to satiate your hunger...

Super Metroid was one of those games for me, back in the SNES days. I did exactly what I described above. I even went out of my way to try and find new "mom and pop" stores in the cities around me that would have it before retail stores. I went searching and searching the weekend before the release to no avail, but I guess it passed the time. I wanted it sooo badly it hurt, MORE SO than any average game out there.

Knowing my taste in games, that might not come as much of a surprise, but there are THOSE games that you would not expect to be so gripped by, yet they do anyway. There is one in particular that is doing exactly that to me right now. I'm not going to say what it is at first...

First, I'd like to hear any games any of you just couldn't wait for in the past, then maybe some games you feel that way about now. If anyone would care to try and guess the game I am jonesing for, feel free, I'll reveal it later, if no one can guess!

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Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:40:49

Final Fantasy VII comes to mind for me. It was a huge deal back in the day, and finally getting to play it was ambrosia.

Right now I am jonesing for Dead Space 3.

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Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:47:07
Ocarina of Time for me.  The anticipation was agonizing. Every time I stopped by a store and saw a new magazine with a Zelda article, I picked it up.  I had to stay in my dorm room one extra night to wait to pick it even though it was Thanksgiving break.  Even  the TV tortured me with a Zelda commercial every thirty minutes.  Gah!  Best Buy didn't even open till 10 am.  No midnight release, no chance of them breaking street date.  I got there about 9:30 with about fifty other Zelda fans.  Funny, I think back fondly about that time.

Leo, I was anticipating Super Metroid as well, but I just graduated from high school and went on a trip to the mountains with my friends.  We came back the very day it was released and promptly drove to Walmart to pick it up.  Graduation money well spent!
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Sat, 19 Jan 2013 21:59:59
I scoured all over for Mario Galaxy as well looking for places that I knew broke street date in the past. I was smart enough to stay away from Gamespot and Walmart.   Kmart was notorious for that at one time.  I found the elderly employee who looks as though she didn't belong in the electronics.  I asked her if she's heard of this new game that just came out called, " Super Mario Galaxy."   I told her this story about how great it would be if I could find it so that I could play it with my nephew that evening. I told her that I didn't see it but was curious if maybe they just didn't have time to put bring it out from the back.  She says she'll go check to see if the game is in the back.  Cool , this could work.

Here she comes, there's something in her hand.  A white case!  Could it be?  Yes!! Yes! Yes !  Super Mario Galaxy.... DAYS before the street date!  This is so awesome!  I'm about to own it!

She scans it, "Hmmm. It won't let me ring it up."  She tries again, squints to see the computer which tells her that she can't sell the game yet.  Fuuuuuuuckkk!!!
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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 00:38:03

Here is another game I remember me and my brother were DYING to get ahold of back in the day. We used to mainly rent games growing up, and we had to wait until the rental store got this one back in to rent out again. And we were waiting around the phone because we knew the owner and they said they would call. All day we waited lol, so anxious, reading and rerreading our shared subscription to Nintendo Power, looking at the pictures and wondering how incredible this game was going ot be. I remember it was a rainy Friday during summer vacation.

Back in the day this game was it. It was the best looking game I had ever seen. It STILL looks good imo. And to this day is one of my favorite games (part two in particular) fuck Mario, here is the best platforming series on the SNES.

Edited: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 00:39:51

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:20:52

Zelda TP was the last one where I was totally crazy obsessed over, I just dont think that will happen to me any more. I still get really excited for games of course.

Leo it is Ni No Kuni.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:31:47

Super Street Fighter II was the first game I can think of where I was just eating up all the information I could find on a game, and was doing anything I could to get a chance to play it. I was buying every game magazine that had any of the World Warriors on the cover or even had a blurb inside of it. I would do whatever I could to go to an arcade to play it, and the day it was on the SNES I was there to buy it.

Honestly I'm not like that with any game any more these days. Almost kind of wish I was, but I think over the past few decades I've been burned by enough highly anticipated games (I'd like to take this moment to say "fuck you" again to Journey), that I just now look forward to upcoming games and hope I enjoy them.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:34:20
Dvader said:

Zelda TP was the last one where I was totally crazy obsessed over, I just dont think that will happen to me any more. I still get really excited for games of course.

Leo it is Ni No Kuni.

Sooo --NOT-- Ni No Kuni!
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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:35:08

Last one I can remember is House fo the Dead: Overkill. I haven't been really excited for a game since. It's no coincidence that this lack of interest coincided with Wii releases drying up. I'm sure Xenoblade would have made the list if wasn't a long RPG, but I actually bought it which says a maybe you could include that too.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 02:15:46
Dvader said:

Zelda TP was the last one where I was totally crazy obsessed over, I just dont think that will happen to me any more. I still get really excited for games of course.

Nonsense.  When Zelda U comes out, you're gonna freak out like a too.
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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 03:14:32
phantom_leo said:

Sooo --NOT-- Ni No Kuni!

Oh that is right you are dudebro now. You are looking forward too...Gears of Dead Crysis 5 : Boobie Undead Torso Edition

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 04:09:50


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 04:23:52
Dvader said:
phantom_leo said:

Sooo --NOT-- Ni No Kuni!

Oh that is right you are dudebro now. You are looking forward too...Gears of Dead Crysis 5 : Boobie Undead Torso Edition

The furthest possible thing from a dudebro game.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 04:34:35

I think I waited about 6 hours in the GameStop the day Street Fighter 4 came out. That certainly applies to this topic!  LOL !

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 04:39:00

I --VERY-- stupidly drove around and wasted a quarter of a tank of gas --JUST-- after the Super Storm hit, looking for a store that was open and had received Need for Speed: Most Wanted so my nephew and I could play it to take our minds off of things. Little did I realize that gas was going to be next to impossible to get for 3-4 weeks after that!  Hrm

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 05:27:47

Fire Emblem?

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 06:33:20
Dvader said:
phantom_leo said:

Sooo --NOT-- Ni No Kuni!

Oh that is right you are dudebro now. You are looking forward too...Gears of Dead Crysis 5 : Boobie Undead Torso Edition


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 08:24:59

Going to take a really wild guess...

Etrian Odyssey IV?

or some new Shin Megami game I'm not even aware of.

... or perhaps Anarchy Reigns so you can play with me? Nyaa


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 08:29:41

Also, last few games I couldn't contain my anticipation were all Wii games:  Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes.  And some DS games: Professor Layton, Mario & Luigi, all the Castlevanias ...  I think that's kind of died in me now.  Can't believe I haven't even bought the new Paper Mario and that used to be my favourite franchise.


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 08:33:56

Can't be Dead Space 3, that's kinda dudebro and you said definitely no


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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