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I play 2010 in 2011.
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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 19:31:47

Gamefly is a piece of crap. I sent in DKC Returns in a week ago. I just got the mail for today, no game. I spend more time waiting for a game than actually playing one. I guess its lots of GT5 today.

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 20:34:14

Gamefly does suck. They don't have many distribution centers. THe only way it ever worked for me was to have the 2 games at once system.  Otherwise you'll have down periods of at least a week.

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Wed, 05 Jan 2011 18:02:36

Alright I got PoP Forgotten Sands and am almost finished with it. It's back to the old formula of PoP, which is good in certain ways cause it has constant action and you can die. But I don't know if the formula is played out already or its just me but this game feels way too repetitive. There is so much run on wall, jump to pole, swing off, turn water solid use it to swing to next platform, avoid spikes, jump, rall run up, jump to pole, and over and over. When there is combat its as button mashy as it gets. The game gives you powers to augment your attacks but I find them totally pointless.  Its not a bad game, just a very uninspired one.

Edited: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 18:09:00
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Fri, 07 Jan 2011 01:31:16

PoP is finished and the title of the game is very appropriate cause it is a forgettable game. Its a by the book PoP game, enjoyable as a quick rental but nothing more. I'll write a review later. I am back into RDR now as it will be about a week before I get my next Gamefly game.

Edited: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 01:31:44
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Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:19:51

I just reached Mexico in Red Dead, loved the missions leading up to it. The characters are great and the world is a joy to explore. I am still waiting to see how it holds up for the remainer of the game cause I did feel like the combat was getting repetitive. Though a giant chaingun attack level was a great change of pace.

As always I play some GT5 on the side. Its the perfect game that you can randomly play for a few hours here or there without having to worry about story or anything. I have played it for at least 20 hours and still feel like I have only scratched the surface.

Edited: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 20:23:59
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Tue, 11 Jan 2011 21:04:43

I'm that way with Saint's Row. Whenever I hit a gaming wall I put it in and advance a few missions (I've been doing that since it launched).

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Wed, 12 Jan 2011 21:45:31

I got in Dead Rising 2 today, its a blast so far. I played the orignal way back on my brothers 360 and enjoyed it but my last experience was with the terrible Wii version and that left a bad taste in my mouth. Its nice to see that the formula works when the controls dont suck and there are a million zombies around. I love how intense the game is as you are always being timed on something. The problem is  cant find time to just mess around the world, I have all these cool weapons I can make but I dont have time to make them. Escorting survivors is much easier now, they aren't idiots and they have much more health.

Its a really fast paced kind of game which is different from RDR where I can take my time to explore the world. I have a few days to beat it, shouldn't be a problem.

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Thu, 13 Jan 2011 18:24:56

I have come to the conclusion that Dead Rising 2 is DR1 with a few tweaks, reskinned locations, and online features. The map is almost the same as the first game, its like seeing Hyrule in different Zelda games, its the same map but the locations looks different.  That is not a bad thing, they kept all the good of Dead RIsing and fixed some of the issues. Really fun game.

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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 12:14:42

Slowly getting into RDR.  Playing about an hour or two here and there.  I think it's still very early days as the plot has not got very involved yet.  I'm alternating between tasks for Miss McFarlan and the Warden.  Not feeling the game too much yet, but i'm sure it will only get better.


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Mon, 17 Jan 2011 04:26:55

I finished the main story in Dead Rising 2 and now starting overtime. I enjoyed it a lot, its simply a fun game. Sure there are plenty of issues but I cant deny the raw joy that comes from beating up zombies in crazy ways.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 00:28:47

I am in the final moments of Red Dead. I have not finished the game I am in what I assume to be the final missions, which are very strange to say the least. Can I do open spoilers, I guess so, that was your warning if you dont want to read, I am at the family ranch. I love the fact that you spend time with the family and you get to know the characters you have been hearing about all game. It is truly something different. That said the flip side is that the final missions suck major balls. I am cow herding... after I have killed thousands of bad dudes, saved the lives of many whores, and single handedly shifted Mexico's balance of power. I prefer this kind of story telling to happen at the start of my games not at the end of it, the end should have the best missions. That said I still appreciate what they are doing cause it really is unique, lets see what the payoff is (though I have an idea cause of all the damn spoilers on message boards).

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 05:10:20

FInished it, wow! One of the greatest endings to a game ever. I love what they did with it, very bold.

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Tue, 01 Feb 2011 06:13:24

Told you.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 06:59:47

I avoided your spoilers, I'll read your review.  I guess I should buy this one...(I see the score you gave it).

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 21:57:51

I think Mass Effect 2 might beat out Galaxy 2 as my 2010 GOTY.

I posted this on GS last night:

This game is blowing me away. My inner sci-fi geek is doing backflips, I have never seen such a beautiful sci-fi world in a game before. I spent over an hour just exploring my ship and it was one of the coolest things I have done in a game. The level of detail and care that went into creating and fleshing out this world is unmatched.

I played some more just now and wrote this:

This game is SOOOOOOO awesome. I find the combat to be really engaging even though I am playing what is basically the most simple class. I love how Bioware has simplified items to basically nothing but health pack and clips, I hate it when I have an inventory of a hundred items I will never use and Bioware were one of the most guilt of this. All the fat is cut out and only the best aspects of a Bioware game remain. I dont want to stop playing.

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:15:17

Whadya think of that opening sequence?

It probably has a bit less impact if you didn't play the first game, but still...

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:18:30
phantom_leo said:

Whadya think of that opening sequence?

It probably has a bit less impact if you didn't play the first game, but still...

I certainly never saw that coming.  Why did the PS3 get ME2, but not 1?

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:20:35

I believe Microsoft Studios publised ME1, so legally, they CAN'T put it on PS3.

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:23:03

Beginning was the very definition of EPIC --BUT-- they probably did it to give console gamers the option to design the look of their own Shepard.

Still, no complaints from me!

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Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:25:23
phantom_leo said:

Beginning was the very definition of EPIC --BUT-- they probably did it to give console gamers the option to design the look of their own Shepard.

Still, no complaints from me!

*Shudders to think about what happens to Shepherd in the third one to give players the option.*

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