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Dvader's not exactly 100 Favorite Games of All Time
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Thu, 01 Aug 2019 23:52:06
travo said:
Something is not right.  There’s only one game in the number 42 spot.

He must have split 42 up into different posts so he could give each game a proper write-up.

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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 01:20:46
travo said:
Something is not right.  There’s only one game in the number 42 spot.

LOL wait till the next spot. Oh and my “top 10” (top 20)

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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 03:01:08
Foolz said:

He must have split 42 up into different posts so he could give each game a proper write-up.

So I should expect 42a, 42b, 42c?

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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 03:02:15
travo said:

So I should expect 42a, 42b, 42c?

Exactly, but obviously more of them.

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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:25:40

41. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D World

Finally we have some Super Mario games. This is a varied collection of Mario games, a bunch of Mario games I put in a certain tier, all great. Lets start with the grand daddy of them all.

Image result for super mario bros. 1

Image result for super mario bros. 1

The most important video game ever made, the most influencial, the game probably most responsible for creating life long gamers. I am sure I played some arcade games before having an NES but the first game I really got into is Super Mario Bros. One of my earliest memories is getting an NES a year or so after it launched. We got two games for it, one was the pack in which was SMB and Duck Hunt on the same cartridge with the light gun, the other my dad decided to get Rush N' Attack. I have no idea why. Trust me Rush N' Attack will not appear on this list, you can guess which game I played the most. I can't recall the first time I played it, I don't know when I knew I was good at it, I just know I played it a lot.

My brother would show me all the secrets and that became my method of play, I almost never played SMB1 straight through. I would always jump over the exit in 1-2, go to world 4, in 4-2 hit the blocks and go up the beanstalk to warp to world 8 and try to beat it. Just think of that sentence and how cool it is to have a game so deep that it would have these elaborate secrets that would get whispered about in school playgrounds. Oh how can you forget the infinite 1up trick in 3-1 with the turtle, once again my brother was a pro at it, it took me forever to get the timing down and I can never do it like he did. Super Mario Bros. is filled with memorable secrets and moments that will stay with you.

It's also a perfect controlling platformer, to this day SMB1 might still feel the best to control of any Mario game. Every level impecably designed to be able to speed run through, filled with secrets and great tests of skill. It set the standard that all video games going forward had to match and few did. To this day I play SMB1 once a year or so, it is absolutely timeless. Back in the GBC days Nintendo released SMB Deluxe. a new version of SMB with tons of challenges and remixed levels, easily one of the best Game Boy games ever made.

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Technically I played this on the GBA which served as my SNES. Remember I was a Genesis kid, I completely skipped the SNES and N64 but my sister got a Game Boy color which I played the most on it. I beasically played the SNES games on the GBA and this was one of them. Little did I know I was going to fall in love with such a creative and unqiue platformer. Yoshi's Island nails the balance of great platforming, challenge and secrets. Each stage can be beat the normal way but the true way is to find all the red coins and flowers, each level became a treasure hunt and a large puzzle as some of these secretes required some thinking to reach. The pastel colored art makes the game pop, you can instatly know what is just by the art. This game has so many great levels, superbv bosses and is long, very satisfying. I have no clue what happend with the sequels, they never come close to the impeciable design of this title.

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Groundbreaking, a monumental shift in the gaming landscape and once again it is Mario that sets the standard for all others. The 3D revolution is still the most exciting time in gaming history. Nothing sense has replicated that feeling of the first time you got to move around in a 3D world. No game personified that sense of awe and pure joy of being free in three dimensions than Mario 64. Like an idiot I was stuck with the Saturn and PS1, while they had some 3D games, nothing game close to the fidelity in controls SM64 brought with its analog controls. The first time I saw Mario 64 was in some promotional video Nintendo shipped out, I could not believe what I was seeing, the way mario moved in a circle blew my mind. I had to play it and I got my chance when demos went up at Best Buy, I got to hold the awkward N64 controller in my hand and move Mario in a circle, there was no turning back.Mario would jump, I would jump again just a tad bit higher then jump for a third time as MArio sumersaulted higher and with a flourish. Mario's movements expressed joy, he would hold out his hands as he reached top speed, everything about Mario 64 was built around the player enjoying the act of simply moving about a 3D world.

