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Dvader's not exactly 100 Favorite Games of All Time
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Sun, 21 Jul 2019 22:41:49

Metroid Prime 3 was the perfect example of why bothering to put in the effort to learn to play games in a new and superior way to traditional controllers was absolutely worth it.

You can argue mouse aiming is superior, but analogue stick movement is better than keyboard movement, so it's a genuine competitor to mouse + keyboard, just as gyro is.

Incidentally, not sure how Metroid Prime 3 could be worth a replay with normal controls. Uneasy

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Mon, 22 Jul 2019 03:22:04



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Mon, 22 Jul 2019 03:23:21
Foolz said:

Incidentally, not sure how Metroid Prime 3 could be worth a replay with normal controls. Uneasy

I guess we'll find out 5 years from now when they release a new Metroid game.


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Mon, 22 Jul 2019 03:27:37
edgecrusher said:

I guess we'll find out 5 years from now when they release a new Metroid game.

If a fourth one is ever made, why assume they'd be dumb enough to a) not include gyro controls at the least and b) make a generic FPS like Metroid Prime 3?

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Mon, 22 Jul 2019 20:13:42
Foolz said:

If a fourth one is ever made, why assume they'd be dumb enough to a) not include gyro controls at the least and b) make a generic FPS like Metroid Prime 3?

Because gyro controls are a gimmick, & it's Metroid Prime 4 aka the fourth game in a series of FPA/FPS titles.

But who knows...maybe it will use Virtual Boy 2 by then as it's control method. Whatever they choose, only time will tell!


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Mon, 22 Jul 2019 22:36:09
edgecrusher said:

Because gyro controls are a gimmick, & it's Metroid Prime 4 aka the fourth game in a series of FPA/FPS titles.

But who knows...maybe it will use Virtual Boy 2 by then as it's control method. Whatever they choose, only time will tell!

Gyro controls a gimmick? This is why we can't have nice things...and indeed why Nintendo might be dumb enough not to include decent control schemes.

Out of the three Metroid Prime games, only one went the generic FPS route. And to be fair to it, it was a superior FPS to other console shooters at the time.

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Tue, 23 Jul 2019 22:58:29
Foolz said:

Gyro controls a gimmick? This is why we can't have nice things...and indeed why Nintendo might be dumb enough not to include decent control schemes.

Out of the three Metroid Prime games, only one went the generic FPS route. And to be fair to it, it was a superior FPS to other console shooters at the time.

I guess like usual, I will agree to disagree with you at this point so David's next entry isn't five pages apart from his last.


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Tue, 23 Jul 2019 23:44:38
edgecrusher said:

I guess like usual, I will agree to disagree with you at this point so David's next entry isn't five pages apart from his last.

Fair enough, but there's no issue with having both gyro and analogue stick aiming, so my position doesn't hurt those who don't want gaming to evolve. Nyaa

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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 06:18:11

43. Grand Theft Auto 3, 4, 5 and Red Dead Redemption

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The open world game, it really wasn't much of a thing back in the early 2000s. What was mostly reserved for RPGs would take over action adventure games as GTA3 laid down a foundation that games still copy to this day. I actually played the original GTA back on the PS1 and had a great time with it. It was slightly dangerous, kill people for money, avoid cops, deal with criminals, all in a tongue and cheek sort of way. The first time I saw GTA3 was in an EGM magazine I believe and I recall a screen shot of the dude standing on a building maybe with a helicopter flying above, I remember thinking "wow that ugly 2D game is going full 3D, neat". Then the previews began to shower praise, this is a game unlike anything we have ever played before, the hype machine was in full effect. I actually don't remember much about GTA3 the game itself, I remember more the attention the game brought. Friends who pushed video games aside would buy this game. I would go over a friends house and there it was, guys taking turns just messing around, passing the controller around like it was the old days. GTA3 is a milestone game that has to be in every best ever list.

What I do remember most is the awesome map that came with the game. Here is this world, splint into three sections, back then the world was still blocked off at points until you progressed in the story. The voice acting was top notch, the presentation out of this world with fully realized radio stations and talk shows. One station simply played the Scarface soundtrack which quickly became my go to station. But what made the game special was the freedom, the freedom to drive anywhere, kill anyone, shoot anything and have the game world react accordingly. Gun fights, car chases, helicopter fights, assassinations, done in a way we have never seen before, it was breathtaking at the time.

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Now we jump ahead a generation and skip the best games in the series for a later time. GTA4 is one of the most hyped games of all time and had one of the strangest review reaction with critics battling to see who could heap the most praise on the game "its the godfather of video games!" Well the gamer reaction was not as congratulatory, GTA4 had issues, it wasn't the dream game we thought it could be. It had the graphics, Liberty City is now recreated in as a stunning recreation of NYC. The world comes alive in so many ways, there are in game cellphones and you can surf a fake internet and have fake stocks and even watch fake TV or go to a fake comedy show. It is chock-full of features, all of which don't make the gameplay any better, for all they added the fun of simply playing the game seemed to take a hit. Movement was slugglish, driving was too heavy and tons of features, vehicles and weapons featured in SA is now missing. For all it's great advancements in creating a living world and giving a more grounded story it felt like a step back. And yet when compared to others of the same genre it's still unmatched.

I put well over 100 hours into GTA4 and loved it. I watched Republican Space Rangers with Nico's cousin. I didn't mind going on virtual dates. It was very engrossing and when it came down to the action GTA still did it better than most. The Heat inspired bank heist was a big highlight and so was Nico's story of betrayal. It's a great game it just doesn't live up to best of the series. Oh we can add Ballad of Gay Tony to this as its better than GTA4s main campaign, that brought the spirit of VC back into the game.

