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Final Fantasy XIII Impressions, Discussion.
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Fri, 12 Mar 2010 21:02:16

Played some more, still not very far but I still have the same complaints. I still feel like I am not doing much. Plus everything is so simplified. No Magic points, no ally control, an AI system that always chooses the best attack for you so you don't have to think much. Here is a typical battle for me. If it is an enemy I don't know I use libra, now the AI knows its weakness so it always chooses the best attacks. Depending on the character they are either using spells or physical attacks, no MP so the only thing it is reading is which will do more damage. On my character I usually just hit auto attack cause the AI calculates if a physical attack will do more damage than a magic one, it always chooses correctly. Then as my health goes down I switch to the healers, heal up, then switch back. I still haven't gotten to where buffs are a big part so we shall see. The only control I usually imput on my main character is sometimes stopping the ATB bar short cause I can get a hit in quicker that may stagger or kill the enemy. Also the action on screen is flying so quickly, numbers are popping up all over the place, I can't really tell who is doing what damage and so I am mostly focused on the bars on the screen.

Everything seems so much easier. The leveling up system is more of a straight path, there might be one or two upgrades that branch out but it is nothing like the sphere grids of the last two games. I already leveled up Snow completely, what do I do now. I guess I have to wait till the game allows me to ugrade further.

My management of the team usually revolves around knowing what spells each character has and noticing what weaknesses the enemies in the area have. So I put the spell guys on ravage. The game chooses my party for me so I can't even customize that. In other FF games it seemed like each character had specific roles and it was up to you to mix them well and chose all the actions in a fight for them to do well. Now each character can almost do the same things as everyone else, you only control one and give general orders, while the compute decides all the actions in the fight.

It's so different, I like to be hands on. I like to be in control. This game isn't letting me. It's still so beautiful though.

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Fri, 12 Mar 2010 23:29:07
^ I don't know how far you are, but the characters do have certain roles. Hope eventually becomes the guy with some of the skills you are looking for. He is a Synergist and he has access to Protect and Shell.

You DO know you can design your own Paradigms, right? You can make one with Lightning in Ravager and Hope in Synergist, for example (if that isn't a default, that is). You can assign roles at least, if not control them directly.

I just fought my first Eidolon and it's eventually going to add "Gestault Mode" as an option in the fight. What that is exactly I don't know, but it's going to change the dynamics of the fights.

I know you don't have as much control as you would like, but the game seems to be adding more and more elements to the battles as you play further. More strategy is introduced as you play on.

Besides that, there's so much more to the game that I haven't even tapped yet. (1)We're gathering materials for some reason. Is that eventually going to lead to weapon forging? (2)Have you noticed the weapons and items have experience levels associated to them? Are we going to learn skills and such from them eventually?

I guess we'll see!
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 00:49:11

phantom_leo said:
^ I don't know how far you are, but the characters do have certain roles. Hope eventually becomes the guy with some of the skills you are looking for. He is a Synergist and he has access to Protect and Shell.

You DO know you can design your own Paradigms, right? You can make one with Lightning in Ravager and Hope in Synergist, for example (if that isn't a default, that is). You can assign roles at least, if not control them directly.

I just fought my first Eidolon and it's eventually going to add "Gestault Mode" as an option in the fight. What that is exactly I don't know, but it's going to change the dynamics of the fights.

I know you don't have as much control as you would like, but the game seems to be adding more and more elements to the battles as you play further. More strategy is introduced as you play on.

Besides that, there's so much more to the game that I haven't even tapped yet. (1)We're gathering materials for some reason. Is that eventually going to lead to weapon forging? (2)Have you noticed the weapons and items have experience levels associated to them? Are we going to learn skills and such from them eventually?

I guess we'll see!

Yeah I have noticed all that. It took 3 hours just to be allowed to earn EXP. The structure is so weird. There are tutorials and then there is just guiding a player as if he is a 3 year old.

I just showed a friend of mine the combat he was shocked at how automatic it all was. This describes basically every fight so far:

1. Fight starts if I dont have the enemies info I cast libra.
2. Once I have the bio then I just cast auto-battle and the computer chooses the best attacks for me.
3. If I get hurt I switch paradigms to healer, switch back when healed.
4. Win.

There is no managing party members. No worring about the damage you take cause you are instantly healed after each fight. No magic points to worry about so no choices to make on whether magic would be best.  Why waste a potion when cure costs nothing, well potion does effect all teamates. No choice for you to make cause the computer will always choose the best attacks for you when you auto-battle. Just pick which enemy to attack and watch the coolness. I'm still waiting for something to come in and really make me think in battle.