A sister's friend gave up her N64 around 2000 so thats when I had an N64 to play around with and it came with SM64. I had played it at friends homes so I had an idea of many levels but this was the first time I could sink my teeth into it and get all 120 stars. What a journey it was, every time Mario would jump into a painting I could not wait to see where I would be. Nintendo was at their creative peak with these levels, they were open enough to encourage exploration but the stars were focused enough to require good platforming. It's a balance Nintendo never found again as Sunshine and Oddyseey went way too far in the big open level route. It's crazy how playable SM64 is to this day, seriously go back to games which came out in 1996 and play the best games of that era, see how well they hold up. Somehow SM64 controls better and has a better camera than most games do today, it's crazy, Nintendo is run by wizards.

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Mario in 3D is fantastic but trying to replicate the creativity and variety of challenges in the best 2D games into 3D is extremely difficult. Galaxy found the space where it made a perfect hybrid of two Mario styles but even then Galaxy didn't really feel like the 2D Mario's perfectly recreated into 3D. Super Mario 3D World is that game, it's SMB3 in 3D. What started on the 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land, a great game on its own right, really fulfilled it's promise of a 2D style game in 3D with World. These levels are packed to the brim with non stop platfoming, crazy powerups, wild obstacles, the variety simply never stops. The new items join the ranks of the best Mario powerups, cat suit has so many great uses. This game even has coop which I never played but man is that great for families to play together. The Wii U was starved for games, SM3DW is at the very top of the Wii U best games list.

Edited: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:38:12
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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 05:34:44

Next up a game in a genre that has not been on the list and will only appear in this one soot.

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Fri, 02 Aug 2019 17:45:58
I played through 3Dworld only in coop. While it was fun to share it with my other half, I do feel it prohibited me from fully appreciating the craftsmanship the game had to offer.
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Sat, 10 Aug 2019 23:15:18

40. NFL2K1 and ESPN NFL 2K5

Image result for nfl2k1

Image result for nfl2k1

There was a time where I was big into sports video games. All through the 16-bit era Sega was the king of sports games and me being a Sega fan I endulged in plenty of their offerings. I have always been a football fan more than any other sport so Joe Montana Sports Talk Football was my go to football game. I also had Madden but I prefered the presentation of Joe Montana games. I also hplayed plenty of Wolrd Series Baseball, I had Pat Riley Basketball, played some of the NHL games, I really loved sports games. Like many Sega franchises sports took a break during the Saturn only to have a triumphnant return with the Dreamcast. When the Dreamcast was announced the most impressive part about the graphics was the look of NFL2K. I saw a live demo of it at Best Buy and I could not believe my eyes, it looked like a TV broadcast. And so NFL2K was one of the games I got with the Dreamcast.

The sequel promised to be better in every way and offer something groundbreaking, online play. A first for a console sports game, online play in a football game was like a portal into the future. First off the actual game of football was as good as its ever been, NFL2K1's gameplay was top notch and its presentation second to none at the time. Madden could not touch it and thats before you get into online. Online mode was basic, set up rooms and play others. I wanted more and online I found a website that created dedicated 2K1 online leagues where you schedule matches and each player reposts the results to online standings. It was super primitave but oh so exciting. I was not great or anything but I was hooked on these appointment games, they sort of followed the NFL season, once a week, it was one of the best online experiences I had. Part of why I liked it so much is because there was no expectations of voice chat, there was only text. It was just two guys who wanted to play for the fun of it. This was the last time I really played online sports, before it was taken over by the loud obnoxious masses.

Image result for nfl2k5

Image result for nfl2k5

This is the greatest football game ever made. To this day it is still the greatest because Madden can go fuck itself. Sega went third party and they were trying to compete with EA on all fronts, their games were better and EA knew this. Sega in a last ditch effort to take a chunk of the pie from the beast that was Madden was to offer their new NFL game for $20, greatly upsetting the balance of how much to charge for a sports game. Not only that, sega had teamed up with ESPN to have use of all their famous NFL coverage and sportscenter anchors. In terms of presentation NFL2K5 is unmatched, I was blown away at how authentic VC made the season feel by having Chris Berman give you highlights of all the games in your simulated league with the classic music of NFL Primetime playing.

2K5 was also the most feature rich football game at the time. Offering a DEEP franchise mode where you are the owner and control everything about the team from the prices of food at the stadium to all the contracts of your players. You would scout players in the combine to get info on them in preperation for the NFL draft. It has full online leagues, no more paper pencil leagues. Each team had playbooks tailored to fit their playstyles with constant updates to the rosters as the season went on. And it played like a dream, far better controlling than any Madden game.