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GTAV was a nice step in the right direction and a clear better game than GTA4. GTAV feature list is insane, I remember forum posts on the GGD listing all the things you can do in this game, it mirrored the lists of features on SA. The three protagonist system is something I loved as well, zapping from one character to another allowed the game to keep feeling fresh, bored of your location check in on what someone else is doing, now you are in a totally different area. Los Santos and the surrounding area was massive, I loved that we got country side as thats the best part of SA, GTAV felt like the fully formed do anything, have tons of things to do game that was missing from GTA4. The only problem is the missions, lots of them were garbage go here grab that. Most were simple missions building up to one of the major "heists" which sadly failed in their promise to be these elaborate custom missions. The hesists were great but there were only like four of them and I think the first one was the best one.

Still I adore the game because it is a blast to mess around. And you can fly a jet again, how many games let you fly a jet, or control a train, or ride a motorcycle onto a train that you are also controlling with another character while a third character is on a helicopter. They could have done so much with this, the template is there, this game should be their best. Trevor is a super memorable character, almost the series' Joker. I loved it all, I just wished it had better missions.

Image result for red dead redemption 1

Image result for red dead redemption 1

I am cheating a bit with Red Dead, yeah I know its a different franchise but it's so similar to GTA I want to lump it in here. RDR1 took everything I loved about GTA and put it in the old west. The freedom of the open country side, riding around on your horse, hunting game or searching for lost treasure. The treasure map hunts were some of my favorite things to do. Just performing tasks to get upgrades felt great, it was a cowboy simulator. John Marsden is a legendary character and it's why RDR stood out so much, the story had twists and turns that would fit perfectly into a western movie. The ending is one of the best in gaming history, it leaves such a strong impression, it's why the game as a whole is so memorable.

Edited: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 06:20:55
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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 08:23:17

I take it Vice City and San Andreas will be making an appearance later on.

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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 12:08:05
Are you sure you don't want to squeeze in a few more there? Maybe Bully and Table Tennis?
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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 13:16:40

Table Tennis is open world.

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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 13:59:35



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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 16:26:27
Given how many copies it's sold, am I the only person in Earth who hasn't played GTAV?
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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 16:40:39
robio said:
Given how many copies it's sold, am I the only person in Earth who hasn't played GTAV?

No. My mom hasn't played it yet. Nyaa

The VG Press

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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 22:55:21

Yeah, your mama.

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Wed, 24 Jul 2019 23:03:20
robio said:
Are you sure you don't want to squeeze in a few more there? Maybe Bully and Table Tennis?


robio said:
Given how many copies it's sold, am I the only person in Earth who hasn't played GTAV?

You've dodged a bullet there.

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Thu, 01 Aug 2019 05:59:53

42. Mass Effect 3

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Oh my god the controversial one! It's so horrible because the last 20 minutes were bad! I played 30 hours of an amazing game but those 20 minutes erased all my memory of all the good stuff and not only ruined this game but the other Mass Effect games too! Thats how stupid people sound when they complain about the ending to Mass Effect 3. So it didn't stick the landing, so what, a shit ton of stories don't. Is Game of Thrones the worst show ever now cause the last season sucked Donkey ass, no. Mass Effect 3 is fantastic, it has moments that shit from space on most games, so I don't want to hear about the damn terrible ending.

Coming off of ME2 which became one of my favorite games of all time and after going back and playing the first game which was trying to be a poor RPG, I was ready for the conclusion. ME3  enhanced the gameplay that was very well done in ME2 and made it work as a shooter, a very good shooter. A shooter with tons of combat options and squad control. The different classes you be change the way you approach any given encounter, I liked being a fake Jedi with wild biotic force powers. I liked the class that let you hack into robotic enemies and turn them against each other. All these cool skills allow the game to get beyond  being just another cover shooter. The combat worked so well that the online horde mode was actually a really fun mode and not just a cash grab, well it was still a cash grab with its microtransactions but it was a fun cash grab.

The core of ME3 is the story of Shepard and your crew, built over two past games now all your choices come to a head and shape the story here. If you got every one killed your cast in ME3 will be filled with the poor mans stunt doubles of those characters totally ruining the story. If you still have the main cast you will get great resolutions for everyone, well except Shepard and the whole MAIN story... moving on. The best happens early on with Mordin Solus final moments in an epic sequence that brings the entire Krogan genophage story to a conclusion that is worthy of being its own award winning story. That sequence had it all and it's everything good about Mass Effect. There are incredible moments with the Geth and Legion, going to their homeworld and playing through a trippy ass environment. Learning about Tali and her family, being involved in their culture. Having to make impossible choices to prepare for the final battle. It's all so well done up until... well you know.

If it stuck the landing this would be right up there with Mass Effect 2, the gameplay improvements alone make it stand out and its why its on this list. Mass Effect is Bioware at their best, maybe not as an RPG developer, which is fine by me cause stats are boring. What they did was make a sci-fi epic, something the game world can look at and say this is our Star Wars.

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Thu, 01 Aug 2019 07:53:07

I played ME3 on WiiU without any prior knowledge of the story, never having played either the first or second game and liked it a lot.  The 'chose your story' commic book thing that covered what happened in the first 2 games was fun and good at getting you up to speed.  I enjoyed every minute of it.  Also, as I wasn't as heavily invested in the series as most, the ending didn't upset me much.  yes

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Thu, 01 Aug 2019 11:56:06
Something is not right.  There’s only one game in the number 42 spot.
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