I then took a tour of FF games, trying them out to remember the different combat styles. FFX was really complicated, obviously I don't remember much but there was a lot of things going on. FFXII had the more Bioware type combat but at least I could take control of any party member at any time. FFVII, classic back and forth slow combat, I miss it, I actually miss it. I get what they were trying to do, speed everything up, but at what cost.

And yet I still enjoy playing the game, so freaking beautiful.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:05:48
But where are you in the game?
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:19:37

phantom_leo said:
But where are you in the game?

Entered this temple after coming from the frozen lake. Tell me I am close to something that adds to the combat.

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:20:05
...cause where I am the Attack, Switch to Healer, Attack strategy just AIN'T working!

Many different roles and Paradigms have been opened up and the game has gotten TOUGH!

If you don't power up the correct skills, you could easily find yourself in trouble!
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:26:23

Dvader said:

phantom_leo said:
But where are you in the game?

Entered this temple after coming from the frozen lake. Tell me I am close to something that adds to the combat.

You're getting there! After that temple, you'll switch to Snow and get your first Eidolon.

That's kind of cool, but you aren't able to use Her yet.

After THAT part, when you go back to Lighting and Co. is when you can level up the Crystarium more and the roles become critical in battle. You also get more Paradigms at that point and you REALLY have to choose wisely!

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:51:04

phantom_leo said:

Dvader said:

phantom_leo said:
But where are you in the game?

Entered this temple after coming from the frozen lake. Tell me I am close to something that adds to the combat.

You're getting there! After that temple, you'll switch to Snow and get your first Eidolon.

That's kind of cool, but you aren't able to use Her yet.

After THAT part, when you go back to Lighting and Co. is when you can level up the Crystarium more and the roles become critical in battle. You also get more Paradigms at that point and you REALLY have to choose wisely!

I will try to get to that part tonight, I so want to enjoy the combat. The way it is paced with how it slowly teaches you the combat is terrible. It is way to slow. Or maybe they should have an option for those that want the full battle system available at the start, let me play like a normal RPG, leveling up and such from the beginning.

Edited: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 01:53:44
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:22:56
Oh no.

Seems like FFXIII is killing some older PS3s. Of course it could be coincidence but yikes. If GoW3 kills my PS3 it died a good death. If FFXIII kills my PS3 I will hate FFXIII for the rest of my life. I better stop playing and make sure I finish GoW3 first. Nyaa
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:25:31
You'll just have to trust me for now that it gets better.

You'll find yourself controlling different lead characters as the game progresses. Sometimes you'll focus on all out attack. Sometimes you'll be the support person, casting Faith and Vigilance (upping Magic and Dexterity), for example.

The battle system fits with the cinematic nature of the rest of the game. Sometimes you'll be Lightning fighting the enemy up close and personal. Sometimes you'll be Sazh, powering up Lightning, watching her kick ass from afar. It gives you all perspectives of the battles and I think it is kind of cool.

You'll have to learn what each of the Jobs do soon enough, and YES, you'll get more levels to the Crystarium too. Switching between Paradigms and having the correct Job on the field will have to become something you can do VERY quickly!

I actually find the way they introduce things kinda necessary, and the battles get more clever and difficult to match the pace in equal time.

One other thing, soon you'll be sneaking up on enemies and interrupting while they fight each other and ganging up on the more powerful ones --OR-- cleaning up the dregs left behind. It makes it feel a bit more modern-MMO-like in that respect.
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:30:43

Dvader said:

...maybe they should have an option for those that want the full battle system available at the start, let me play like a normal RPG, leveling up and such from the beginning.

Alright, I wasn't going to ruin it, but you forced my hand. As it turns out. The game you are playing right now is actually one looong tutorial. Once finishing IT, it actually unlocks the REAL FFXIII as a bonus!

"Congratulations! You've unlocked the Real game!"


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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:36:24

phantom_leo said:

Dvader said:

...maybe they should have an option for those that want the full battle system available at the start, let me play like a normal RPG, leveling up and such from the beginning.

Alright, I wasn't going to ruin it, but you forced my hand. As it turns out. The game you are playing right now is actually one looong tutorial. Once finishing IT, it actually unlocks the REAL FFXIII as a bonus!

"Congratulations! You've unlocked the Real game!"