EA was shook, in response to the exteremely aggressive apporach Sega took, EA decided to simply eliminate the competition by paying for an exclusivity deal with the NFL. It is one of the most infamous moves in video game history, in one day an entire franchise was wiped out. The landscape of sports games was changed forever as EA bought their way into a monopoly. Gone is proper competition that inspires creativity, instead EA took the easy route. I said I would never buy a Madden game ever again and outside some $2 used copy I got and almost never played of a random Madden a few years back, I have kept this promise. Not only did NFL2K die with that exclusivity deal but my love for sports games died as well. I almost never play sports games anymore, my favorite sport held hostage by a shitty company put a bad taste in my mouth.

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Sun, 11 Aug 2019 11:14:33

It always irks me a little that sports games are excluded from most best games ever lists. Glad to see them make yours. WinkWink

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Mon, 26 Aug 2019 05:46:31

39. Ninja Gaiden

Image result for ninja gaiden xbox

Image result for ninja gaiden xbox

After DMC changed the action game landscape there were a few games that tried to enter that sphere and from that emerged what many might say is the best hack and slash action game ever made, Ninja Gaiden. I perfer DMC combat but there is no denying the incredible crqaftmanship that went into this masterpiece of a game. The game world is far more detailed and its a longer game than DMC. The combat feels like it is taken from a fighting game, every hit counts, defense has as big a role as offence. It has expert pacing with new weapons, new environments and a massive army of enemies and bosses to battle at a perfect rate. There is almost nothing to fault with this game, it's a near perfect action game.

Now I was a PS guy of course but NG was one of those Xbox games I saw value in. So when I did get my Xbox this was on the short list of games to buy at launch. And so I did after gflowing reviews, I could not believe the mind blowing graphics and pixel perfect controls. The first area was such a joy to mess around with, running on walls, jumping up waterfalls and getting my ass WHOOPED by the first boss. Yep right away that Nunchuck asshole beats you down and you know this isn't going to be easy. It just gets better and better from there. Really the only reason I don't put this game higher is because the combat system at high level play ends up being about absorbing orbs to power up Ryu to do a charge attack which in turn releases larger essence orbs and gets you a higher score. Hopping around doing the same move over and over is not that fun. That method doesn't work on bosses so the integrity of the best battles remain unharmed. Regardless this is an action game classic.

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Sat, 31 Aug 2019 05:10:24

38. Deus Ex

Image result for deus ex

Image result for deus ex 1

It was the summer in the early 2000s and Blockbuster Video was selling a summer game pass where you pay one fee and get to rent as many games as you want. I was all over that deal and its when I played all sorts of weird games I never would have. One day while browsing the PS2 section I came upon Deus Ex. I vaguely knew of it, for the most part I knew it was very highly regarded in the PC world, a world I was not part of. So I rented Deus Ex on the PS2, yes I played one of the best PC games ever made on the PS2. The port was solid so I still got the full Deus Ex experience and what an eye opening experience it was.

There weren't games with this level of freedom on consoles. I was in awe of what I could do in this game, every room had things to look at, or hack, read, talk to someone and your dialogue choices had real impact. Games for me were game like, you have a level you fight shit, move on to the next. This felt like a cyberpunk simulation and I could do what I want. I could kill my boss, now that would lead to a death as the entire base would go on lockdown and hunt me down but I could still do it.  It opened my mind to a whole different level of interaction that is possible in gaming.

What a game it is, I love scifi so I was hooked in the adventure of JC Denton and area 51, aliens, men in black, it was perfect. The way the story was told was so great. Dialogue alone could cover the main story but hidden on computers and side quests are lots of supplimental material that makes the world feel lived in. The side quests were fantastic, every location had plenty to do and see, almost playgrounds to explore your skill set which ever skills you chose to master.

This was the first time I played a game with the Deus Ex method of mission design, create a level where one could sneak in, one could brute force their way in, or one could hack their way in. The key to all aspects of Deus Ex was to have options, all of them valid, all leading to slightly different outcomes.

