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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:09:23

I can't help but be very disappointed with what was shown.  Really, everybody was screaming for loads and loads of software, and all they gave us was more of what we already knew, in some cases even the same footage...  The new Mario also looks very mundane when compared to SMG, something I predicted long ago.  I like what they're doing with MK8 though.  Reminds me of F-zero.

It's hard to admit, being a longtime Nintendo loyalist, but they have turned into the Mario company after all.  Where's the love for their arcade racers?  No F-Zero, ExciteSomething, WaveRace?

I'll pick up Pikmin 3 though.  And MK8, the Viewtifull 101 and Bayonetta 2.  Mario World will depend on how heavily it's focused on multiplayer.  Definitely getting X, but that's still way off...

Also, I do not like being here.  Phantom_Leo only managed to lure me in by telling me GamingGeek was here  angry

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:33:12

I still can't believe Nintendo has no Metroid to show from ANYONE....either Retro or another Team Ninja game.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:42:15
edgecrusher said:

I still can't believe Nintendo has no Metroid to show from ANYONE....either Retro or another Team Ninja game.

Other M kind of got trashed by a lot of people. Not RE6 trashed, but it got a lot of 7's and I think it was the first big Nintendo title to score under an 8 on Metacritic for quite some time. It was also a turd saleswise for Nintendo. They may be giving the franchise a little time to breathe, and they're definitely not letting Team Ninja touch it again.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:03:04

Other M can be found for five bucks new, Mario Galaxy is STILL at least twenty. (I actually enjoyed it myself)

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:44:00
Randolph said:

Other M can be found for five bucks new, Mario Galaxy is STILL at least twenty. (I actually enjoyed it myself)

You know the same thing happened during the GC era. Metroid Prime could be found in bargain bins for $5 a pop while Mario Sunshine was still going for at least $30 assuming you could even find a copy of it years after both had been released.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:45:47

On a completely different subject I'd love to see someone else take the reigns for DK after this game and come up with something similar to Jungle Beat. Even the controls on the New Play Control version made it one of my favorite DK games of all time.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:49:05

According to Retro Studios president and CEO Michael Kelbaugh, the developer chose to work on a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns rather than Metroid as its first Wii U title. Kelbaugh stated that the team made the tough decision after realising that it had "unfinished business" with Nintendo's number one gorilla.

I call bullshit! They know which one made them more money, the end.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:50:55
Yeah probably. I bet they're even getting some nice residuals on DKCR for the 3DS.
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:53:16
The one thing that we can probably all count on is just like last year Nintendo is likely to have a Nintendo Direct a few months down the line that will blow their E3 showing out of the water.
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 01:04:45
SupremeAC said:

Also, I do not like being here.  Phantom_Leo only managed to lure me in by telling me GamingGeek was here  angry

Whatever works!  Nyaa

I'm glad you stopped by though. Like I said, you don't have to quit GS or the VU or anything, just know that we are here if you should want to come and visit!

Edited: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 01:05:40
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 02:06:03

Kotaku Editor describing the Villager from Smash Bros. Wii U:

"The m.o. of the Villager from Animal Crossing. He can "collect" anyone's ranged attack and hurl it right back at them—including Samus' charge shot. So don't take him lightly. The Villager looks like he will beat you over the head, burn your house down and rob your corpse."

That pic is clever, sick, funny and disturbing all at the same time...


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 02:58:57

Geez, with the Wii's Smash, we got Snake and Sonic.  With the U we get...The Villager!

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:25:49
travo said:

Geez, with the Wii's Smash, we got Snake and Sonic.  With the U we get...The Villager!

I suspect I will end up liking him more than Snake though.
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 04:46:48
I'm confused by vader's reaction.  This is what I expected from everyone pretty much -- a really boring, uninspired show.  Microsoft showed nothing interesting; I've already pretty much forgotten the entire thing.  Sony had the best showing, but is FFXV having the best trailer of the night really that big?  Destiny looked like the gaming equivalent of watching Ubisoft's conference.

Nintendo's wasn't terrible, it was just too little.  Their video was much shorter than the other's and it was felt, as there was less shown.  I find it hard to be excited by another Mario Kart, a Mario game with the gimmick of being a cat (?) thrown in, and to some extent another Smash Bros. (please no tripping!), but I was hyped a bit by the Mega-man showing, particularly as I had hoped to see him in Brawl, plus the iconic Dr. Wily's Castle music.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 06:57:59
Yodariquo said:
I'm confused by vader's reaction.  This is what I expected from everyone pretty much -- a really boring, uninspired show.  Microsoft showed nothing interesting; I've already pretty much forgotten the entire thing.  Sony had the best showing, but is FFXV having the best trailer of the night really that big?  Destiny looked like the gaming equivalent of watching Ubisoft's conference.

Nintendo's wasn't terrible, it was just too little.  Their video was much shorter than the other's and it was felt, as there was less shown.  I find it hard to be excited by another Mario Kart, a Mario game with the gimmick of being a cat (?) thrown in, and to some extent another Smash Bros. (please no tripping!), but I was hyped a bit by the Mega-man showing, particularly as I had hoped to see him in Brawl, plus the iconic Dr. Wily's Castle music.

