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28 Days of Games I Hate
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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:29:18
robio said:

14. Actraiser 2

I'm well aware that I lot of my choices have been games that other people have really enjoyed, but as I reach the midway point with this I'd like to present a game that I truly believe may be the most universally reviled game ever made - Actraiser 2. The original is a beloved 16 bit classic. The sequel removed the charming city sim half of the game that made it such a unique experience, and doubled down on the action by making it insanely difficult to the point where no one wanted to play it. It was criminal on every level. Everyone should hate this game.

Does that box actually say 100% pure action, lol!  They should have put a dude bro sticker on the cover.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:31:33

I've been under the impression that Ubisoft felt like they needed present day settings so that gamers could relate to modern day people since having something set hundreds of years before would make modern gamers lose interest. I am imagining an Ubi exec saying "We need something hip, something modern, something sci-fiey ...for the kids."

Edited: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:36:48
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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 03:14:54
Dvader said:

But you liked AC 2 righy?

Never played it. I went from AC to AC: Brotherhood and then never touched the series again.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 03:25:10
travo said:

I've been under the impression that Ubisoft felt like they needed present day settings so that gamers could relate to modern day people since having something set hundreds of years before would make modern gamers lose interest. I am imagining an Ubi exec saying "We need something hip, something modern, something sci-fiey ...for the kids."

Could be. I know they needed a gimmick that would provide them an excuse to not create full cities and areas to explore. The reliving the past thing helped in that regards because you'd get those "this isn't part of the experience" messages if you tried to walk somewhere you weren't supposed to.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:33:42

18. Burger Time World Tour

After the much deserved success of the absolutely excellent Pac-Man DX revamps of classic arcade games started popping up all over the place. Some were good like the Galaga update. Others were simply okay like the Frogger update. And then at the bottom of the barrel... or rather underneath the barrel we had Burger Time World Tour. God it's bad. They essentially tried to put the classic Burger Time game onto a 3-D plane with an aboslutely hideous art style. And they added rockets and jet packs. I really don't think I can explain it anymore than that. If you have any love for the old series just avoid this abomination at all costs.

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Thu, 19 Feb 2015 23:38:26

19. Acceleration of Suguri X

This is one of the crappiest games I have ever played. It's like someone thought it would be a good idea to combine a fighting game and a schmup. Why that sounds like a good idea is unclear to me, but it happened and this waste of 1's and 0's was the result. It's a terrible experience, and not even the tinest bit fun. The only redeeming quality of it is that no one has ever heard of it, and that's gone a long way in stopping anyone from accidentally trying it out.

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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 00:42:39

I have an urge to play some of these.

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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 00:43:35

Go ahead. Play them and feel the burn of regret!

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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 01:23:32

That looks pretty good on YouTube. Kinda like what a Dragon Ball Z game should be.

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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 04:51:28
robio said:

Go ahead. Play them and feel the burn of regret!

I felt that before but a visit to my doctor helped clear that right up.


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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 22:00:51

20. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

It was easy to dismiss Spyro as a kid's game if you never played it, but I've always thought the first three games in the series were the best 3-D platformers outside of the ones by Rare and Nintendo. It had good action, boss fights, hidden secrets, and subtle adult humor that really made the games worth spending time with. Unfortunately all those qualities left the series when Insomniac bowed out. What was left was a 3rd rate 3-D platformer that ran at about 4 frames a second. It was unplayable. No other word for it. I think the series bounced back a little bit, but it never came close to the glory of the original trilogy, and this installment was the absolute low point.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:59:20

21. Impossible Mission (Atari 7800)

Impossible Mission was pitched as the killer app for the Atari 7800. It was featured in all of their commercials. It was given prominant ads. It was the reason to own an Atari 7800. It really wasn't all that, but it was still a solid game, and when I hung out with the one kid in the neighborhood who had a 7800 instead of a NES, we'd play this and enjoy it... until we'd get frustrated and quit. The problem with the game is that it was literally impossible to beat due to a bug. A puzzle piece you needed was impossible to reach, so no matter what you did, you couldn't get it. Therefore you couldn't complete the game. Great... all those hours we spent thinking we sucked were wasted. Hard to believe a company that believed in quality as much as Atari would do this, huh?

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:13:54

Uh, it's called "Impossible Mission", what did you expect?

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:20:18
Foolz said:

Uh, it's called "Impossible Mission", what did you expect?

Come on man, that joke was made almost 30 years ago. You can do better. Just because I don't try in this thread, doesn't mean you have to sink to my level.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:23:13

22. The Sims

I can't figure out what's good about this game. It's like you're playing god, but your dominion is exclusively populated by morons who won't do what you tell them to do. If I want that, I can order an ant farm. I really feel like I should have liked it though, since I liked so many of the other sim games. So I gave it mulitple tries, but each of those tries just made me more and more disenfranchised until I got to the point where I hated this game. Feh.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:27:57
robio said:

Come on man, that joke was made almost 30 years ago. You can do better. Just because I don't try in this thread, doesn't mean you have to sink to my level.

Not all of us are old enough to know that a joke was made 30 years ago.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 01:43:30

I've had The Sims installed on every PC I've owned since it first came out. I still play it from time-to-time. It's a classic sandbox game. Build mode was my favorite part, but torturing Sims was always fun too.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 17:24:49

What's better than taking the stair out of a swimming pool while a sim is in there? Or leaving one of them inside a doorless, windowless room with no place to go?

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 02:05:40

23. Double Dragon (NES)

Ahhhh who doesn't love Double Dragon right? The game that introduced us to co-op beat'em ups. Being able to fight side by side with you best friend, right up until the end when you had to fight each other to see who gets the girl. What a great game! And now it's coming to the NES? Holy crap this is fantastic! It's 2-player????  What could go wrong???   .... it doesn't offer co-op? It's an alternating 2-player game... And we're done here.

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Tue, 24 Feb 2015 02:09:11

Thank you!  How could they have screwed up so badly in Double Dragon?  That game was a huge frustrating mess.

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