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Sat, 31 Aug 2019 05:35:24

37. Shadow of the Colossus

Image result for shadow of the colossus

Image result for shadow of the colossus ps2

Official PS magazine used to have demo discs every month of some new Sony games, demo discs remember those!!! Many of my favorite gaming moments came from a demo disc and this is one those. One issue that I needed to have had SOTC on the cover and our first chance to play this epic scale game that looked mind blowing in previews. I went to Barnes and Noble, got my copy, came home had that excited feel to try out this new epic. Right from the start I was in awe, you know me I love bug fantasy worlds and I love boss fights, well this was a game of boss fights, fights that are actually giant puzzles. So I get on the horse and go outside the temple and I could not believe the scale. Sure it's empty but the world has character, just the entrance of the temple envokes imagery of Zelda 2. The demo tells me you can hold up your sword to find the direction of the next colossus, what a freaking cool way to guide the player. Sword in the air, the sun light gleeming off of it sending a brilliant flash of light toward the distance, it's adventure personified. So I ride to a valley, whle riding I mess with the controls and found all sorts of horse tricks that are possible like standing on the horse, really cool stuff.

Then I reached the first colossus and that music begins to swell up, the colossi stands and it's almost mind blowing. Here you are riding underneath this things legs and its swinging club at you that shakes the ground and the controller. The sense of scale unlike anything I have played, I find a spot to jump on on the leg and up I go, climing the beast. After the first stab the fight enters the next phase and that MUSIC starts to play. I know every note of that song by heart, this game has a soundtrack that stays with you as much as the unforgettable gameplay moments do.  I felled the beast and felt no remorse, I was thirlled, I needed more, what a demo.

Of course I got the full game day one and now the journey has some context with a large opening sequence and some insight as to why you need to kill these colossi. And off I went on an unforgettable journey, each colossi different than the next. Always a little platforming to get to the boss, then the battle itself a puzzle that needs to be pealed layer by layer. Sometimes they were screen filling monsters, others smaller fast based battles. The variety blew my mind, the sand colossus in particular was everything I ever wanted in a dragon battle, having to find a way onto a flying beast from a horse is thrilling, I want zelda to do this! There was the huge fighting pit that went down and down with the lizard colossus that would climb the walls. The giant sea monster colossus that drags you into its giant lagoon. A colosseum in ruins with a gigantic colossus guarding it.

16 epic bosses, 16 diverse locations, 16 setpieces where any one would be the most incredible exciting moment in any other game. The world didn't have to be filled with icons and mindless activities, the world simply had to serve as the vehicle to get you to these moments. Exploring allowed some respite, moments of reflextion and yes you could hunt a lizard for some extra health. It was beautiful with it's minimalist quality and all of it worked to feed into this story of a man all alone, desperate to bring back his love, so much so that he was the bad guy murduring creatures who are just going about their life. It's incredible, all of it, such a masterpiece in every way. When you finish the game you get some quality extras, this is part of why I love SOTC, while it is very artsy it knows it is a video game. The extras allow for new gear and ways to tackle each colossi. I wish we had developers who would focus on a vision that had such a clear goal, no need to bloat the game with excess timewasting garbage, a focused 16 hour game is better than a 40 hour repetitive game.

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Sat, 31 Aug 2019 08:04:50
I still need to play SoC one day.  All the team Ivo games in fact.
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Sat, 31 Aug 2019 23:08:45

It's hard to remember Deus Ex was on PS2...

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Sun, 01 Sep 2019 01:19:15
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Sun, 01 Sep 2019 03:41:09

I also played Deus Ex on PS2. Wasn't this another game that started out as a Dreamcast port like Half Life?

While graphically it was pretty shit & looked like an N64 game, the gameplay was fantastic. I believe this was another game I picked up only because of EGM magazine's reviews.

Always found it bizarre that this wasn't ported to Xbox....just like Half Life, actually. While the sequels to both were Xbox console exclusives.


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Sun, 01 Sep 2019 17:29:35

I played Deus Ex on PC back in the day.

I decided to download it from today. I also installed the latest version of GMDX mod mentioned in that DF Retro video. It looks and feels like I remember it. yes

Edited: Sun, 01 Sep 2019 17:30:04

The VG Press

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Sun, 01 Sep 2019 18:15:47
Ravenprose said:

I played Deus Ex on PC back in the day.

I decided to download it from today. I also installed the latest version of GMDX mod mentioned in that DF Retro video. It looks and feels like I remember it. yes

The Deus Ex Revision mod is great.