Lets say I didnt expect anything except what Nintendo announced they would show, even then I would say Nintendo's showing was garbage. Forget the lack of surprises, it is how boring and uninspired the major games they were supposed to show looked. I though we were getting a new groundbreaking Mario game. A game that defines a console, an entire generation. No matter what Nintendo did at E3 I knew I would at least get a Mario so it would be ok. But what happend we got THAT. That is not the Mario we wanted, that is just another form of NSMB, uninspired sequel pumping Nintendo.By far the biggest disappointment of the show.

Then there was the Retro game. Again whatever they would show it would be amazing cause its RETRO! Whether it be a new Metroid or Star Tropics or any other big nintendo franchise we knew it would be stunning. Instead we get the last thing anyone ever wanted, a direct cash in sequel to DKCR that still looks like a Wii game.

Its not that they failed to deliver a bunch of games, it is that nintendo failed to deliver on the core games their entire history is based on. I bought a Wii U not for third parties, not for a giant great library. I got it only for Mario, metroid and Zelda. Everything else is a perk. Well Mario just failed me. Zelda WWHD was a total lie. And there is no Metroid yet. This is horribly disappointing. Sorry but I expect not just great games from Nintendo but greatest game of all time level games from Nintendo and if they are not going to deliver than then this system is not worth it.

Edited: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 06:58:45
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 08:30:27
I think my question is more why you are so hostile towards Nintendo in stark contrast to your reception of Sony and even Microsoft, while everyone's presentations were bad.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:13:41

Mario 3D World looks like it's built on Mario 3D Land, and that was a stellar game, and a fair bit different than the NSMB's.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:15:05

The lack of online is amazingly stupid though, I will never get to actually use the multiplayer on that game now, and that sucks.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:53:26

I kind of agree with Dvader on this one.  The WW is a step back from it's innitial showing, and it's not even an original game.  It's like they said to themselves "we can't rework all the assets in time for a timely release, so screw that, we'll just keep everything the same".  Mario 3D world will not sport tightly designed levels, as it's both a 3D game and a multiplayer game, 2 aspects that are not beneficiary to level design, and Retro insists on creating another game featuring that crappy Diddy Kong.  Now I get that nothing could have stomped the concept that were the Galaxy games, but it doesn't seem to me that they tried much to begin with.

I did like the other showings though, especially MK8.  However, it was much too little.  They better have a kick-ass direct scheduled for the next couple of months, because here they were only preaching to the converted, and even those aren't reaffirmed in their beliefs.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 11:07:45
Dvader said:

Nintendo games used to be graphical showcases, even Wii had its moments with Galaxy and Skyward Sword pushing the limits. Nothing like that from Nintendo here (well their main first party, X is crazy amazing). Yeah I know Metroid and Zelda are their "graphical" showcases, but honestly who knows what is happening with Metroid?

Pikmin 3s' new trailer looks graphically great, Nintendoland is great, Mario Kart, X. I think Smash is lazy but I think Namco is making it as the Brawl studio was dissolved. It's possible the new DKC was made for Wii and ported over like Radiant Dawn or Super Paper Mario were meant to be cube games.

I don't think any Nintendo games have really been graphical showcases other than Metroid Prime and Zelda. Galaxy was lucky. F-Zero GX was great but that is Amusement Vision, Nintendo's F-zero was always fairly meh graphically. But pause a moment and think, the U isn't even a year old yet and by the end of this year Retro will have finished DKC and EAD Tokyo will have finished Mario 3D World. There are 4 more years for those guys to make the next Metroid and Mario Universe. We are still very early in the lifespan of this console so I cannot get into panic mode in regards to first party yet.

I also think it's fundamentally wrong to slap down Nintendo for doing what everyone else is doing, sticking to what they know. There are sooooo many games shown at E3 that are either sequels or new IP with the same gameplay in other games, it's somewhat off kilter. I am still going to wait and see what the new, proper Zelda is going to look like. There is little to no innovation in DKC or Smash though, I would have preferred a 3D DK64 like game.

With Windwaker, it's an HD port/remake and it does have new features, I posted them before, quite a few additional things. But it's an HD port with improved graphics, I think when you see the comparison screens you will be surprised. It's sort of like the GC ports of OOT and Majora, I don't see it as a new game new experience. It is what it is.

Archangel3371 said:
Yeah I watched the WW trailer in HD. I skipped the N Direct itself and just watched all the game trailers in HD instead. It looks nice and clean but it's still just a GC game in the other aspects ie. polycount etc. Of course I wasn't expecting a remake or anything but it's certainly not something that makes my jaw drop in this day and age hence why I think it looks 'ok'.

Yeah, well it's a GC game.

I still think it looks better. Not sure what increasing the polycount would do for this kind of artstyle?

edgecrusher said:

Having MegaMan in Smash Bros is sooo much better than having a new Megaman game made by ex Metroid Prime developers named Project Maverick...

You really liked that thing?

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