I hear that is what happens. Like 30 hours in you finally get control and an open game to explore. Only like 25 hours of tutorial to go!

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:50:42
^ I was making reference to a conversation between you and Yoda in your HOUR long "bonus interview material" podcast that was actually longer than the real interview and the podcast in itself!
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:51:29

phantom_leo said:
^ I was making reference to a conversation between you and Yoda in your HOUR long "bonus interview material" podcast that was actually longer than the real interview and the podcast in itself!

I knew I heard that before I just couldn't remember. LOL

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:11:10
About 8hrs in or so...

Still with Lightning and Co. exploring some Ruins...

The Crystarium is now H-U-G-E ! ! ! Gone are the simple circles where you simply power up attributes in a line. Characters get multiple, multiple roles, and HOW you level them gets to be critical! There was one part of the game where I powered up Sazh's Ravager skills rather than his Synergist skills and I found it nearly impossible to kill enemies after that point. He was chip, chip, chipping away at health bars, but not really doing much damage at all. I went back, loaded an earlier save, gave him more Synergy skills and --lo and behold-- his Vigilance, Faith and Bravery skills made all the difference in the world.

Pretty soon, Vader, you're going to have to keep in mind WHO you want your characters to be!

You are given a lot of options, too! I would never picture Lightning in the Medic role, but, sure enough, it eventually opens for her! As it stands right now: Lightning is my Commando/Ravager. Sazh is my Synergist. Vanille is my Medic/Saboteur. Hope is my Ravager/Synergist.

You can choose to upgrade certain Attributes (HP or Strength, for example) in different Job Roles in the Crystarium and THOSE carry through when you pick other jobs on the BattleField --OR-- you can power up one Job at a time and hope for the best!

The Crystarium options are juuust shy of being overwhelming now!

THEN, after getting the HUGE Crystarium, I just unlocked the ability to Upgrade Weapons. The different Components and Materials you are carrying can power-up your weapons and items. I looked at the endless options in front of me, not really seeing HOW to apply the materials best, as their descriptions are not all that helpful, got a bit confuzzled and decided to turn the game off for a few minutes to post this.

Mr. Katz, I expect an update when you awake!


Edited: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:12:19
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 14:04:12
I am SOOO very happy that:

For a game that's FOCUS is the FOCUS, it is extremely FOCUSED!

Maybe that was Squenix' FOCUS when developing it?

The linearity will turn a lot of traditionalists off, but I feel it FOCUSES you more on the story and its telling.

The straight line keeps you on course, keeps you FOCUSED. It allows for no misinterpretation --AND-- just in case you DO get lost you have a database of EVERYTHING to get you back on track!

This all allows for more of a FOCUS on the game world, the character's back-stories and motivation. In sooo many RPG's things get muddled as you plod through each town, get assigned a billion annoying side-quests, read conversations that mostly have NOTHING to do with the plot, that are just added to make it seem like you are in the game's world...

Again, this game keeps you FOCUSED and urges you to just keep pushing ahead!

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 14:08:56
I also REALLY enjoy how the game switched up your party and forces you to REALLY get to know each character WELL!

Just when you think you are getting to be overpowered and things are going to get too easy... BAM! Plot change, someone leaves or the teams split and you have to reFOCUS your strategy. Reminds me of FF2 (SNES) in that respect.

I think the relationships between the characters in THIS game are among the best i've see in a FF! They're natural. They're not forced. They don't agree on everything from the start.

I like the Light and Hope combo.

The Sazh and Vanille combo is a bit disturbing at times. (Vanille climbing the junk heap, Sazh turning towards her and Woah! a disapproving look from Chocobo Chick! Lol!)'s all very natural and VERY well done!
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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 14:12:39
Dvader said:
I am playing Automatic Fantasy 13.

 Isn't that a machine Steel bought when his wife stopped putting out?

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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 15:55:06

Yeah this game is great guys. I'm not using the auto-battle myself by the way. While I'm still very early into the game the combat seems very good and basing what I've heard and seen about it later on in the game I can tell I'm really going to enjoy it.

One question. Should I redeem that code for the bonus item now or later? I want to know how much of an effect it will have on the game and if it might be better to use it on a second playthrough instead.


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Sat, 13 Mar 2010 16:21:36

gamingeek said:
Dvader said:
I am playing Automatic Fantasy 13.

Isn't that a machine Steel bought when his wife stopped putting out?

Worth every penny.

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