Edited: Sun, 01 Sep 2019 18:48:08


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Sat, 07 Sep 2019 04:32:11

36. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and 5: Skyrim

Image result for oblivion game

Image result for oblivion game

Well I just spent a good amount of posts discussing why I love these games in a different thread, amazing timing, lol. Obviously I'm a console gamer, I was not into RPGs at all until FFVII and then it was just JRPGs. So this whole PC WRPG was alien to me but looked super cool. Enter Morrowind for Xbox, my first Bethesda game and first look into this incredible game that allows so much freedom in what to do. Now I had Morrowind basic, which came with no way to track quests, it was a disorganized mess. I had a piece of paper that I shoved into the game box with all the quests I was currently doing, who gave me the quest and where to go after I completed it because the stupid game would not tell you (well it did in a giant journal thats useless). So for as blown away at the freedom I was, I was also frustrated at the lack of simple quality of life features that any normal game should have. Then there was the almost game breaking shit you could do. So I found a spell that lets you levitate, you can literally fly anywhere in the game. I found this floating city, beautiful location so I levitated to some parts of the city where I guess I was not supposed to be at, so guards would come at me, and I killed one in self defense. Now I am wanted by EVERYONE, guards way higher level than me want me dead the second I step foot in this THE MAIN CITY of the game. All the major quests are there and I cant step foot in without being brutally murdered. I also screwed up my save file so I couldnt go to one before I became wanted. The game was practically broken for me, I dont remember why I couldnt just go to jail or whatever but I tried and failed. So I quit the game.

But thats kind of the fun, just how so damn free it was that I broke my game through playing. Enter Oblivion, a major launch window game for the 360. The hype for this game was huge, it was the game to get for the 360 early on and reviews hailed it as an RPG masterpiece, more so cause it finally fixed all those issues Morrowind had. It wasn't an obtuse CRPG, it had console sensibilites meaning it was playble. Sure some RPG elements were toned down, I don't care, I'm not here to Min/Max my character, or pick one class or any of that crap. I just want to explore, do everything, be everything and have fun, thats what Oblivion was. Now I had an issue cause I didn't have a 360 until many years later, so guess what I did... waited for the PS3 version. And do you guys remember how PS3 ports were early on that gen, they were disasters. And yet I played through a game where one glitch made it so I could not touch water. Literally if I stepped into a puddle my character would explode. So I took that as a new challenge, I won't touch water, lets do this.

What an adventure though, that first moment when you step out of the jail and see this gorgeous green lush tree filled world to explore. Every direction available, no choice a wrong one, just go and interesting things will happen... well sometimes you just kill rats in a cellar... but many other times interesting things happen. Ghosts haunting a person, joining one of the many guilds and getting involved in conspiracies, becoming an assassin. The main story was ok, it involved Oblivion gates and entering that hell scape, they got very repetitive as they were all mostly the same. I almost ruined my playthrough because of the horrible level scaling system which locked me into a higher tier of difficulty way way sooner than I should at a crucial story moment, under powered when an army of spider demons attack a city and I had to survive it. I could have lowered the difficulty and I may have a bit but I still played it like a challenge mode and came up with some genius ways to slowly kill them one by one. That kind of improvisation made the combat fun. Oblivion was the first Bethesda game I played from start to finish and I was in love with this kind of game.

Image result for skyrim ps3

Image result for skyrim ps3

A few years later, in that same generation (remember when developers didnt need 6 years to make a game?!), came Skyrim. An even bigger critical darling, even more people calling it the greatest RPG world ever created. It was also even more streamlined to play better at the expense of hardcore RPGing, again i don't care. It played better, had better combat, it ran far better than Oblivion on PS3, and it packed a better main stories with dragons. Dragons are awesome. Most of the same praise applies here, Skyrim is not winning any innovation awards, it just took what was done before and refined it. It's still hundreds of hours worth of quality exploration and storytelling. I actually want to return to this game because I missed an entire city, the game is massive. But I am afraid to get hooked in again, these games suck your life for 100 hours. I cannot wait for TES6 and the world they will be able to make in next gen.

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Sat, 07 Sep 2019 04:35:07

Man these games are getting so good. Now we are getting into the masterpieces. I wonder what you will say when its all done and think if I left something out, which I don't think I did.

Next up, a dead franchise that I would love to come back.

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